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Everything posted by Morrigan

  1. I mean mine is super basic as I wanted something basic so I just pulled the users information and did some math: {{$totalleft = 10 - \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_posts;}} You have {$totalleft} posts before you get promoted to Initiate. You'd have to do the math for yours differently but totally doable. I do tons of "date based" math on my site.
  2. So this really drives me batty and I think it needs to be fixed, especially with the mobile app coming. I'll start with the suggestion THEN I will explain why I believe its valid. When you click the "show X replies" in the flash message this should include YOUR OWN REPLIES! Now for the explanation: IPS prides itself (and it has been said many times by people like @Matt and @bfarber ) that conversations are linear. "We don't fully ignore posts to give context" thus why ignored posts show up as "ignored" instead of fully disappearing. Its something that is regularly quoted as to why there aren't threaded replies (like on reddit) and whatnot. Well.... lets be honest, that's only 90% true with the way that the show replies popup works. TBF, I'm not looking for a topic to tell me when I'm the one to have replied but hear me out: Someone replies to a post I'm in on my desktop. Another person replies, etc. I have to go mobile (going to work, whatever) I reply. There are other replies. I reply again. Now not a bad thing but I get back to my PC and I want to review all the replies that have been posted and see the new stuff I haven't seen. I hit "show X replies" well I see all of the replies.... that aren't mine. So now that linear context thing that is so avidly explained as being important goes out the window while I'm reviewing 5-6 replies to a thread I have been posting to and I have to now "fully refresh" the page to see the true linear context, which includes my posts. It sometimes feels silly to load those replies (because its faster in most cases) and only to get half of the replies if you've been posting back and forth with some people. You can't read back up to verify your facts unless you refresh, it also botches pagination. I'm sure this is more complicated then it seems (because you obviously don't want it polling for the users own posts specifically) but there should be a way to see "not by user... now just load all posts between user and now". I don't know. The fact that it never loads your own posts has always seemed janky to me.
  3. But again, you are assuming every community is looking for the same experience (including the users experience). If someone is running a tech forum, for example, its unlikely that they are going to need walkthroughs of all of the items on the site. On a site that is selling something they aren't going to want a walkthrough, they are going to want something that displays the individual traits of their product or their support (depending on what they are running), I run a site about community and writing so I don't need either of those things, I know other people run news sites and music sites and roleplay sites. There is no one size fits all answer like what I think you're seeking out here. What you are looking for is guides, something that you can create FOR your users to improve the experience on YOUR site. Its really easy to do in a pages database. My site doesn't look like a default IPS site, in fact I move even more than the standard around for personal consistency where I believe MY users are looking for information because I know MY audience. You can't expect IPS to know YOUR audience and build a default page that answers YOUR audiences questions. YOU know YOUR audience so YOU should build that information for them. I know MY audience so I built that information for them.
  4. If its just based on post count @GolfSpy STUDque then using HTML and CSS you can create a pages block to do it. I currently do something similar for my prospective members as they need 10 posts to be promoted to an Initiate.
  5. @Phil Këvin I disagree. What you feel like your community needs versus what I feel like my community needs are change from person to person. As @opentype is explaining, you need to make this for yourself because your goals will be different from mine, mine will be different from the next persons etc. The described homepage you're providing I already do for my members when I welcome them to the site. That actually sounds like an awful homepage. I would never use such a useless feature because it is not the way I would want to focus my community or what my community is about. You keep using IPS as an example but not all communities have a product(s) in mind or need to explain each feature of their community site because that could be done (again as opentype said) by creating your own page with your own goals. If you find yourself not capable of this there are plenty of creators that can and will do this for you for a fee and I would recommend you reach out to them.
  6. Oh goodness!! You must have a plug-in that does this. Editing the profile doesn’t show/edit the signature. The above steps that I gave you to turn on signatures is currently the default (and only way) to edit signatures.
  7. Click your username in the top right > Account Settings > Click Signature on the left the option should be there. "View all signatures" I think
  8. It takes HTML and CSS knowledge but you need to edit the email wrapper template. Themes > Emails > Email wrapper However YOU MAY need to change other templates as well as there are a lot of hard coded colors into specific templates. You would have to view them individually to verify.
  9. Mine have always shown based on creation date. Newest one created is at the top of the list.
  10. Newest created to oldest is how they are listed.
  11. Are the images uploaded to the site or are they linked to an external site? If the latter then IPS won't pick those up. If its the former its a bug and you need to create a support ticket.
  12. I'm a power user and I'm crazy (ask anyone)! I do nothing to prepare other than back up before I press the big and pretty "Upgrade" button. Then I spend the next 4 hours fixing my theme. It's a wonderful life! I rarely run into critical issues that keep my site down when I do any update and I tend to run betas ( @bfarber has found bugs in my database from 2 or three major point versions ago lol). I would say while I love all of my third party apps none are integral to keeping my site running consistently so disabling them while I wait for updates isn't a super big deal to me.
  13. I just want to be clear are you using a "text" field or a "number" field? They do behave differently in pages. If you use a number field it should work correctly @Matteo Russo
  14. No, its not going away but really the only reason people use Wordpress is because its a free alternative to a CMS platform and has more commerce models then Joomla or Drupal (other free CMS platforms). If you already have a paid CMS platform (IPS) then Wordpress is just a messy additive that isn't necessary.
  15. There is no real way to do this as "food" isn't a category or a container (which is what the breadcrumb bases its information on). Technically to get what you want you would create a page called "Food" with a database on it and a category called "pizza" for it to be as you're expecting. Folders are more for organization and URLs not for breadcrumbs.
  16. Yes. Just make sure you have any permissions in the other tabs turned off if you don't want them to have access.
  17. Morrigan

    Site Wall

    That will never happen I'm sure.
  18. This was never a core feature of IPS. This was always a mod/plugin. I think made my Adriano and someone else in the past.
  19. I'm just adding this here for anyone that sees this after so they know what I suggested IS correct and so is the guide. By default the Members group is what people are thrown into (aka the NEW group). The Validating group is basically Pre-Members. They are a member a unvalidated member in the Members group (What the old validating group used to be in the 3.0 days). What Brandon suggested is required when you've created a completely separate group and want to change that to the new "default" group. As he said "3" or the "Members" group is the default group people are assigned to when they are first joined. This group should be your "new" group by default. Any promotions etc should be created from there. So you change the Members to "New" and you create a new group called "Full Member" and you use the group promotions (whatever you want the criteria to be) to promote from the default group to the "Full member" group. Basically you did it backwards. You created a new group and wanted that to be your "new members" group instead of editing the default group and creating a new group for your "full members".
  20. Okay so IPS 101... the member group is default group. You can't get them out of it. Basically: Join: Pre-Member (not approved member) Member (Approved member) If you don't want them in your base member group you need to enable admin approval. IF you want something where they upgrade after X posts you need to create a secondary member group that is the "true members" group. That is promoted after X posts.
  21. Being a person that has had a dark theme since.... well forever (I've been using Dark themes as the primary for my sites since even before I started using Invision) this is more an issue with how things are being copy-pasted then it is with the CKEditor that Invision uses. To explain: Type a message in a word editor, don't change anything, then copy and paste it into the editor. No issues: Type a message in a word editor and change stuff: I just bolded there, but still no issue. Now change your default color in the editor: If you actually look at each example (in which I used Open Office Writer to create. I simply typed a phrase, then bolded the word then added more and changed the color) the only one that changes the font color is the last one and that is because I intentionally changed it in the word editor itself. (Use the inspect tool to verify). Techincally, the editor is doing what its told. Most likely your users are changing the color in their personal editors to something that isn't considered "default" which is truly causing the issue not the other way around. The editor is doing what its told.
  22. @Patrick Ewing what @SC36DC said mostly. But that's only if you use the promote. If you use the "share" feature its best to add an image in the first post (an uploaded not a linked image) as it will take the first uploaded image from the thread and use that in place of your sharer image in most instances.
  23. You need to setup an htaccess for "Friendly urls". Search for "Friendly URLs" in the live search. Once you enable it you'll have to download the file there and upload it to your server. This will get rid of the index.php
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