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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. Musisz napisać po angielsku, po polsku nikt tu nie pracuje. --- You must write it in English, no one works for IPS with native Polish language skills.
  2. No problem, glad I could help resolve your issues.
  3. My app is related and hooked into posts only in the forums app, see the hooks.json definition: { "advancedRegexpsIpsForumsTopic": { "type": "C", "class": "\\IPS\\forums\\Topic" } } And it does not updating any content in the DB or something.
  4. Do you have enabled template disk caching? See more:
  5. Will do it tomorrow and let you know. By then please open system logs in the acp and check them and Give me example of one log.
  6. Ask the plugin author in that support topic. 🙂
  7. Then check this app settings in the acp. Its actually pretty easy to edit.
  8. I don't have enough informations to predict what might happen.
  9. Do you have access to ACP? If yes disable (if enabled) this option: Enable template disk caching? (it's under Advanced Configuration)
  10. Hello, afraid there isn't something like this. You have small example in the file description.
  11. Correct. It cover "any" site if the regexp will be in good way added in my app settings.
  12. What would you do? What are your expectations with thit mod?
  13. Pretty easy. Look: Plugin: (DP44) Account Credit by Default on Checkout.xml Of course it's simplest way to make it, without more checks, but it's a good base. You may use it and tweak if you want to of course.
  14. You could do that but it's quite tricky. 😉 Go to ACP members list and use search option but do not fill any field. You'll see something like this: Then click on BANNED and Prune Members Found: That URL should be something like this one: https://boardurl.com/admin/index.php?app=core&module=members&controller=members&do=massManage&action=prune&members_name[0]=c&members_name[1]=&members_member_id[0]=any&members_member_id[1]=0&members_email=&members_ip_address=&members_joined[start]=&members_joined[end]=&members_last_post[start]=&members_last_post[end]=&members_last_activity[start]=&members_last_activity[end]=&members_posts[0]=any&members_posts[1]=0&filter=members_filter_banned&members_allow_admin_emails=a&members_field_6=&members_field_10=&members_field_5=&members_field_8=&members_field_1= As you can see there is this part: &filter=members_filter_banned& Which mean it would prune banned members. Note: please MAKE SQL BACKUP FIRST!!
  15. Only if you have the same IPS4 version as this plugin was made from. You copied WHOLE code method and changes one line. It isnt proper way.
  16. https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/purchases/ Navigate to your licence and add it. Make sure before that you know what yo're doing and have skills to create similar database content as this no supported app. I take no responsibility what you do.
  17. Official Pages app. 🙂
  18. Developer left us and it's no longer available to download/purchase: But I have good news for you - almost everything from this app you can build by Pages app. It's very powerfull and flexible app. 😉
  19. https://invisioncommunity.com/contact-us/ Or here: https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/
  20. It's not a URL, but a full path, read this: https://www.kbpublisher.com/kb/how-can-i-find-my-full-server-path_289.html
  21. You must create an application instead for it.
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