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Everything posted by Ramsesx

  1. https://invisioncommunity.com/search/?q=CKEditor&search_in=titles
  2. If you are self hosted, try to set the user via database access to the admin usergroup "core_members" admin default group should be 4.
  3. Nice idea Adriano, thanks. It would be nice to have an option to show the circle in this way:
  4. There was a free plugin called Preview Post Big Button doing this. Sadly it's gone. That's how it looks like, a good inspiration for the ips dev team:
  5. On 2.00 this phrase seems to be missing: MSI__loc_editing_social_info
  6. Sadly, developer has no active license or other reason it can't get purchased right now.
  7. What*s the point of this worthless discussion? You asked for support and you got support, so just change one single sign on your reaction. A 15 seconds task. And b.t.w. to piss off the single one supporting add-ons your site relates in big parts upon, can't be really wise....
  8. If account is flagged as spammer it's still possible to send stickys.
  9. Ramsesx

    CKEditor 5

  10. Ramsesx

    CKEditor 5

    I don't understand why ck4 works so smooth on their demo site but not here on IPS with my vivaldi browser.
  11. Adriano, is there a way to create a custom link to hide a specific forum? Because it is using the csrf key I guess it's not?
  12. Hi Zayed, would it be possible to make a line brake or even better a smaller font for the title when the block is in a sidebar? Right now it crops the title which doesn't looks nice. Thanks.
  13. Thanks, seems I have to upgrade to the newest release.
  14. For global stickys it would be nice to have a way to include {member_name}. Thanks.
  15. First image below your attachment where it says "Image".
  16. Adriano, ignore forums would be a very cool add-on, in combination with this plugin or as a new one.
  17. Voted for quotes, don't see a benefit to have it like stackoverflow, doesn't looks cool. But that's just my taste. I never liked those post comment stuff, it makes it harder to view new content if it's cluttered all around. Might be different if you have a coding forum.
  18. Cool thanks. One thing coming into my mind after doing the plugin settings. If I assign a specific usergroup (paid one) that only can use this function what happens if this user have some topics ignored but gets removed from this group later on? Are the ignored topics showing again? Thanks.
  19. A small suggestion to this nice plugin, it would be great if language strings would have a string making it easier to find all phrases to translate, in this case if searching for it_ it gives too many results. And plugin should be deactivated by default after installation. Thanks.
  20. Ramsesx

    Implement IPS FAQ

    Life isn't easy and I guess nobody will present you a complete solution just to download and install. Basically you only need to look into the source code of the FAQ page, copy over the html part used for the FAQ part and include the css and js from the links given above into a IPS page. If you don't know how this works you can hire a dev like Tom suggested it to you.
  21. Ramsesx

    Implement IPS FAQ

    It's not that easy. With the two files you can't do anything.
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