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ThreadStarter: Movies


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  • 1 month later...

I uploaded a new version:

  • ThreadStarter topics now get updated automatically after the interval set in the ACP, this will only affect new topics and old topics that have been edited once since the update
  • Added a button to set the topic title automatically to the current selected ThreadStarter content
  • Fixed some performance issues
  • Design improvements
  • Credits and movies are now linked automatically if topics exists - e.g. if you have a ThreadStarter topic for Gal Gadot and one for Wonder woman they'll link to each other - Existing topics will need to be edited and saved for this feature to work
  • The ThreadStarter Core only has to be installed once instead of one time for each plugin now. This reduces load times and leads to a less cluttered configuration
  • All ThreadStarter widgets are combined into a single widget now and have to be reconfigured
  • All ThreadStarter APIs have been combined into a single API new and have to be reconfigured

Note: With this update ThreadStarter Core is required, you can download it together with the plugin. It only needs to be installed once, if you installed it from another ThreadStarter plugin you do not need to install it again.
Widgets will need to be reconfigured once. It is recommended to have the latest version of all ThreadStarter plugins installed to avoid compatibility issues.

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For some reason attempting to add Terminator: Dark Fate was throwing up a template error - none of the other entries I'd added to my movies forum have had this effect.  Could it be something in the MDB way it's listed; it's only this one movie doing this.

All good so far:


And then this happens:


Any ideas?


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On 3/25/2020 at 6:34 PM, Davyc said:

@batarjal This doesn't hide titles:


Titles still remain after selecting this - could this be a missing line of code to turn the titles off?

With thanks

Thanks for the feedback, the issue will be fixed in the next update.

7 hours ago, Davyc said:

For some reason attempting to add Terminator: Dark Fate was throwing up a template error - none of the other entries I'd added to my movies forum have had this effect.  Could it be something in the MDB way it's listed; it's only this one movie doing this.

All good so far:


And then this happens:


Any ideas?



That movie works fine for me - Did you do any edits on the ThreadStarter template files?

Do you get any errors in the logs in the ACP?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/31/2020 at 3:41 PM, Maxxius said:

@batarjal hi, I have found a bug, when I place the widget in the top center of the forum topic list page. and when I try to make a new topic - the widget is shown at NEW TOPIC page. It should not be like this. It didnt show in there before in older versions or threadstarter mods.

I cannot reproduce this issue. Can you please verify that you didn't add the widget to the Create Topic page?



I added a new version:

  • ThreadStarter header is now longer shown in Forums where ThreadStarter plugins are diabled
  • Fixed an exception when posts or topics with ThreadStarter content have been deleted
  • Added error message in ACP when ThreadStarter plugins without ThreadStarter: Core have been installed
  • Fixed broken Hide Titles widget setting

If you have several ThreadStarters installed please update all of them.

Edited by batarjal
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  • 1 month later...

Hi @batarjal thanks for your great apps. I have a few questions for all of your apps.

1. Is it possible to change the position for the acp settings, so it isn't shown at first?


2. Maybe more a suggestion as a question, but is it possible to generate the description text as first post? So i hadn't write anything else when i create a topic with ThreadStarter?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
On 9/4/2020 at 10:57 AM, Duken said:

Hi, i upgraded to 4.5.1 but i can't update the application. It gives me " This resource is already installed and up to date"

Im running 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 is available? 

Is this still happening? Updating with 4.5 worked fine for me


13 hours ago, ChrisTERiS said:


Does it saves any data in database, or keep them in cache and updates the cache every XXXX time frame?

Thank you

The data is cached in the database and updated periodically

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, this is not about movies, it's more about Threadstarter: Core (the plugin links this as the supportthread).

Everything works fine so far, I only have a few suggestions for the widget in future versions ...

- It would be nice to use an own title for each widget instead of {lang="$settings['title']"}: {lang="{$settings['order']}"}

- A setting for the image size would be great. Here are two examples, one default, another one with some custom css...

Before https://prnt.sc/v6rni2

After https://prnt.sc/v6rn72

- Truncating titles and genres would be great too.

But that's all cosmetics, application works fine, good work 🙂

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3 hours ago, V0RT3X666 said:

Hi, this is not about movies, it's more about Threadstarter: Core (the plugin links this as the supportthread).

Everything works fine so far, I only have a few suggestions for the widget in future versions ...

- It would be nice to use an own title for each widget instead of {lang="$settings['title']"}: {lang="{$settings['order']}"}

- A setting for the image size would be great. Here are two examples, one default, another one with some custom css...

Before https://prnt.sc/v6rni2

After https://prnt.sc/v6rn72

- Truncating titles and genres would be great too.

But that's all cosmetics, application works fine, good work 🙂

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll look into your suggestions for the next update.

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  • 1 month later...

A few suggestions for a future update if these are possible:

Allow the TMDB content to admin adjustable/editable - an example would be if the trailer is showing a YT movie that is no longer available allow an Admin to add a replacement working YT video link.

For the widget/s, allow the admin to choose what forum the data is pulled from; this will make using the widget more friendly if you want to show the latest additions to a particular genre.

If it's possible allow the system to distinguish between movies and TV shows.

And finally, can you add a stats widget to show in the sidebar stating how many entries have been made and show the last entry as a small poster with a link to it.

I reckon these would add new dimensions to an already excellent app 🙂

With thanks


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  • 7 months later...

The version currently in the marketplace supports 4.6 but the core plugin isn't marked as compatible yet - I contacted the support to quickly get it resolved.



Everything should be working now

Edited by batarjal
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I've got the system installed and running. Is it possible for me to change my review? I'm sorry about that. It was late, I had just finished updating the software on my site and an unrelated issue had just crashed the forums. I thought the ThreadStarter plugin might have done it. That wasn't the case.

Anyway, I like the app. I just have one concern. Some of the content (Like The movie picture links for an actor) links  to TMDB's website, which I don't mind, but it is openning in the same tab as my site. Anything that links off of a person's site should do so in a new window/tab. I'd appreciate it if you could put targets in those links that accomplished this. I don't want to lose visitors to someone else's site or make it a pain for them to navigate back to my site. Thanks.

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