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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. This is not possible in the default software, but this should be doable with 3rd party customization. I believe @Nathan Explosion has an app that can do something similar...
  2. EDIT: Nevermind. Looks like you did it through the UI! I misread statement. Thought you were editing httpd.conf manually. 😄
  3. This sounds like your host is not recognizing index.php as a default file. This is typically set through the DirectoryIndex directive in httpd.conf DirectoryIndex index.html index.php By the way... https://hosangit.net/index.php If you specifically add the index.php, it works. So yes... this is a config issue within your server. Either you've got an existing index.htm(l) file that is being called first, or you don't have index.php as a default file. 🙂
  4. In that case, I might look at antivirus software or other firewall software running on the device that could be intercepting requests. Heck even adblockers as it could be blocking the IPS JS.
  5. I would suggest the user try a different device such as a mobile device and also try from a different location such as a hotspot or Starbucks etc. Hopefully it will help them narrow further where their specific issue is at.
  6. Those need to be set as nameservers not as A records or CNAMEs. You should not be doing DNS lookups when setting a name server. You may need to ask your registrar for assistance in setting your name servers.
  7. You would have a member group (say “members”) that receive the experience that contains ads. You also have another group for your subscribers (say “VIP Members” or just “Subscribers”). Using the subscription rules, if someone purchases a subscription they’re moved into that new subscribers group automatically that does not have the ads included. If the subscription is ended, it can be even configured to automatically move the person back to their original group. Take a look at the following guide for more details: This is doable, but not done automatically within the software. You could certainly add the HTML code to do it within your theme relatively easily. In addition to subscriptions (which are recurring), you can also make one time sales such as what you described. See the following guide: Based on the traffic you were describing, unless you had a very specialized niche that had valuable ad keywords, ads lately are not enough to live off of alone most likely. You need huge traffic volumes to really be truly profitable. But it could certainly augment an overall monetization strategy.
  8. EDIT: In looking further…. I found this third party resource in the marketplace. This looks to be what might be installed based on your screenshot. If so, you would need to ask the author why they’re not honoring hidden groups. Edit again… looks like our posts crossed! Glad you figured it out.
  9. In the screenshot you have circled, the default online user list widget provided by IPS does not display what groups exist. We’re asking what third party resource you’re using to display the groups in the online list. That is most likely your culprit.
  10. That widget is not updated real time. It can be delayed several minutes. Look at the online list itself. After like 15 minutes, you should not see the group on the online list widget.
  11. ACP - Members - Members - Groups Find the group you want to change and choose edit. Scroll down to the Privacy Settings section. Find “Allow filtering by this group?” and change it to off. Just an FYI… this will mean the user does not show up anywhere that filters based on group. That group essentially becomes hidden.
  12. The comments themselves are not syndicated. Only the articles themselves. The comments are now being moved into the forums going forward instead as a a comment within the article (blog). Going forward, all of the new blog entries would be commented on from the Invision Insider post.
  13. Huh? Sounds like you don’t know how copyright works. If you REALLY think you have a copyright claim… talk to a lawyer. Don’t post on a forum about it.
  14. The post count and other counters are most likely not updating because your cron path to php changed. Check your cron job and see if it’s path reflects your new php8 version.
  15. As @Charles noted, they’re syndicating the messages from the blog to the Invision Insider forum. For example: Is syndicated to: You can comment there. 🙂
  16. You will need to use the contact us form below to remove it from the license. Then you can uninstall from ACP.
  17. Replies on the blog have been turned off. It’s not just you.
  18. IPS has not reduced or removed support. As someone who has been around for years… there has actually been an an investment in the amount of resources aligned to support. It’s simply being done here now instead of via email. Because support is here, you actually have a chance to see what’s happening more “behind the scenes”. If support was simply done via email you would not have seen when others had the same issue. There is not any change to how the software is tested… instead you simply have more visibility into what others are experiencing by using the community. Regarding deprecate…. What are you meaning by “it”? Are you meaning any plans to depreciate support or the software itself or just self-hosting? IPS is in the process of working on a major rework of the software. A similar process happened when moving from 3.0 to 4.0. However way back when that happened… there was not the same level of communication or announcements when it came to the future of the product. IPS is now sharing more information early in the process so they have time to make appropriate plans. As someone who was around for when 4.0 was launched, they did not give us a year’s heads up that something was being removed in 4.0. It simply was not there and people had to figure out on their own and deal. Finally IPS has already said that 5.0 release is going to be available for self-hosted folks.
  19. I think he’s asking if those features will be available in the self hosted version. The short answer is most self hosting setups do not meet the requirements to make it work. It’s dependent on the AWS platform and heavily modified to meet IPS needs. As a result, the cost to make those features available in a self hosted setup would end up costing more than the hosted version. At the end of the day… anything is possible. But based on past statements by IPS, there are no plans at this time to do this.
  20. I believe you’ll also need to update your conf_global.php to reflect the change there as well to the board URL.
  21. Glad you got it squared away. TYPICALLY if you see session issues, it’s a hosting problem. 🙂
  22. Are applications like Pages, Gallery, etc all available for your license?
  23. It sounds like the autoupdate system was not able to download files properly. You might want to login to your client area (https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/) and download the files from there. Upload them to your site and then visit domain.com/admin/upgrade to complete the process.
  24. I assume you’ve updated your conf_global.php with the new board URL. Afterwards did you clear your system cache within the ACP’s support section?
  25. I can tell you I setup a site that uses it with no problems last year with no change to the base IPB software. It does not require any code level changes.
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