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Bulk Email Limitations

Go to solution Solved by Ryan Ashbrook,

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I ran into a problem with my hosting company when I did my last newsletter to approx. 3000 registered users. They blocked my email and gave me those instructions under these conditions they would allow bulk emails :


Bulk email is not allowed on our shared hosting. The exception to this is if you are using a program that does staggered shipping.

The following guidelines apply on shared hosting.

    250 emails per hour and 40 emails per minute.


Is there a way I can setup my system to those limitations ?

Thanks for your help in forward.

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The IPB software does not have any sort of rate limiting systems. That SHOULD be done by your host where they accept the emails and just send at whatever their rate limit is. 

You can use a different email provider and send via SMTP or use a provider like SendGrid which has an API integrated to send mail. 

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16 hours ago, Ryan Ashbrook said:

As mentioned, there is unfortunately no way to rate limit bulk emails from within the software. I would recommend using a dedicated service, such as SendGrid.

Checking it out - looks good so far - which API integration is recommended for the IPB ?


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ah ok - thanks that works. Thanks 😊

An other question - is it possible to have 2 emails in the system ? One only for the bulk mails ? My hosting provider also has a good bulk mail system but there I need an email only for the bulk mails. I would prefer that system if possible.

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Just now, hpcrazy said:

ah ok - thanks that works. Thanks 😊

An other question - is it possible to have 2 emails in the system ? One only for the bulk mails ? My hosting provider also has a good bulk mail system but there I need an email only for the bulk mails. I would prefer that system if possible.

Do you mean 2 different senders or just the method? If you take a look at my screenshot, there's literally an option to set this Could contain: Text

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Just now, Daniel F said:

Do you mean 2 different senders or just the method? If you take a look at my screenshot, there's literally an option to set this Could contain: Text

yes I saw that - that would work for SendGrid.

No I meant - having one mail as the normal mail for the IPB - like info@website.com and one just for the bulk mail - like newletter@website.com.

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IPB does not have a concept of sending email as different users. 

Meaning registration emails come from registration@domain.com whereas bulk mail come from newsletters@domain.com.  

You CAN route the email to different providers, but they're all going to be from the single outbound address specified.  

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On 3/2/2023 at 8:06 AM, Ryan Ashbrook said:

As mentioned, there is unfortunately no way to rate limit bulk emails from within the software. I would recommend using a dedicated service, such as SendGrid.

Sendgrid.  It will save you lots of headaches on this. 

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3 hours ago, hpcrazy said:

I checked all settings I could find - seems like there is no such solution then only to use SendGrid.... 😐

Or use a hosting provider that does not apply those sorts of rate control limits.  Heck...  you don't even have to switch hosts.  Find a MAIL provider that allows you to send via SMTP that does not have those sorts of sending limits.  

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1 hour ago, eliteone said:

Sendgrid.  It will save you lots of headaches on this. 

I agree - looks pretty easy ... but it's quite expensive. I only do 2000 mails per month. I don't know if it's worth the 19.95$ per month.

Does anybody have experience with user in fact reading a newsletter ?

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2 minutes ago, hpcrazy said:

Does anybody have experience with user in fact reading a newsletter ?

Not sure what you're asking here...  are you asking if users actually even bother reading a newsletter that is sent?  If so, that depends on a lot of factors.  


17-28% of users will actually OPEN an email typically and about 2-5% will typically click a link inside of that message typically on average.  So the question becomes is that really enough value for the effort and potential cost.  

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8 minutes ago, Randy Calvert said:

Not sure what you're asking here...  are you asking if users actually even bother reading a newsletter that is sent?  If so, that depends on a lot of factors.  


17-28% of users will actually OPEN an email typically and about 2-5% will typically click a link inside of that message typically on average.  So the question becomes is that really enough value for the effort and potential cost.  

Yes thats what I meant - doesn't look like the average user really goes into action by email marketing or is this a good conversion rate ?

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Well...  think of it this way...  most major organizations have tons of members.  That means if a million emails are sent and only 20% view it...  200K people have seen the message and 30Kish people clicking.  That's not necessarily too shabby.  

But since you're only sending 2K messages...  we're talking about 400 people roughly even opening the email and 60 people clicking inside of that message.  Only you can say if that's worth some sort of external cost.  If that one person can generate 1K in revenue for you, it's a no brainer.  If you don't make money from them or little money from it...  then not quite so much.

As I said earlier...  there are more options that just Sendgrid.  You could use ANY mail provider that lets you send via SMTP.  In a quick glance, MailChimp for example looks to support SMTP and is like $13 a month for 5K emails.  I would check around for different mail providers and look if they allow you to send email via SMTP.  If so, it might possibly work for you.  

Edited by Randy Calvert
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You quit right Randy - these are my thoughts too. I hardly make money just from those emails. I'm still in the building up phase and I thought I could use the email newsletter to keep people updated. My email provider has an offer which is even cheaper - but therefore I need to be able to use an alternative email just for the newsletter.

So I come to the finding - I stop my newsletter. It's all too complicated and in my phase is just a waste of money.

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12 hours ago, hpcrazy said:

I agree - looks pretty easy ... but it's quite expensive. I only do 2000 mails per month. I don't know if it's worth the 19.95$ per month.

Does anybody have experience with user in fact reading a newsletter ?

Sendgrid gives me the click through on email (If the reader clicks links in the email etc. Delivery rate etc.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does Sendgrid allow to send stacks of bulkmail ?  My server say's they only allow otherwise you risk to get on a blacklist.


max. 40 Mails / Min
max. 2000 Mails / Hrs
max. 5000 Mails / Day

Or is IPB planing to have a feature in the bulkmail where the numbers of mails / min / hrs and day can be limited ?

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3 minutes ago, hpcrazy said:

Does Sendgrid allow to send stacks of bulkmail ?  My server say's they only allow otherwise you risk to get on a blacklist.

SendGrid is separate from your server's email system so would not be held by the same restrictions.

5 minutes ago, hpcrazy said:

Or is IPB planing to have a feature in the bulkmail where the numbers of mails / min / hrs and day can be limited ?

This is not something we have planned. However, you can certainly suggest it in the Feedback forum.

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