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Where is the Past Date Settings for Records?

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Hi guys

Noticed this update in the latest 4.7.8 version:


Added support for past dates in records

Eager to try this out, I updated my community to the latest version. But I cannot see where the option to set past dates lies.

There's no extra field in Database > Fields page, there doesn't appear to be any such date setting in Database > Edit, and editing individual records (either on the frontend or via ACP) shows no date field options. In fact, where in the previous version there was the ability to set a future publish date on a per record basis, this setting also now seems to have disappeared!

Have all these options been moved somewhere else, or have I got a bug on my hands?

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Hi Jim - I see, so it's not an individual field. Any idea why the Publish Date field has disappeared from view then? Any and all options to set any publish date have vanished with this new version (this is true if using custom CMS templates, using IPS stock templates on the frontend as well as ACP, so I do not think it is a revised template bit issue)?

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3 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Is this a new record or are you editing a record?

The issue occurs in both situations - editing or creating. Both frontend and backend. Custom form template and default form template.

Edited by Dreadknux
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5 minutes ago, Daniel F said:

Are the field permissions set correctly?



And is the database being synced with a forum? If yes, the publish date won't work either.

It is being synced with a forum.... why won't it work in this case?

I feel like I'm going a little crazy here, I've been asking for a simple past-date function for my community for about 6 months and now instead entire feature has been pulled from my site. 😅 Is this something that will be worked on for a future release so it will work with forum sync?

Edited by Dreadknux
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Thought about this some more and it's not a huge issue for me so much anymore, as I found a plugin that allows me to change the publish date of a record:

So the solution here is to install the above, set as 'hidden' any records I'm creating that I want to backdate, then use this plugin to change the record date before unhiding (it even changes the associated forum topic when using forum sync, which is perfect). That does exactly what I've been asking for this whole time, so no need to worry spending any more resources on publish dates in future versions now. Thanks!

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Can confirm.  After the latest upgrade, the publish date field is gone.

2 hours ago, Daniel F said:

And is the database being synced with a forum? If yes, the publish date won't work either.

arg!  This is completely unacceptable.  I get the reasoning for not wanting to be able to move it to the past with a forum involved, but future posting is a must.  I only used the backdating feature occasionally, but being able to schedule content posts is an absolute must.  I get embargoed content all the time that I am not allowed to post until some day/hour in the future (usually inconvenient, like 1 am or something) .

Now you're saying I have to give up future content posting if I want comments to be in a forum? 

This worked fine for a decade and now you've taken it away.

Please IPS... consult with your users before arbitrarily removing features!

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15 minutes ago, My Sharona said:

No more future publish when the record is linked to a forum?

Please say it isn't so.

Decided to unmark my own solution and keep the topic open because of the above issue. While future posting doesn’t affect me too much at the moment (although it likely will later as I too work with embargoes) I think there is a problem here that needs addressing. I can fix my backdating issue with plugins but it might not be so easy for admins looking to publish stuff in the future.

It’d be great to get some clarity on this, because IPS’ messaging over the last six months regarding the whole publish date issue hasn’t been clear or consistent.

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1 hour ago, Dreadknux said:

Decided to unmark my own solution and keep the topic open because of the above issue. While future posting doesn’t affect me too much at the moment (although it likely will later as I too work with embargoes) I think there is a problem here that needs addressing. I can fix my backdating issue with plugins but it might not be so easy for admins looking to publish stuff in the future.

It’d be great to get some clarity on this, because IPS’ messaging over the last six months regarding the whole publish date issue hasn’t been clear or consistent.

Agreed. I was originally going to hold off on upgrading because of the backdating feature being an issue, but then they said they fixed it, so I proceeded to upgrade. But what wasn’t communicated was that we’d lose all scheduling options if we use the forums for comments which was a key selling point of IP.Content a decade ago. 

Scheduling of articles in the future is a key and core requirement of a CMS.

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Thanks Marc - I’ve given up on the past dates issue, I’d like to switch focus to Future Dates now because this was present in the last version and now seems to have disappeared entirely.

As @CheersnGears said, it’s an absolutely necessary feature of any CMS system and needs to return. Not sure what such a feature would negatively impact but I dare say it should be higher priority than other areas of the platform, if IPS wants Pages to be considered a serious CMS solution.

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I understand. Is this something that is going to be fixed? Maybe with the new Pages updates coming later this year?

I don’t think it’s a satisfactory explanation, to simply leave the situation at this. Part of the IPS Suite’s selling point is to marry CMS content and forums, offering one complete unified community platform solution. If it turns out that the forum sync feature is not equipped to work properly with CMS/Pages after all, then I would say this is a major issue that needs resolving.

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11 hours ago, CheersnGears said:

Agreed. I was originally going to hold off on upgrading because of the backdating feature being an issue, but then they said they fixed it, so I proceeded to upgrade. But what wasn’t communicated was that we’d lose all scheduling options if we use the forums for comments which was a key selling point of IP.Content a decade ago. 

Scheduling of articles in the future is a key and core requirement of a CMS.

am I reading this right?

if I upgrade to the latest release I can no longer write an article, save it and then schedule it to publish say the next morning?



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13 minutes ago, sound said:

am I reading this right?

if I upgrade to the latest release I can no longer write an article, save it and then schedule it to publish say the next morning?



IF you are linking to a forum only. If you arent then its not an issue

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4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

IF you are linking to a forum only. If you arent then its not an issue

really biting my lip here

when will this be resolved?

is it a case of 'only' if the 'category' is linked or do you mean the whole feature?
eg if a category is not linked it will allow 'scheduling' even if other category is linked?

why was this not  mentioned in the release notes?



can this be now escalated to a major bug and fixed asp as this is now stopping the upgrading of my site as it affects a major part of how operate my site, am sure there will be others who will be affected

not a good look invision



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22 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

IF you are linking to a forum only. If you arent then its not an issue

I don't understand why this feature would be removed. It has been there for what seems like forever and is integral to what we do. 

I have not updated for a few releases and am glad I haven't with this knowledge now under our belt. If this feature doesn't return, not sure what we can/will do, but upgrading is very possibly out of the question now.

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26 minutes ago, My Sharona said:

I don't understand why this feature would be removed. It has been there for what seems like forever and is integral to what we do. 

I have not updated for a few releases and am glad I haven't with this knowledge now under our belt. If this feature doesn't return, not sure what we can/will do, but upgrading is very possibly out of the question now.

Unfortunately there isn't much there in terms of what I can say to clarify further here, that I havent already said below


2 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

We are aware of this. Unfortunately it was causing some more widespread issues, so had to be removed in the immediate term. This is not to say it will be removed on a permanent basis.


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2 hours ago, sound said:

am I reading this right?

if I upgrade to the latest release I can no longer write an article, save it and then schedule it to publish say the next morning?



If the comments on that article sync with your forum, you cannot schedule to publish in the future. 

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