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  1. Where can we get the newest version?
  2. Michael can you please respond to my query on your site? Thanks!
  3. I last chatted with him on 4/10 and he hasn't responded to anything since then. I do hope he is ok!!!
  4. Installed update and phrase bot is almost working now! Thanks for getting it this far!😀 I can get it to output a message on match, but when I have an image inserted in the message instead of displaying the image is just shows the image name.png when it is outputted. When viewing the url I see %3C___base_url___%3E
  5. Logged into to see if you released that update and I do not even see the purchase in my order history. 😞 Patience is wearing very thin!
  6. Thanks, if you are stuck I have a potential solution. Add the member option to the commands so that when someone entered certain commands the output would be echoed by the bot.
  7. Thanks for the updated tutorial, that is all very simple to understand. I am that person and I will contact you as it is not working for me. Thanks!
  8. Anyone have any luck getting a phrase bot up and running? If yes, can you provide instructions? The tutorial on the jungle site seems to be a dated version as it doesn't match what I installed. The app looks promising; just love to be able to test the bots out fully. When I attempt to edit a bot it always pulls up the wrong settings and I see no way to add multiple phrase/message combos.
  9. Cool plugin to see where members are at. I set it to sync with member profile field, will that update on its own at a certain time?
  10. Ok I ran the upgrade tonight 3.3.4 to 4.1.x and it seemed to go very smoothly - will report back if I have any issues.
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