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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by DawPi

  1. I do not provide such support for my apps, plugins. 🙂 It's up to skinner.
  2. Should be fixed. Waiting on approval. 🙂
  3. What you mean crash? Big big? I doubt.
  4. No. Best solution is investigate the problem and fix it.
  5. Any new suggestions for this mod? 🙂
  6. Yes, you're first. 🙂 Working as intended. Will look into it though.
  7. I'll check what I can do but I affraid it would not match IPS submission/coding rules.
  8. Still pending (rejected). Im talking with IPS how to resolve it.
  9. New version pending approval. 🙂 fixed some theme issues, fixed bug related to default grid forums when user didn't choose anything.
  10. Sure. I just checked it and it does not recognize status on main board page. WIll look into it tomorrow.
  11. Im. This plugin will be reviewed but I need more time for it. It should work as Joey said.
  12. Once I'll find a time to review this app. It's a minor due to this: As Joey said. ^ I'm in touch with Joey, but I'm little overloaded by not good offline stuff. Will be better, I promise.
  13. You can: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/how-to-use-ips-community-suite/member-preferences-and-features/post-color-highlighting-r276/
  14. No, I don't have time. I stuck with everything (covid stuff) and will check it ASAP.
  15. Report this topic and request move operation Simply as that.
  16. 4.5.x. But I didnt tested it well so please make backup first.
  17. Open: applications/autowelcome/sources/Alerts/Alerts.php Find: $topic->pinned = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && mb_strpos( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings, 'pin' ) !== false ) ? TRUE : FALSE; $topic->state = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && mb_strpos( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings, 'close' ) !== false ) ? 'closed' : 'open'; Change to: $topic->pinned = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && \in_array( 'pin', \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings ) ) ? TRUE : FALSE; $topic->state = ( \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings && \in_array( 'close', \IPS\Settings::i()->aw_topic_settings ) ) ? 'closed' : 'open'; Save, upload & test if it helped.
  18. I've fixed it on one your clients board. Anyone interested let me know on pm.
  19. Since 4.5.4 you have new constant available: // Disable ACP session timeout? // Disables the ACP session timeout check. Useful for developing where you may // get logged out of the ACP in between requests while working. // Has no effect if IN_DEV is FALSE 'DEV_DISABLE_ACP_SESSION_TIMEOUT' => FALSE, Instructions how to use it: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/configuration-options/using-constantsphp-r25/
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