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Members Shop ( Support Topic )


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On 9/29/2018 at 4:41 PM, Joel R said:

1.  I'm trying to search for the phrase, as shown in my screenshot, of "Gained 1 Points for replying to a topic."  Notice the plural and singular.  It looks like you're combining two tokens in your language string: "Gained %s %s for repling to a topic" so I need to know what you're using for the Points part.  

the lang string is ms_log_gained_points_received_topic_reply the point/s bit is because I had to choose either a plural or string where I can add more than 1 %s and the string was needed for that language bit

On 9/29/2018 at 4:41 PM, Joel R said:

2.  You should fix the spelling:  Gained %s %s for replying to a topic.


On 9/29/2018 at 4:41 PM, Joel R said:

3.  The langstrings for gallery items are proper case, and inconsistent with the others.  


On 9/29/2018 at 4:41 PM, Joel R said:

If you add comments, then you're treating members shop like a directory of items (like forums is a directory of topics, or gallery is a directory of images).  But the purpose of the item is not to discuss items. The purpose is to use items to engage with others.   This is what makes your Members Shop one of the most compelling apps in the Marketplace right now.  You're adding a whole new way to interacting with other users and I think you should have a razor-sharp focus on building capabilities around that user-to-user engagement.  That's the power behind your app.  Hope that makes sense.  

yeah that makes sense, but I am thinking maybe people will comment on the items if there is any support needed they can go directly to the file, if you won a big pot of points etc then post a screenshot etc etc it could make them more popular, everything will be a yes / no, if they are added it won't be well they are there you have to use it, there will be a setting for if you want to use it or not, also the same with the item page, I have been messing with that as well, make a page where it shows all information of the item with a long description what could also be used to explain lots more about the item and if there is any requirements to it, how to use it and so on, A lot of people are using custom items and are selling items with this application like gaming keys etc so a dedicated comment / support section for each item would be a lot better

Also I have made it so when you buy & use a item, it will now be a ajax pop up without a close button instead of going to another page, the reason for the no close button is to make sure people use it after they click use now, ( if on PC you can click esc and it will close, you won't lose your item it will just go to myitems )

18 hours ago, Fighting 13th said:

I just bought the app and I am getting this when trying to add items as well.

How can we fix this @TheJackal84 ?

Sent you a PM mate :biggrin:

Edited by TheJackal84
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On 9/29/2018 at 3:29 PM, TheJackal84 said:


On 9/25/2018 at 4:38 PM, CP_User said:

A points award page, similar to your stats page and the leader board but being able to select user groups to show which group has won x amount of points for that year. And being able to select 1 member from each group to show the winner with x amount of points.

I will be making a few widgets for this app as it only has 1 at the minute so I will see where I get with them, I might also add a mystats bit to the stats page so people can check their own stats 

I'm really after the landing page, and be able to select user groups to show off how many points and not just users?

Little mockup

Would you be willing to add this too? I'd rather move over to your apps so it all syncs and works together.

Be able to have that stats page or even a custom landing page with these boxes as widgets would be a great way for users and user groups to interact and show off.

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15 hours ago, CP_User said:

I'm really after the landing page, and be able to select user groups to show off how many points and not just users?

I am making a landing page, I probably won't do a group stat thing, 99% of people don't care where their usergroup ranks especially if they can not upgrade to the next etc, the point of the leaderboard / stats is for members

7 hours ago, Priyesh said:

Is it possible to allow only certain user class to donate or set % fees when someone donates points to another user?

if you go to the ACP and donations, click the settings button and it will popup and it will show some settings including who can donate

7 hours ago, Priyesh said:

is it possible to add fees if someone wants to buy and give the item to someone else?

if you go to the ACP and membersshop settings there is a setting to charge a % of the items price to either send or sell back

Edited by TheJackal84
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On 9/28/2018 at 9:01 PM, Joel R said:

Sounds exciting.  Thanks!  

I am also making the tables look a lot nicer with the ability to feature them on the front end etc, The old grid view will still be there but there will be 2 styles to choose from,

( I like the new style :biggrin: I was getting drawn to the tables again but the grids are so much better )


that style will also make the landing page look a lot better


Edited by TheJackal84
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On 10/2/2018 at 3:48 AM, TheJackal84 said:

if you go to the ACP and donations, click the settings button and it will popup and it will show some settings including who can donate

Yes, I already did that. Wanted to ask if there is an option or if you could put an option in the next update that would charge users a certain % for donating bonus points to some other users?
This limits the chance of them misusing the system by donating amounts to users without much contribution to buy things.

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4 hours ago, Priyesh said:

Yes, I already did that. Wanted to ask if there is an option or if you could put an option in the next update that would charge users a certain % for donating bonus points to some other users?
This limits the chance of them misusing the system by donating amounts to users without much contribution to buy things.

yeah I can add that to the next update

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19 hours ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

Not rushing you in any way but any rough idea on your next update? Really looking forward to it

Not sure yet, I have a big project on as well as a couple other things plus my proper job, I am working these updates inbetween, and this apps update will be quite big and have a lot of code changed / re-wrote / added

18 hours ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

Any idea's why I get this when trying to add an item to the shop?

I will send you a PM for this

4 hours ago, Priyesh said:

Thanks a lot! Means a lot that you listen to customer suggestions! Helps bring out the best product.

No problem, probably about 80% of this app was created via requests, the first description of the features was about 30 lines long now it is over 200 and growing :biggrin:

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19 hours ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

For shop items, where do I find a list of fa-icons to use? 

Tried using https://fontawesome.com/ but not all of them work

Like @Joel R said it uses font-awesome 4


once IPS update to font-awesome 5 ( whats been out a year in december ) I will use it in this app too

17 hours ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

For custom items, do you need to manually remove points? I thought it would automatically remove them once I click 'award'

what do you mean by custom items? a actual custom item or a generated item?

if it is a generated item / purchase then there is a setting to either add it for free or take points, if you are charging them for it and the user don't have enough points it will remove the points they have and leave them with 0, if it is a custom item they work just like all other items, they need to be purchased

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2 hours ago, TheJackal84 said:


what do you mean by custom items? a actual custom item or a generated item?

if it is a generated item / purchase then there is a setting to either add it for free or take points, if you are charging them for it and the user don't have enough points it will remove the points they have and leave them with 0, if it is a custom item they work just like all other items, they need to be purchased


I mean this.

When purchased I get a message saying something like, "your purchase needs to be added manually by an administrator". It doesn't take any points. 


I then go to this page and 'redeem' purchase but it still does not take the points. So I basically have to manually go into that members profile and take the points.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Normal items work fine and take the points.

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2 minutes ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:


I mean this.

When purchased I get a message saying something like, "your purchase needs to be added manually by an administrator". It doesn't take any points. 


I then go to this page and 'redeem' purchase but it still does not take the points. So I basically have to manually go into that members profile and take the points.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Normal items work fine and take the points.

when they buy the item it takes the points from them, redeeming does not take points, you can buy a item and store it away / send the item to someone else, when they buy it it takes points, if they redeem it it won't take points as it took points when they bought the item, it will take points if they used buy & use as that is buying the item and redeeming it in one go, check if the member has moderator permissions to buy items for free that is the only other way they won't get charged for a item

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1 minute ago, TheJackal84 said:

when they buy the item it takes the points from them, redeeming does not take points, you can buy a item and store it away / send the item to someone else, when they buy it it takes points, if they redeem it it won't take points as it took points when they bought the item, it will take points if they used buy & use as that is buying the item and redeeming it in one go, check if the member has moderator permissions to buy items for free that is the only other way they won't get charged for a item

I will check permissions thanks.

Also I don't understand how you are able to purchase items without having the required amount of points. For example I could purchase an item costing 10 points even though I only have 1 point. Is this normal?

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3 minutes ago, Paul Play To Enjoy said:

I will check permissions thanks.

Also I don't understand how you are able to purchase items without having the required amount of points. For example I could purchase an item costing 10 points even though I only have 1 point. Is this normal?

again check the moderator permissions, if you can buy for free you don't need points :biggrin:

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