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Randy Calvert

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Everything posted by Randy Calvert

  1. Native app is not happening. It’s actually been fully removed in a recent update. IPB bad been moving to support PWA.
  2. Media size…. Looking at your uploads folder to get a good idea about how much space is being used. While it may not be 100% of everything, it should get you to about 85-90% of where you need to be. (There might be some uploads related to commerce, or theme resources, etc that might be somewhere else. But in general those don’t take up a bunch of space. Things like avatars, user uploaded images, etc are going to be the lion share of media usage.)
  3. You’re not going to get a good answer here. Your best bet is to have that conversation with the sales ticket Marc created for you. The support folks don’t have any say over pricing or package configurations.
  4. IPS NEVER gives firm release dates. The note something is actually already fixed and is in testing is as close as you’re going to get. Asking about it daily is not going to help make the release happen any sooner. In fact it just might make it slide into an even later release if the pushing gets too annoying. 🙂
  5. If there is a valid certificate on the server and you can access files via https on the domain without issue, edit your board’s conf_global.php to reflect https in the board URL.
  6. If a 500 error is being thrown, look at the Apache error log itself. The IPB system and error logs may not catch what is going on. However the server logs itself might give you a better indication of what is happening. If it’s a permission error, it will most likely be a chmod issue or a file ownership issue based on past experience.
  7. Nope. I won’t be playing around with it unless it’s done by IPS. I don’t want to get into managing JS frameworks personally.
  8. In addition, if a backup can be restored it will mean you lose everything done since that backup. Meaning any activity done since that backup point will be gone.
  9. It could have been a backup created earlier or it could have been a conversation or something similar. If you don’t have a prefix specified the core software won’t use it. Now if other applications use that same database that might be related to it… but IPB itself should not actively be using it.
  10. Inside of your MySQL database, tasks are stored in the core_tasks table. Locked tasks should have a running setting of 1. Before touching the database make sure you have a full backup. Editing the DB directly is not supported and if you break something… your only choice will be to restore the backup so don’t skip out on this! Again this is not officially supported. (There is no built in feature to do what you’re asking.) So if you’re not comfortable working directly in the DB you might want to work with someone to do this for you.
  11. Easiest solution is don’t use PayPal. It’s been more hassle than it’s worth. Switching to Stripe was the best decision I ever made.
  12. A 500 error indicates some sort of server error. Have you checked your server’s Apache/PHP error logs?
  13. Not necessarily. Many/most are on shared hosting environments OR on VPS packages where they don’t do this themselves. In addition managing these types of services is very different than managing a LAMP stack, especially when you would have to configure security groups at AWS and firewalls on the LAMP servers. Again these are VERY different things. Setting up these services are much more involved and complex than S3. Even as simple as S3 is… people struggle to set it up and integrate it. There are several people who just recently were complaining about not being able to set it up. IPS is not here to teach people how to setup hosting environments or how to manage them. So it does not make sense for them to try to teach someone how manage this. The problem is if they release it, they have to support it also. Since they don’t support the hosting setup, that makes this very difficult.
  14. Sometimes it might take a day, sometimes it might take a week. It depends on where the last review was done versus when submitted. It also matters on what other activities are going on. IPS does not have a team dedicated exclusively to marketplace. So yes, there are times when it may be faster than others. 🙂
  15. Sorry wrong. Sure you could do that for YOUR own instance but you would need to configure it (and know how) what settings need applied etc. You’re making the assumption that people know how to use these services, how to configure it, and have yet another service to manually manage and not be able to guess/predict costs for. It is not just a simple matter of copy paste an IAM credential.
  16. If you think that’s long, you don’t want to see how long other app stores take for approval. 😉
  17. The pages need to be accessible to guests for Adsense to crawl them. If those forums are available to members only, Google won’t be able to access them.
  18. This is not possible to do via an ACP setting. However you might be able to do it by manually editing your theme. This is not directly supported by IPS, so you might want to ask in the Theme forum if someone can give advice on how to do it.
  19. It sounds like you created a custom link called “What’s New”. That’s not a default item in the navigation. Make sure you have permissions for the item set properly. Also remember you can create two “What’s New”. Only one visible to members and one visible only to guests.
  20. Correct. Guests can’t view that stream. Instead they see the activity stream which shows all recent activity. (There is no concept of tracking status for guests.) https://ohmo.co/discover/ I just confirmed it works as a guest and that’s what I see while not logged in.
  21. Try clearing the system cache. If that does not work, try switching to a default theme to test if it still happens. (If it’s not happening with the default theme, your problem would be with the theme itself.)
  22. Ahhh… gotcha. I’ve never tried to modify my elasticsearch via environment variables before, so I’m not sure if it possible. I just remember running into that same message the first time I set it up and had to modify the main config file to resolve it. 🙂 As a stupid idea… Google the elasticsearch.yml variables and see if you can just paste those into the env file. It’s possible they’ll load them properly!
  23. The “L” flag was important part as there were multiple match options with the default IPB rules and this redirect rule. Adding the “L” flag tells Apache that if the rule matches to not process other directives since this rule should happen even if IPB’s rules might also match.
  24. Try something like: Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^board/(.*)$ /$1 [L,NC,R] You might just need the last line if using the default IPB htaccess. This entry should be in the site document root.
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