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Everything posted by Morrigan

  1. I mean I don't know how your .htaccess is setup in that folder or the file its looking for so I, nor anyone else, could actually tell you.
  2. This is a widget: Only problem I have with it is that if there are no topics with 0 replies then the block is still there.
  3. You would have to change it at the CSS level. However this will change it anywhere these sorts of things are used.
  4. They have to have this moderator permission: But they open the reactions list (click on a reaction or the "View all" and then there will be an X circle next to the reactions. Click that and it will remove it.
  5. @Jock3r there currently isn't a way to do that however there are some plugins that add a "tag" link to the users post that you click and it auto-adds the tag into the post for you. I would recommend that. For the most part though, it sorts it alphabetically so you just have to get to where the name is mostly unique.
  6. System > Settings > Posting > Maximum video content width I don't remember if its retroactive though.
  7. 404 means not found. Additionally htaccess with htpasswd is no longer a recommended way to secure your admin panel. The recommended way is to use MFA in: System > Settings > Two Factor Authentication
  8. You would have to do it at the block/page level because currently there is no way to do it otherwise. You would add something like this around the block @Jorge Varela {{if \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->bcp47() == 'en-US'}} Block stuff here for English {{endif}} Replacing en-US with the language for the respective block.
  9. I believe IPS has stated before that they won't maintain two themes (a light and a dark) but just in case you're looking for a base theme to do a default dark thing with:
  10. At this time, no. Only Blogs and Forums can have polls.
  11. You can't disable the WYSIWYG editor BUT you can limit height of signatures by adding this to your custom.css: [data-role="memberSignature"] { max-height: 430px; overflow: hidden; } It's what I do on my site because I have a max-signature height rule of 400px (because people go crazy with images too loves, even if they get just one). You have to add the extra 30px because it includes the hr and margin in the section so they get their true height.
  12. I'm currently having an issue with "post before register" and this app. Basically it's still posting content that hasn't been approved/technically doesn't exist yet as it's not "not even at the point it can be content" it's not even registered. Yes I have the option to "wait until approved" set. But even if I didn't, the post before register posts should NEVER even trigger until the person completes their registration and then it hits the proper queue or post action. How to reproduce: Enable Post before register. Create a hook to post new topics (or posts) to discord. Log out (or use incognito mode) and utilize the post before register feature (do not log in). The post will still post to discord even though its not even on the site and will be deleted in 7 days if the person doesn't complete post before register. Thanks.
  13. As a person that was a garbage php coder to begin with and needing an upgrade to an old application I am glad I know Esther. First and foremost she doesn't make assumptions based on requests, she asks questions to be sure the functionality meets yours needs, she also makes sure that you get the product you want. Secondly, she is reasonable and patient. Being a match for your dev is hard. Having a dev that matches you is harder. Esther is both for me. She not only understood that I needed something specific but that I also was going to nitpick the templates to match. She didn't question my requests and changes and in the end I got exactly the thing I asked for, and more. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with Esther. She is amazing, diligent and reasonable. If you want the same then I recommend collaborating with her.
  14. Quick bug and save for maybe verifying that a user gets registered I think Post Anonymously needs to be completely hidden from guest users (currently I'm getting spammed through this mod). But to explain the issue: Post before register is used. Any of my user groups can post anonymously. I do NOT have enforced post anonymously forums. As it stands the Post Anonymously thing bypasses proper post before Registering options. I have a few posts where the end user was able to post but there is no "Check Anonymous" data. It went through without moderation. Probably because I use an actual account (I use Posts appear as posted by) and that account is a proper user account that can post. So basically, Post Anonymously is bypassing post before register in this situation it appears. I noted the setting "Turn off 'Post Before Register' in forums where anonymous posting is enforced" but this isn't the case here. They are getting the option to choose to post anonymously as a guest which in turn is allowing them to bypass proper registration. I did verify and the IP was exclusive to 4 posts but no registrations. @TSP
  15. @DawPi for the "Only users that follow me" option could that please include administrators/moderators like the last option. As an administrator I don't want to have to follow or log in as a user to see their profile/status updates etc and nor should I have to. Otherwise, I love this plugin and so do my users!!
  16. @TheJackal84 I'm getting this issue currently as well. I am running the most recent version (1.2.0).
  17. Would you mind adding a 30-60 second delay to the auto-response? As it stands since it sends the moment they submit the message it appears on page refresh of their PM. This makes the user navigate away from the page and never know there was a reply to the PM until they go to check it again. The delay would at least trigger the notification system.
  18. That must have been it. I assumed it would be on by default.
  19. Actually. Sorry @SoftwareFactory this fixed me attaching my account but username syncing from IPS to Discord isn't working at all (not talking about my account. I had my staff try it after they changed their name and their name isn't synced.
  20. Awesome thank you. Will there be a possible future update to disable name syncing on a per group basis? I want the people that support the site (my subscribers) to have the ability to have custom names.
  21. So the username sync is automatic? There is no setting to turn this on or off even on a per group basis? I want/need it as a thing but I need to allow like my patrons, who pay to be able to have unique names to still get that privilege.
  22. @SoftwareFactory I just purchased and I was hoping it would at least have the role and username syncing. It appears to have role syncing but no nickname syncing? Is that a coming feature? It's sort of a deal breaker for me with a mod like this.
  23. Is there any way we can get some filtering on forums, groups and reactions? I have a significant amount of forums and some aren't relevant to the statistics (for example my information forums or my archives) and they take up larger statistics etc. I'd like to be able to exclude or specifically include only certain forums into the statistics. I'd like the same for things like groups. I have a default group everyone is in and a significant amount of members are still in that group however I would like to see more of my patrons instead of the group of people that have never reached a post count to save their life, I'd also like to exclude the bot and admin group. For reactions, since I've had this site for years, before reactions were introduced, I have this massive offset of our main reaction (used to be called Like) and that's only because there were YEARS of it being the only one available. I'd like to exclude it to get a better understanding of the other reactions I use on my site. Unfortunately as it stands the widgets are half useless for me and the only reason I purchased the mod because we have this rainbow plethora of things. I additionally think that maybe having an option of the type of item shown? Instead of leaving it exclusive to pie graphs possibly let the admin choose between a pie graph a bar graph or a line graph? I know those should all be options. Thanks. Just to help you understand why I feel they are a little useless as is for larger sites.
  24. Hey @TheJackal84 I just recently purchased this, trying to setup shop items and I keep getting a similar error to the above people where it says it can't locate it. Could you let me know how to fix it? Like this one:
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