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Auto Welcome Support

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Any update on the update/fix for this? 

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  • I've got a new update ready that is just being tested a bit more by a few others and then will be released soon. (Because of the previous update causing problems, I'm a bit more cautious this release.

  • Michael.J

    The Auto Welcome app has been updated with IP.Board 4.2.x compatibility and several more bug fixes. Full list of changes below IP.Board 4.2.x compatibly update. Status updates should now

  • Michael.J

    The Auto Welcome app has been updated with a few more bug fixes and re-organizing of the admin settings. I've also confirmed IP.Board 4.3.x compatibility as well.

Posted Images

Just looking for an update on this! I just launched a new site and not having our Auto Welcome working is very frustrating. Anyone know where we are at on this one?


I am facing an issue where the Auto-Welcome message and emails are not being sent? 


Thank you

@JTHastings and @James101: Would you be able to be a bit more specific regarding what doesn't work? It works for me (finally), with PMs sent immediately to new members.

Hey @Runar,

I have set up a private message and email to be sent to new members when they signup. They are not being sent currently.

Have you set it up to be sent immediately or with a delay? And have you checked both the Error and System logs?

Mine is not posting (creating) posts in the topic I specified nor is it doing the Chat Box function. Not sure if anything else but for me that is pretty significant. Error logs are clean


Edited by JTHastings

Great plugin providing an essential feature! Thanks a million!

One problem: the tags aren't all parsing correctly. Here's what happens with the ones I've tried:

  • %member_name% - outputs a string similar to the previous Facebook issue
  • %sender_name% - doesn't parse at all, just outputs "%sender_name%"
  • %board_name% - actually works!

My users are imported via CSV if that helps and the forum was built on 4.5 from the start.

@Michael.J I just installed your Auto Welcome app. Very slick!

What's the difference between sending a Personal Message or an Email. If I send the former, they already get an email notification. Is this redundant or am I missing something?





Is there a way to only apply this plugin's settings for new members? I turned it on and it automatically sent a million email messages and status updates that I had to delete?

For the status updates and topics section (since they're public) is there a way to have 4 or 5 variations of "canned" text that it could automatically cycle through? The way it is now, our members will see that I type the exact same message to new members and that will look a little weird.


  On 10/13/2020 at 4:15 AM, Justin Stellman said:

What's the difference between sending a Personal Message or an Email. If I send the former, they already get an email notification. Is this redundant or am I missing something?

A personal message will create a conversation on your community, so if the member replies you'll get their answer to your inbox (or the inbox of the member you set as sender). If you send an email, the conversation and their replies will not be a part of your community.

  On 10/13/2020 at 4:45 AM, Justin Stellman said:

Is there a way to only apply this plugin's settings for new members? I turned it on and it automatically sent a million email messages and status updates that I had to delete?

I had the same issue, and posted about it on page 27: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/410417-auto-welcome-support/?do=findComment&comment=2830633

  On 10/13/2020 at 4:45 AM, Justin Stellman said:

For the status updates and topics section (since they're public) is there a way to have 4 or 5 variations of "canned" text that it could automatically cycle through? The way it is now, our members will see that I type the exact same message to new members and that will look a little weird.

Not currently possible, it seems.

  On 8/25/2020 at 10:56 PM, Michael.J said:
  On 8/18/2020 at 7:27 AM, Prank said:

Whats the first thing I should do to troubleshoot?

Was this after updating to IPB 4.5?

  On 8/24/2020 at 6:34 PM, Square Wheels said:

Is this 4.5 Compatible?

Just released an update that is pending approval.

Sorry Michael I only just saw this. No my forums are still 4.4.

This is not working for me on 4.5. Everything is set up correctly to send a PM immediately, but nothing happens.

I have sent the System Error log to you via PM.

Edited by Emediate

@Michael.J, it would be great to have this back.  I think I suggested it before, maybe make it a paid app to add some incentive to make it work for 4.5?

This is a key element of our 4.4 community.  I have a new forum I'm setting up right now (different focus and topic) and this was the second plugin I went to add.  I got this error:


I am completely willing to pay for this plugin if needed.

@Michael.J can you just acknowledge this so we know whether to wait or move on. I can see you have been online multiple times but not read my PM yet, or responded in here. Can you give us a heads up please?

  On 10/13/2020 at 6:07 AM, Runar said:

Not currently possible, it seems.

Thanks @Runar Is there an option in the works (or live) that would apply these setting for any "new" members rather than anybody who joined in the past @Michael.J?

I just installed it and had to remove 1250 welcome messages, but that aside, 
is it possible to tag someone in the welcome message (post) ?


@optrexnz I had the same problem. It took me hours to fix so I disabled it. I wanted to have a setting or checkbox that could apply to new members only.  I'm not using it until that happens cause that ate up 2 hours out of my day!


  On 10/21/2020 at 3:56 AM, Justin Stellman said:

I had the same problem. It took me hours to fix so I disabled it. I wanted to have a setting or checkbox that could apply to new members only

I should perhaps also say that subsequent from my post, I had a further 5 batches of 1250 to clear down. 😳

  On 10/21/2020 at 4:25 AM, optrexnz said:

I should perhaps also say that subsequent from my post, I had a further 5 batches of 1250 to clear down.

Ya it's crazy. It ruined my night last week. I had to spend horus fixing it! I don't know why a setting like that wouldn't have been put in from the start. Hopefully @Michael.J sees this and adds a workaround or update of some kind!

As mentioned earlier in the topic, there is a bug when sending private messages to members after X hours. If you set the message to send immediately after signup, nothing bad happens. If you set any delay, it will send the message to everyone.

This is a bug, not a missing option. I just hope @Michael.J responds soon, as this can be quite serious.

I downgraded to 2.5.6 ver. and works fine - had problems with 2.6.1 ver. (no new topics , no PM).

I did the same ages ago.

  On 10/21/2020 at 6:44 AM, bosss said:

I downgraded to 2.5.6 ver. and works fine - had problems with 2.6.1 ver. (no new topics , no PM).

I'll give that a try, thanks.