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Pages Pre-release 3


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We've just updated our Pages Pre Release, available here to all IP.Content license holders.

This release requires IPS4 Beta 3, which was released earlier today.

Pages is not upgradable from IP.Board 3.4.7 just yet so please don't try to do this! As usual, please report bugs to our IPS4 bug tracker.


​Even though Pages is not upgradeable from 3.4.x, If I install pages on my IP4 dev site, will it upgrade with future releases or would all pages content be lost.

The reason I ask is we are not pulling any of our current content data over to our IP4 site, it is all being re-developed from scratch so we have no need for pages to be upgradeable from 3.4.x to 4.0, only upgradeable between betas to final/stable.

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@Khalat Jalal, to install follow these instructions:

To install, simply unzip the attached file and upload into your "applications" directory. You can then either run the main suite installer if you're installing for the first time, or you can install it from your ACP if you already have IPS4 installed.

Click on this link to download and install.

Hope that helps!  And remember, it is recommended you have the latest IP 4.0 beta installed as well.

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@Matt I have been working for the last week or so with support to get my Wordpress Blog converted over to IP Content 3.4.7 so that I can then upgrade it to IP Pages 4.0  However, I noticed that IP Pages has no main "article image" in IP Pages 4.0.  This is a huge concern, especially since IP support worked hard to get my Wordpress main article images converted over to IP Content.

 I am looking forward to using IP 4.0 Suite for my community and it would be unfortunate if I cannot upgrade my IP Content to IP Pages 4.0 with the main entry images intact.  This also applies for Blog 4.0...there does not appear to be an area for the main image which is a huge concern.

The other concern with this is for any upcoming clients you guys may have.  If you do not allow them to easily migrate their Wordpress 4.0 feature images over, than it is likely they will not go through the trouble switching to IP Blog or IP Pages 4.0 because then they would have to manually move every single image over which is not realistic.

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However, I noticed that IP Pages has no main "article image" in IP Pages 4.0.  

It would surprise my if upgrading a 3.4 site to 4.0 would not take over the standard article image which is present in the database "0". And in the same way it needs a place to automatically transfer the WordPress article image. 

Now that I think about it: while many databases might not even need such an image, it would be very useful to have a special field with specific image settings for that – not just the single upload fields we have so far. It would solve one problem I mentioned several times: You can't let users upload 5 Megabyte images and then show 100 of them in a list view (for album covers, baseball player portraits or whatever). Having a special article image field with custom image settings (e.g. size, aspect ratio, link to original) would be helpful.

And I agree, and have argued this before: the same thing should be available in blogs. Blog posts in the Blog section and article images in the IP Pages section are almost the same thing. It’s an article with a title and a body field. I don’t see a logic in having an article image in one area, but not the other. 

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It would surprise my if upgrading a 3.4 site to 4.0 would not take over the standard article image which is present in the database "0". And in the same way it needs a place to automatically transfer the WordPress article image. 

Now that I think about it: while many databases might not even need such an image, it would be very useful to have a special field with specific image settings for that – not just the single upload fields we have so far. It would solve one problem I mentioned several times: You can't let users upload 5 Megabyte images and then show 100 of them in a list view (for album covers, baseball player portraits or whatever). Having a special article image field with custom image settings (e.g. size, aspect ratio, link to original) would be helpful.

And I agree, and have argued this before: the same thing should be available in blogs. Blog posts in the Blog section and article images in the IP Pages section are almost the same thing. It’s an article with a title and a body field. I don’t see a logic in having an article image in one area, but not the other. 

​Well said @opentype and I really hope that IP staff implement this in the next beta so that we can test it.  It doesn't make sense to not have this very important feature, especially if many people are depending on it to be carried over to IP 4.0.  I did a test upgrade to 4.0 and none of my blog images carried over.  What's the point of upgrading to IP 4.0 then?

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We've just updated our Pages Pre Release, available here to all IP.Content license holders.

Pages is not upgradable from IP.Board 3.4.7 just yet so please don't try to do this! 

​Matt how i get my 100+ data pages from old ip content to new pages in ips4?

when this is available with gold release it is fine - pls more Details & thx for an preview 

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I'm working on the upgrade system still. There will be a way to upgrade your data (as much as possible) when we're into the beta stage with Pages.

It's worth noting, however, that because we've changed the PHP, CSS and Javascript frameworks in 4.0, certain things will not be upgradable, like blocks and templates as there's no programatic way we can convert the changes to the data. Pages and databases will be upgradable however.

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I'm working on the upgrade system still. There will be a way to upgrade your data (as much as possible) when we're into the beta stage with Pages.

It's worth noting, however, that because we've changed the PHP, CSS and Javascript frameworks in 4.0, certain things will not be upgradable, like blocks and templates as there's no programatic way we can convert the changes to the data. Pages and databases will be upgradable however.

​Hehe, good thing we planned on re-doing all our pages from the ground up again.  They are completely built of blocks (well 85% of them) lol. 

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I'm working on the upgrade system still. There will be a way to upgrade your data (as much as possible) when we're into the beta stage with Pages.

It's worth noting, however, that because we've changed the PHP, CSS and Javascript frameworks in 4.0, certain things will not be upgradable, like blocks and templates as there's no programatic way we can convert the changes to the data. Pages and databases will be upgradable however.

​Hey Matt, but what about all of those entry images?  Will those carry over for both Blogs and Pages?  At the moment, the entry images for both Blogs and Pages seem to be missing from 4.0 which is really strange.  Entry images are so important, especially since they allow easy conversion from Wordpress' featured images and, plus, entry images can be used as thumbnails anywhere on the site. 

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I now installed the 4.0 beta and the Pages pre-release. There is indeed a dedicated “record image” field present. It’s just de-activated by default. I don’t know how it is utilized for upgrades and conversions at this point, but this is where your existing IP.Content and WordPress “teaser images” should go. 

It is however just a simple upload field. No settings. No thumbnails. Which is pretty baffling in 2014. If you open the article or the article list view (with potentially dozens of these article images), they are all loaded as full size hi-res images and then scaled down to something like 250px in the browser. :o :ohmy::ohmy:

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