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  1. Agree
    Dreadknux reacted to CheersnGears in Save Draft - IC5   
    I am really hoping that Invision will see fit to include a save draft feature, at least for Pages, in IC5.  I have lost so much work over the years due to the lack of this simple feature.
    I just lost 3/4 of an article I wrote because I was going to click another button, and some menu popup jumped in front of me.  But also, I have been attempting to work around this for years by setting the post date several days in the future, saving repeatedly, and then backdating it to the current time once I'm ready to publish. This workflow, frankly, is absurd in the year of our lord 2024.  Furthermore, it messes with block and new activity sorting by showing those articles that originally had future publish dates at the top of the list, even if they've been read or their backdated date has passed.
  2. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Kirill Gromov in Disable scroll for mobile menu   
    Hello. There are themes where the mobile menu sticks to the screen header when scrolling on mobile devices.
    When you click on the mobile menu, the scroll automatically scroll up the screen, I suggest removing this function! Molule: ips.ui.drawer. JS code:
    show = function () { window.scrollTo(0, -1);  
  3. Thanks
  4. Thanks
  5. Haha
    Dreadknux reacted to Marc Stridgen in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    🤔-Thinking about the bug
    👀-Looking for the solution to the bug
    📰-Writing the fix for the bug
    ➡️-Exiting when he realised the bug fix didnt work
    👤-Hiding in the shadow to see if anyone notices
  6. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from SeNioR- in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    Quick, let's try to find clues in Matt's emojis 👀
  7. Thanks
    Dreadknux got a reaction from SzymonPajacyk in Suggestion for Our Picks / Featured Content in V5: 'User Submission'   
    I think I made a feature topic about Our Picks before, but I had this brainwave and wanted to share another idea.
    It would be great to allow community members to 'suggest' content for promotion onto the Our Picks (or Featured, or whatever it's going to be called in V5) page. They could click a button saying "I loved this! Suggest for Promotion" or something, and a dialog could appear with a text field asking why they liked it and why they want it to be shown on the front page (so others may see it). These submissions could be collected into the ModCP and mods/admins could consider them for inclusion - if so, they can tweak a suggested headline and body copy much like they can with the current promote system.
    They could also choose/create a Category for the Featured content to sit within (this is related to a past feature idea I had in the last topic I made - Our Picks should have the functionality for 'categories' so that mods/admins can promote content to certain 'buckets' that can be used as a filter when displaying on a custom homepage).
    Reason why I think this might be good, is for large communities with a lot of content. Sometimes it can be difficult for just mods/admins to find and promote good content they see, if there are a lot of clubs/forums/pages etc to work through. And it would allow users to feel like they are helping to contribute to a community that they love.
  8. Haha
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Marc Stridgen in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    Quick, let's try to find clues in Matt's emojis 👀
  9. Haha
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    Quick, let's try to find clues in Matt's emojis 👀
  10. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Mike Gholson in Things I need with Invision   
    As a community owner for over two decades, I wanted to give some personal feedback as to what I find very useful (and need) to keep my community alive. 
    Big Tech Competition:  The biggest challenge has been competing with other online services like FB, Reddit, Twitter, etc, etc.  You guys have hit the sweet spot in generating useful integrations to these services.  I would also like one for Linkedin but I'm sure that's on the radar.  With any competition like big tech, we can provide a more specialized touch to any community.  I hope we can still maintain this presence and I have a feeling IBP5 will give us even more ways to create active sites that give the big boys a run for their money.
    Monetization:  I have a specialized car club and, with Invision, I've been able to monetize our existence and pay our bills.  We are hosted on a dedicated server environment so we have our fair-share of bills.  I've looked into using a cloud-host but the costs don't justify simply putting a machine into a colo site.  We also have other bills like licensing, email services, and annual domain costs.  With the integrations to Google Adsense, Infolinks, and the paid subscription model (built into IPB), this has enabled us to pay these bills and continue well into the future.  The addition of Subscriptions has also helped us a LOT!!!!

    3rd Pary Marketplace:  I have appreciated the Invision Community capabilities with 3rd party apps (Marketplace).  However, I see these have been depreciated for the upcoming release.  Some of these modules really gave us an edge and we were able to stand out.  I fear that removing this integration may put us into a general category just like everyone else.  So, I hope the team considers opening this up again or at least making it easier for us to customize our sites to provide unique services.  Some of the more important apps for us are Member Garage, Member Maps, Classified Ads (big one), Tapatalk, and Member Info blocks (we use member numbers for members to use as discount codes to our partners).
    Advertising Banners:  We have used, and will continue to use banner sponsor placements on our site.  The one place we are missing is at the top of the screen.  Of course we can always do a pop-up or slide-down style ad.  But people tend to hate these and disable them.  So, if we can add more customizable locations for these banners, it would be a big hit for our business.  
    Google & SEO:  This service is so strange and it seems to change every other quarter.  New rules all the time, and I've gone from ~$700/mo in banner income to ~$125/mo.  I have no idea why this is, but I did notice that Google doesn't do very well with active community sites (they prefer static pages I guess).  So, if you are building something new with the release of IPB5, I would be very interested to see how we can improve our SEO or even Google results.
    Forum Layout:  I *REALLY* like the new look of your forum design in IPB5.  I cannot wait to use it.  The one thing our members really appreciate are the active notifications and easy way to see how things changed over the last 24/48 hours.  The new features coming seem to compliment this very well.  Not to mention a lot of people have been asking for the light/dark mode and it will be nice to see this capability built-in rather than having to design our own.
    Community Experts:  I did see something about the addition of community experts.  VERY GOOD addition!!  In an automotive community like ours, there are always guys hanging around that are considered RL experts as well.  I'd love to give them the recognition they deserve and let people know they actually *DO* know what they are talking about.  I hope this is an 'approved only' capability as I am sure some people may request this status and don't really deserve it.  😉
    Downloads, Knowledgebase, Gallery:  These existing capabilities are huge wins for us.  Although I would like to see an update to Gallery, the majority of the existing features work very well.  I hope these stay and continue to see improvements as the product goes into the next stage.
    Blogs:  For us, the blog module has been a strange experience.  Some guys know how to use it, while other people tend to post questions and use it like a forum.  If we were to continue using blogs, it might be a great idea to make sure end-users know they are in a "blog module" rather than part of the forums.  It's hard to explain on text but honestly I think people get confused as to what a blog is versus a forum.
    All in all, I am so happy to see that I've invested with a company that is taking this product to the next level.  Your team is amazing and it's reassuring to see that private communities are still a necessary part of the Internet.  As we continue forward, please understand that I'll stick around as a long term customer.  Just don't jack up the rates too high on us.   😉
  11. Like
    Dreadknux reacted to Matt in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    We have a few more things to announce, but we're just finalising our internal reviews. I want to do a status update on v5 early next week and outline the next steps.
  12. Agree
    Dreadknux reacted to Sonya* in Badge and points for the popular topics and answers   
    I would like to suggest two new actions for Achievements based on two settings in ACP:

    I would like to award automatically members who:
    Created a topic that gets “Popular now” Gives an answer that is highlighted as content with positive reputation
  13. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Viace in Marketplace Closure   
    Hm, I can see why IPS made this change but to be honest, asking clients to seek custom app/plugin development is going to be a lot more expensive than finding an app on a marketplace that many customers will be able to purchase. I guess it will make me a lot more hesitant to spend my money on third party apps.
  14. Haha
    Dreadknux reacted to FanClub Mike in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I can't wait to see what new pages are added to the story! 🙈
  15. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Claudia999 in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏
  16. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from virap1 in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏
  17. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Koper74 in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏
  18. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from David N. in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏
  19. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from konon in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏
  20. Agree
    Dreadknux got a reaction from The Old Man in Invision Community 5: The story so far...   
    I'm enjoying the story so far, but can we get some more chapters to complete the book? 😄 I enjoyed the once-a-week cadence of reveals a few months ago, and I'm hoping we're near the end of our mid-season break and can return to that? 🙏
  21. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from JohnCourt in Enforcing Uploaded Image File Names   
    100% agree with this suggestion!
  22. Agree
    Dreadknux reacted to JohnCourt in Enforcing Uploaded Image File Names   
    I have a pet peeve, images uploaded to our gallery display their file name as the title. For example a member uploads their image and doesn't change the title image, so it then displays something like DSC2849.jpg instead of for example "Oak Cabinet".
    I have rules displayed for image uploading in each gallery, but they are apparently ignored. Is there any way to auto enforce changing the title of an image uploaded to our galleries? Our community is gallery and image heavy, visual arts. It drives me crazy that folks are lazy and just use their default image file title. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  23. Agree
    Dreadknux reacted to annadaa in IPS usage feedback   
    I initially used IPB around 2010, then again about 5 years ago, more for fun. However, I continued to follow the evolution of IPS and today, I am starting a serious and monetized project with a community.
    Currently, in rebuilding a site with IPS, I am noticing significant progress from the team. The introduction of a gamification system, improved ergonomics, push notifications, and the recruitment of Ehren are major advances to stay at the forefront of UI and UX design, as well as for PWA integration.
    In the past, with IPB 4, we had grievances regarding the design, mobile navigation, and the absence of a dedicated app. These issues are now resolved, eliminating any hesitation to stay on this platform rather than looking for another to manage a community.
    Regarding the marketplace, I remain optimistic, convinced that even without development expertise, the decisions made by IPS aim to improve and accelerate the product's evolution, while reducing bugs.
    This contrasts with WordPress and its vast user base, where major changes are risky and can hinder development due to the many interferences between applications and updates.
    Despite debates on the number of user applications available on IPS, the possibility to install applications remains, ensuring their availability for a few more years since they have not been completely removed.
    There are aspects that we must accept and adapt to.
    Apart from the absence of an Elementor-type editor, available on WordPress, I do not perceive a significant gap in IPS's current offering. This feature, although not urgent, could be added to enrich content management without impacting the ability to maintain a community.
    I believe we must stop seeing IPS solely in terms of forum installation, but more so today in terms of member and group management, as well as interaction between them. So even if forum participation may decrease, there are still many possibilities to use that can facilitate support, interaction, and individual tracking within the community.
    That's why I hope the upcoming products will allow for better online meetings directly on the site, live quizzes, coaching, personalized assistance, interaction within clubs, etc.
    Unfortunately, and maybe I'm wrong, IPS is not used and known to the extent that it should be despite being a very stable product. Many turn towards WordPress filled with plugins from different builders (thus bugs), and to try to build a community, which IPS already does in its core with group and member management and is surely less expensive when adding an app for gamification, another for the community, etc.
  24. Agree
    Dreadknux reacted to Joel R in Restrict Uploads of Certain File Types/Extensions to Certain Usergroups   
    There needs to be some consideration given to different applications.  You don't want to allow zip or exe in regular posting, but you may want to allow zip in Downloads.  
    By the way, I have the same broad issue.  I've seen a member, in their helpfulness, send the Mozilla installer packager executable to another member who - bless their heart - actually downloaded and installed an executable file from a random person on the internet. 
  25. Like
    Dreadknux got a reaction from Como in Introducing a fresh new vision for Invision Community 5   
    I have a general question relating to the new V5 design philosophy/restructure if that's okay @Ehren.
    I've been using sticky nav headers in my current V4 setup, where the navigation strip underneath the header area follows the user as they scroll down. That's working very well, with one caveat; I've had to try and shoehorn in a bunch of additional CSS for as many anchored areas on-page as I can think of(i.e. pagination rows, anchored H2s etc) to ensure those anchored areas do not appear hidden behind the sticky navbar.
    Unfortunately it's a little bit of a janky/inelegant solution - my code for each anchored part in my custom CSS goes something like this:
    [data-resort="listResort"][data-tableid="topics"]::before, [data-resort="listResort"]::before { display: block; content: " "; height: 60px; margin-top: -60px; visibility: hidden; pointer-events: none; background: none; } The above code tends to help make sure that anchors are set underneath the sticky navbar (which is 60px in height), but it has the side-effect of pulling the ipsBox design up and above its container, which makes sense logically but is a little annoying (and I've had to find alternative way to fix this by modifying the container CSS further to resolve, on a per-section/per-anchor area basis)

    So basically what I'm interested in knowing about is, do you think there is something in V5's design approach that accounts for this kind of customisation that a community admin might want to do, without requiring custom CSS for a hundred different containers to make it work?
    I don't necessarily mean that there needs to be an option for sticky headers in the theme editor or anything (because there are too many variables at play - different heights of sticky containers, whereabouts that sticky area might be, etc), but perhaps there is a custom CSS variable baked into V5 for advanced CSS editors, where they can input a value for a sticky anchor height, and then the admin can add one additional line of custom CSS to set their desired navbar/area as 'sticky'... and then the set variable would ensure that all anchored on-page areas would be automatically adjusted to account for the sticky header (so nothing appears hidden behind the sticky container).
    It's probably quite a complex thing to ask about, but interested to hear your thoughts on feasibility etc?
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