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Upgrade To Cloud Information


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Hi Guys, I actually don't mind the new "Upgrade to Cloud" link in the AdminCP. It's something I would love to do. The advantages seem really nice. 

However, the decision to upgrade or not would be ultra simple if there was a place in AdminCP that showed something like, "If you upgrade to the cloud plan, based on your current site stats and disk usage, the right plan would be ABC." This would put the information I need, right in front of me. Even if you couldn't assess disk usage, the other stats aligned with cloud plans would be really nice. 

Yes, all of the info is probably there for me to find, but when in doubt, with a million other things going on in life, I just put it on the back burner. 

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I agree that IPS wants to advertise its Cloud service. But what about those that use self-hosted communities like me? I don't want to see that link up there because I know I want to use a self-hosted system. I would love an option to hide it because now I cannot use the global search field on my mobile, not even using my mobile's desktop mode. Why? Because the "Upgrade to cloud" link is using up the space where the SEARCH should be 😞 

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@OptimusBain, @Chris027 You know when vendor introduces such moves like the new link in ACP adverting some service? From own past experience I may guess that when income or interest drops. I believe hard times are coming, I already started to feel the change of market myself, probably due to situation around the world, high inflation (constantly increasing living prices) and very likely upcoming world war.

Edited by PatrickRQ
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8 hours ago, OptimusBain said:

I agree that IPS wants to advertise its Cloud service. But what about those that use self-hosted communities like me? I don't want to see that link up there because I know I want to use a self-hosted system. I would love an option to hide it because now I cannot use the global search field on my mobile, not even using my mobile's desktop mode. Why? Because the "Upgrade to cloud" link is using up the space where the SEARCH should be 😞 

As noted in the other post, this does not take up search space. It does not appear in the mobile UI at all and only is appearing by for you due to an incompatibility issue with a 3rd party resource.  

The link on DESKTOP versions of the page does not interfere or limit any existing functionality. 

(Replied as others later may not see what have happened with this and think it was an actual problem.)

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I don't see this as an "upgrade". Having advertising on the software I've paid several hundreds of dollars for  not including the 6 month renewal fee it is a huge turn off.

If IPS would like to promote their hosting service that's fine, however a persistent nag whenever I'm on the ACP is egregious. Why not send me an email with an offer? Or perhaps maybe a discount since I've been such a loyal customer for over 11 years?

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On 4/13/2022 at 4:06 AM, Vijbot said:

I don't see this as an "upgrade". Having advertising on the software I've paid several hundreds of dollars for  not including the 6 month renewal fee it is a huge turn off.

If IPS would like to promote their hosting service that's fine, however a persistent nag whenever I'm on the ACP is egregious. Why not send me an email with an offer? Or perhaps maybe a discount since I've been such a loyal customer for over 11 years?

I completely agree with you. It's the wrong of doing it. They should use advertising, social media or send us an email from which we can opt out. But having it ALWAYS in the main navigation is not going to bring me or many others onboard. It's a nuisance.

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2 hours ago, OptimusBain said:

They should use advertising, social media or send us an email from which we can opt out. But having it ALWAYS in the main navigation is not going to bring me or many others onboard.

I was not aware of this advertising twist but for you guys that self-host I will tell you from first hand experience that the IPS cloud service is excellent and they need to get the word out somehow about this service. I self hosted a IPS site from 4-2011 thru 4-2018 and I can't tell you how many years that dealing with different hosting companies took out of my. From completely corrupt up charging hosting companies to the totally inept hosting services. Plus, the learning curve associated with self-hosting is a total pain in the ass.

I am primarily a content guy, know how to run a community guy and a guy that doesn't want to deal with hosting. I have been with the IPS cloud service since 4-2018 and I hope to never go back to any type of self-hosting scenario. In the past 4 yrs we have not had a single hosting issue since we have gone with the IPS cloud package. I have been a huge advocate for IPS to create a turnkey one stop shop so I would not have to go thru the intellectual hurdles of self-hosting. 

Now that IPS has gotten closer to the expanded media storage levels I see no reason to ever switch. No shill here but I will tell you from first hand experience, I love the IPS cloud package. I hope my testimonial will compel some of you to at least explore switching from self hosting and if you do end up making the move, it will result in you having more time to spend on your community admin needs. Additionally, you will be able to take some of the time you will save from dealing with hosting issues to having extra time to enjoy life.

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1 minute ago, elonegenio said:

I was not aware of this advertising twist but for you guys that self-host I will tell you from first hand experience that the IPS cloud service is excellent and they need to get the word out somehow about this service. I self hosted a IPS site from 4-2011 thru 4-2018 and I can't tell you how many years that dealing with different hosting companies took out of my. From completely corrupt up charging hosting companies to the totally inept hosting services. Plus, the learning curve associated with self-hosting is a total pain in the ass.

I am primarily a content guy, know how to run a community guy and a guy that doesn't want to deal with hosting. I have been with the IPS cloud service since 4-2018 and I hope to never go back to any type of self-hosting scenario. In the past 4 yrs we have not had a single hosting issue since we have gone with the IPS cloud package. I have been a huge advocate for IPS to create a turnkey one stop shop so I would not have to go thru the intellectual hurdles of self-hosting. 

Now that IPS has gotten closer to the expanded media storage levels I see no reason to ever switch. No shill here but I will tell you from first hand experience, I love the IPS cloud package. I hope my testimonial will compel some of you to at least explore switching from self hosting and if you do end up making the move, it will result in you having more time to spend on your community admin needs. Additionally, you will be able to take some of the time you will save from dealing with hosting issues to having extra time to enjoy life.

Thanks so much for the info about your experience. I'd love to move to IPS Cloud, but I want a simple way to know the cost. Right now I'd be guessing.

Does IPS show the number of page impressions in the AdminCP? If I knew this, I'd be able to look at the cloud plans and know which one fits my needs. 

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38 minutes ago, Charles said:

We do not log page impressions in the AdminCP as that is very resource intensive. Tools like your web host or Google Analytics might be able to give you a good idea 🙂 

Ah, ok. We haven’t used Google Analytics for years. Once 50% of our traffic started blocking it, and handing data over to Google started to bug me, I stopped using it. 

The site is on a dedicated server, so my host has no clue about page views. 

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