Everything posted by DawPi
Bought wrong
https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ Or here: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/
Converting from MyBB to IPB
It's not a URL, but a full path, read this: https://www.kbpublisher.com/kb/how-can-i-find-my-full-server-path_289.html
- (DP42) Bot Group
Help creating an extension
You must create an application instead for it.
Private forum, trying to show single post
Add announcement there instead. 🙂
Download Enhance: Support
You mean something like this?
task error. What is this? please help.
Check this hook. 🙂
Disable Billing Info For Digital Products
So you need custom plugin I think. 🙂
Disable Billing Info For Digital Products
Did you check it?
Disable Billing Info For Digital Products
Try this instead:
(DP44) Attachments Center
What's New in Version 2.0.2 code review and upgrade, 4.4.x small fixes, fixed furls, updated error codes, updated files extensions, updated breadcrumb and title, tweaked downloading files from a private conversations where the logged in user isn't participate - available only for ADMIN ACCESS accounts.
(DP44) Attachments Center
Support topic for:
(DP45) Cleanup Members
What's New in Version 1.0.2 added two options: clean all private messages started by deleted members (with ID: 0), clean all replies in private messages added by deleted members (with ID: 0) @jesuralem, @sound
(DP45) Cleanup Members
I'll check it and if there will be possibility to make that then I'll add it.
(DP45) Cleanup Members
Pms added by "Guest"?
(DP45) Cleanup Members
What's New in Version 1.0.1 fixed rare bug related to deleting conversations replies
How do I unarchive all my archived topics?
Disable archive function? 🤔
How to change IPS forum from http to https?
Did you changed board url in conf_global.php file with https prefix?
How to remove group with all members?
You can't remove group and then members. But you can remove members from selected group. Just open search member form in the ACP, choose that group and on the results screen click on Prune Members Found:
Remove private messages spam
@Apfelstrudel, @jesuralem, @O9C4: approved.
Add og:image to all posts
If it should an attachment image, let me know. I did such mod:
Remove private messages spam
Done. Waiting on approval:
(DP45) Cleanup Members
Support topic for:
- (DP44) Extended Polls
Remove private messages spam
@Apfelstrudel, @jesuralem, @O9C4: I'm working on mod for that. Small preview: There will be one new function to unfollow member from whole content he subscribing.