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Upgrade from IP. 3.4.x to IPS4.0 (updated)


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On Tuesday, November 24, 2015 6:25:24, Legião Portuguesa said:

Live update (Well before i backup everything of course)

Tried to update 3.4.3 to 3.4.8 but when i try it says "IPS Sytem is up to date" and i dont have any box to check it.

Your fixed upgraded test site with instructions is being sent to your server...

Have fun getting to know!

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On 2.12.2015, 05:45:06, Woodsman said:

Go to the ACP - System (bottom) Support -Support.
click the radio button for "Something isn't working correctly" Then click Continue.
Click back on Overview Dashboard and let the page build... Should be working now.

Helped. Thanks a lot! Now I just have to fix my viewtopic.php (from converter).

Every time I want to redirect my old phpBB URLs it shows me "There appears to be an error with the database.".

Didn't find anything how to fix it. Any ideas?

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In my test install, non-staff posts that have quotes in them only show the quote. This is never the case for staff members. Is that probably due to not caching before upgrading? I feel like the rebuilding posts process wasn't too successful even though everything has been completed. My forum also has around 800,000 posts in total, so is it just a problem with the large size?

I sent a support ticket, but I just want to ask here too.

Also, can I run all three cache options in the Cache Management area on a live board without anything going wrong?

Edited by heartbreakers
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In the article it is crucial to follow all the steps as written. All caching needs to be done prior to any upgrade as well.
After going through the complete process it is then very important to review the suite being upgraded to look for any oddities that were not on the original site. These also need your attention prior to the upgrade process. Skipping steps gets you in trouble, I know I have gone through many that failed until I got the process right.

24 minutes ago, heartbreakers said:

In my test install, non-staff posts that have quotes in them only show the quote. This is never the case for staff members. Is that probably due to not caching before upgrading? I feel like the rebuilding posts process wasn't too successful even though everything has been completed. My forum also has around 800,000 posts in total, so is it just a problem with the large size?

I sent a support ticket, but I just want to ask here too.

Also, can I run all three cache options in the Cache Management area on a live board without anything going wrong?

Yes, I highly recommend this.

Edited by Woodsman
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5 hours ago, Woodsman said:

In the article it is crucial to follow all the steps as written. All caching needs to be done prior to any upgrade as well.
After going through the complete process it is then very important to review the suite being upgraded to look for any oddities that were not on the original site. These also need your attention prior to the upgrade process. Skipping steps gets you in trouble, I know I have gone through many that failed until I got the process right.

Yes, I highly recommend this.

What does this mean? Did the fact that all the posts weren't cached affect posts below a quote not showing up if the members were not moderators or administrators?


Edited by heartbreakers
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1 minute ago, Woodsman said:

Are you saying the only posts that got cached were by administrators and moderators?

Or are you saying administrators and moderators can only view the posts at this moment?

For example, I'm quoting your post now. On my test install, what I'm writing as a reply to the quote will not show up if I'm not an administrator or moderator. Only what you've written in the quote box will show, but it will show as a quote.

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1 hour ago, Woodsman said:

Are you saying the only posts that got cached were by administrators and moderators?

Or are you saying administrators and moderators can only view the posts at this moment?

On IB 3.4.6, what does the rebuild post content do? Will it throw off any posts? I used the rebuild signatures feature and the editor coding in my members' signatures malfunctioned and showed the codes. Is it a good idea to use this feature before upgrading?

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Just now, heartbreakers said:

On IB 3.4.6, what does the rebuild post content do? Will it throw off any posts? I used the rebuild signatures feature and the editor coding in my members' signatures malfunctioned and showed the codes. Is it a good idea to use this feature before upgrading?

No, this tool is only for users that have upgraded from 2.3 (and should only be ran once). We removed it in 3.4.7.

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19 hours ago, heartbreakers said:

I'm going to go ahead and re-install my test install. I think that's the best solution. Plus it's only a test install, so no harm in doing so.

I ended up running my test installation again following all your steps, but I can't see my board, but I can access my ACP.

Do you know what could be wrong?

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6 hours ago, Woodsman said:

If you can access the ACP Try going to System - (Support) Support - What do you need help with? - Something isn't working correctly. And hit Continue.

If this does not work then there are other issues needing investigation.

That's not an option on the 3.4.6 ACP. I duplicated my board in another directory and can't view it, but I can view the ACP associated with it.

For example, if my forum were located at forum.com: I ran a test installation of forum.com at forum.com/test. I can't see forum.com/test, but I can access forum.com/test/admin. I hope that makes sense.

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1. you created the backup of your present site and moved to the test subdirectory.
2.Copied the original sql database in PhpMyAdmin to something like "test1"
3. Went back into the test root directory and modified the conf_global.php where the line for sql database points to the new database "test1" While assuming this to be on the same server the sql user and password are the same.
4. Changed the board URL to be pointed to the new location "http://forum.com/test"

5. Go into the ACP - System - System settings. Go to General Configuration - Find "Path to 'upload' directory" below text box you will see the recommended uploads path copy and paste this into the text box. Do the same for "Upload URL" and Save. Do the same under the IPS Apps if you have the blog and gallery.
6. Go to Look and Feel - Template Tools (In Left sidebar) - Rebuild Master Skin Data check all boxes including the 3 on the left. Hit Rebuild.
7. (Above) Select a skin set - <All Skin Sets> Hit Recache Skin Sets.
8. Go back to System - Cache Management - Rebuild Furl Cache - Rebuild Global Caches Cache - Recache All.
9. Go to Applications & Modules - Manage Applications & Modules - Hit Recache Apps & Modules.
10. Go to Applications & Modules - Manage Hooks - Hit Reimport Applications Hooks.

No go to front end and refresh.... Do you have your test site?

If this is still not working, what you may want to try (if you still have a copy of 3.4.6) is save these directories Cache, downloads (if you have it), hooks public, screenshots (if you have it), and Uploads. Also save the conf_global.php from above. Via FTP upload the fresh copy of 3.4.6 to this test site. If you do not have a copy of 3.4.6 then you will need to upgrade the live board to 3.4.8 and start this whole process over starting from the beginning.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas!

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11 hours ago, Woodsman said:

1. you created the backup of your present site and moved to the test subdirectory.
2.Copied the original sql database in PhpMyAdmin to something like "test1"
3. Went back into the test root directory and modified the conf_global.php where the line for sql database points to the new database "test1" While assuming this to be on the same server the sql user and password are the same.
4. Changed the board URL to be pointed to the new location "http://forum.com/test"

5. Go into the ACP - System - System settings. Go to General Configuration - Find "Path to 'upload' directory" below text box you will see the recommended uploads path copy and paste this into the text box. Do the same for "Upload URL" and Save. Do the same under the IPS Apps if you have the blog and gallery.
6. Go to Look and Feel - Template Tools (In Left sidebar) - Rebuild Master Skin Data check all boxes including the 3 on the left. Hit Rebuild.
7. (Above) Select a skin set - <All Skin Sets> Hit Recache Skin Sets.
8. Go back to System - Cache Management - Rebuild Furl Cache - Rebuild Global Caches Cache - Recache All.
9. Go to Applications & Modules - Manage Applications & Modules - Hit Recache Apps & Modules.
10. Go to Applications & Modules - Manage Hooks - Hit Reimport Applications Hooks.

No go to front end and refresh.... Do you have your test site?

If this is still not working, what you may want to try (if you still have a copy of 3.4.6) is save these directories Cache, downloads (if you have it), hooks public, screenshots (if you have it), and Uploads. Also save the conf_global.php from above. Via FTP upload the fresh copy of 3.4.6 to this test site. If you do not have a copy of 3.4.6 then you will need to upgrade the live board to 3.4.8 and start this whole process over starting from the beginning.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas!

Looks like my index.php file was still pointing to my live board. I changed the paths there and my board is working!

Thanks for taking the time to help me!

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Sorry to bother with so many questions, but while I was upgrading, I ran into another issue. Do you know what this might mean?

Table '***_ips4test.cms_page_widget_areas' doesn't exist

SELECT * FROM `cms_page_widget_areas`

Apparently it's error 1146. I uploaded the IPS4 folder twice to see if I could get rid of this error, but it won't go away. I can't click "Retry?" or "Continue" to go pass the error either.

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1 hour ago, Woodsman said:

It appears that you have a missing widget table.

Try downloading a fresh copy of the suite from the client center.... Every now and then the files can be corrupt during file transfer... This was a big issue I had in the past with my ISP.

That solved the issue. Thank you again!

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