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Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic


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It seems that Its unfortunately not explained we'll enough

trophies are based on th built in criteria / achievements or by rules created by the rules application.

medals don't have any rules... moderators with proper permissions can go to a members profile and give him a medal.

admins can also award medals to multiple members via the acp :) 


Edited by fosters
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  • 1 month later...
12 minutes ago, C4D Cafe said:

I wonder why then no one is replying on my email. I basically purchased plugin and now I need to pay full price again, not sure why, any idea!?



Be aware that there are TWO products on the IPS Marketplace that are very similar.  This is the support topic for Trophies and Medals by @fosters.  There is a competing product iAwards that's been abandoned by its original author and recently switched over to new authorship.

Trophies and Medals by @fosters has always been stable and supported.  Can you verify that this is indeed the version that you've purchased?  

Edited by Joel R
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I've had iAwards and then they simply perished...here's image of both apps on my forums... http://prntscr.com/fp1eqr

1 hour ago, Joel R said:

Be aware that there are TWO products on the IPS Marketplace that are very similar.  This is the support topic for Trophies and Medals by @fosters.  There is a competing product iAwards that's been abandoned by its original author and recently switched over to new authorship.

Trophies and Medals by @fosters has always been stable and supported.  Can you verify that this is indeed the version that you've purchased?  

I've had iAwards and then they simply perished...here's image of both apps on my forums... http://prntscr.com/fp1eqr

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  • 4 weeks later...
15 hours ago, Volstate said:

I just wish there was a way to convert to this from Iawards so I didn't lose all my awarded members :(

Actually, if you're using iAwards then you've already built your criteria using Automation Rules by @Kevin Carwile, correct? 

If you have those criteria built, then Trophies and Medals will support the same rules.  You may need to adjust the medal from iAwards app to Trophies app but the underlying ECA conditions should still be valid.  

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5 hours ago, Pedro Ibáñez said:

Hi @Fosters!

I just upgrade to IPS 4.2 and the last release of Trophies and Medals and can't see the Trophies and Medals on Post Bit...


Thank you, this is a bug which I will fix as soon as possible.  There was a template problem with 4.2.  

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