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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by DawPi

  1. Not best solution but you may try this mod to recognize "zero replies" topics and delete them manually:
  2. It has been fixed and waiting on approve: Try with 4.0.2 (once approved as stated above), please.
  3. Nope. Due to security reason. The same situation with remote images and serving them from local.
  4. https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/docs/fundamentals/content-items/searching-content-with-content-items-r89/
  5. Can't confirm at all. Installed 4.0.1 - without problems. Uninstalled it. Installed 4.0.0 - without problems. Uninstalled it. Installed - withour problems. Upgraded to 4.0.0 - without problems. Upgraded to 4.0.1 - without problems. Uninstalled it. Everything works fine. Maybe there is problem with Marketplace installing?
  6. /** * @brief Elasticsearch version requirements */ const MINIMUM_VERSION = '6.0.0'; const UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = '8.0.0';
  7. https://www.devfuse.com/forums/files/file/386-auto-welcome/
  8. No need I think. 4.5 has it build in: https://invisioncommunity.com/settings/account-security/
  9. Yes, only private conversations. As posted in description. 🙂
  10. Without plugin, no. It's a group setting: /* Can the member report content? */ if ( $member->group['g_can_report'] != '1' AND !\in_array( \get_class( $this ), explode( ',', $member->group['g_can_report'] ) ) ) { return 'no_module_permission'; }
  11. It's there for... ages? For example?
  12. Check this plugin made by @Adriano Faria: Or this one:
  13. DELETE FROM core_member_history WHERE log_member = X AND log_type = 'display_name'; X is member ID.
  14. By sql query. Are you comfortable with that?
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