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Everything posted by DawPi

  1. What you mean crash? Big big? I doubt.
  2. No. Best solution is investigate the problem and fix it.
  3. Any new suggestions for this mod? 🙂
  4. Yes, you're first. 🙂 Working as intended. Will look into it though.
  5. I'll check what I can do but I affraid it would not match IPS submission/coding rules.
  6. Still pending (rejected). Im talking with IPS how to resolve it.
  7. New version pending approval. 🙂 fixed some theme issues, fixed bug related to default grid forums when user didn't choose anything.
  8. Sure. I just checked it and it does not recognize status on main board page. WIll look into it tomorrow.
  9. Im. This plugin will be reviewed but I need more time for it. It should work as Joey said.
  10. Once I'll find a time to review this app. It's a minor due to this: As Joey said. ^ I'm in touch with Joey, but I'm little overloaded by not good offline stuff. Will be better, I promise.
  11. You can: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/member-preferences-and-features/post-color-highlighting-r276/
  12. No, I don't have time. I stuck with everything (covid stuff) and will check it ASAP.
  13. Report this topic and request move operation Simply as that.
  14. 4.5.x. But I didnt tested it well so please make backup first.
  15. Open: applications/autowelcome/sources/Alerts/Alerts.php Find: $topic->pinned = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && mb_strpos( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings, 'pin' ) !== false ) ? TRUE : FALSE; $topic->state = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && mb_strpos( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings, 'close' ) !== false ) ? 'closed' : 'open'; Change to: $topic->pinned = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && \in_array( 'pin', \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings ) ) ? TRUE : FALSE; $topic->state = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && \in_array( 'close', \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings ) ) ? 'closed' : 'open'; Save, upload & test if it helped.
  16. I've fixed it on one your clients board. Anyone interested let me know on pm.
  17. Since 4.5.4 you have new constant available: // Disable ACP session timeout? // Disables the ACP session timeout check. Useful for developing where you may // get logged out of the ACP in between requests while working. // Has no effect if IN_DEV is FALSE 'DEV_DISABLE_ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT' => FALSE, Instructions how to use it: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-constantsphp-r25/
  18. Use proper 4.4.10 version and let me know. If problem occur again, send me your access details on PM.
  19. And what is your exact board version, please?
  20. What mod version did you installed on your ips 4.4?
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