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Posts posted by stoo2000

  1. 2 hours ago, Allan - TheTechTribe said:

    @Marc Stridgen thank you, our 3rd party login would be the WordPress SSO by @stoo2000 , we cannot disable it for now, as we have like thousand of member using this forum, and if we did, they will be logout.

    Do you think @stoo2000 has got to do with the plugin WordPress SSO? I could create a support so we can take it there and talk about it.


    I created a support ticket for you on my site, please check your email.

  2. On 3/8/2024 at 1:44 AM, Allan - TheTechTribe said:

    Hello, are you the author? Yes, we have already an account, however when I try to create a support ticket, seems that page is broken, however, I believe the root cause was the chatbox as there was no complain from any members to this date.

    Yes. Ah, you must have tried at there was an issue with the beta. It has been updated now, please open a ticket if you need assistance.


    4 hours ago, Allan - TheTechTribe said:

    Hi, Allan again here.

    So two things are happening,

    one is that the IPB suddenly refresh on its own in Edge or Chrome, and we notice this ajax request
    Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot

    Also when I try to reply in a post, it redirect me to this page, im posting three URL redirects here




    Any idea?

    Background AJAX requests are totally normal but you shouldn't get redirected to them.

  3. Likewise, I don't see how this would be related to the WordPress SSO. It will redirect you to WordPress in some circumstances if your session has expired but that shouldn't be very often if you're using the site.

    You can transfer your WordPress SSO Marketplace purchase to my website, this gives you access to downloads, billing and technical support all in one place.

    If your purchase is expired or nearing expiry, a renewal invoice will be generated for you.

  4. 10 hours ago, David Ehmer said:

    Just discovered that my subscription to Wordpress SSO has expired. I guess I need to contact the develop to renew?  Not sure who the develop is though as all references on the original purchase mention invision only.  Can anyone provide the contact details for the developer?  Thanks

    That would be me!

    You can transfer your Marketplace purchase to my website, this gives you access to downloads, billing and technical support all in one place.

    If your purchase is expired or nearing expiry, a renewal invoice will be generated for you.

  5. 1 hour ago, Michael Collins said:

    @stoo2000 Ok thank you, is there any way around that if we need to sign in as a member to test an issue without switching off the sso plugin?

    In theory, if you have similar functionality in your WordPress install it may work, something like https://wordpress.org/plugins/login-as-user/

    Alternatively, temporarily disabling the SSO will allow you to use the functionality. I do have an open report to look into the possibility of allowing this feature to work with the SSO. That'll be in a future version if it's possible.

  6. Carole had a support ticket open for this on my site too. The two issues are related to the configuration on the WordPress side. The registration page Carole wanted to use wasn't properly registered as the registration page via `wp_registration_url()`. And unfortunately, the replacement login page isn't acting quite right. It's instantly redirecting requests back to the community instead of asking the end-user to sign in first.

    @Robert Angle That's a good work around for the registration issue though!

  7. I'm pleased to announce that you can now transfer your Marketplace purchase to my website, this gives you access to downloads, billing and technical support all in one place.

    If your purchase is expired or nearing expiry, a renewal invoice will be generated for you.

  8. I'm pleased to announce that you can now transfer your Marketplace purchase to my website, this gives you access to downloads, billing and technical support all in one place.

    If your purchase is expired or nearing expiry, a renewal invoice will be generated for you.

  9. That blue bar is only a warning, it'll self-dismiss in around 72 hours after the last bounce.

    The graph only shows the difference in those that have been blocked, this doesn't encompass all of your members. However, the easiest way to reset would be to uninstall the app and re-install it. This will delete any data the app stores.

    Sparkpost will still maintain its own blocklist, so eventually the app will catch up again when new emails are sent but this may also impact your sending reputation.

  10. 4 hours ago, 15Degrees said:

    Hi @stoo2000.

    Couple more questions.

    1. We are hiding wp admin with a different URL using a plugin. Does your plugin need to see the original wp admin or can we hide it?

    2. Can the URL be https:// or does it have to have www in it?

    3. I don't see Admins in the list even though they are of course in the wordpress list?

    You're probably best to send me a PM for these kinds of questions 🙂

    1. Providing the plugin is declaring the URL change via a filter, it should be fine (The SSO asks WordPress for the correct URL).
    2. Both sites should be https:// for security purposes.
    3. You'll only see the members in Invision Community after they sign in for the first time, this creates their account in Invision.
  11. 14 minutes ago, 15Degrees said:

    Got an odd one @stoo2000. I can only see Admins and mods in the list and not members? Any ideas?

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Page, Text


    Also it says custom for me?

    Could contain: Text, Gauge

    Everyone syncs to 'members' by default. You only need to add role mapping rules if you want members to go into other groups (you'll need to create those first for them to show up). The custom badge will change with the next update 🙂

  12. 8 minutes ago, 15Degrees said:

    Hi Marc

    It's so that when users buy our Course (using LifterLMS and Woo) They get access to the community along with access to Wordpress at the same time.

    I have bought the plugin. Lets see.


    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the purchase 🙂

    Providing that your system can assign a WordPress Role on purchase and remove it on expire, those can be syncronised when a user signs in.


  13. Hello,

    This means that the registration is being blocked by the IPS Spam Defense service (inside WordPress SSO).

    If you're sure this end-user is not a spammer, you can either whitelist the end-users IP in the AdminCP or manually create an account for them (using the same email address as the WordPress account).



  14. 15 hours ago, Florent Cadet said:


    I have this error with a fresh install of the plugin when I try to display settings in the back office:

    TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, bool given (0)
    system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\feedback\modules\admin\settings\_settings->manage()
    applications/feedback/modules/admin/settings/settings.php(34): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\feedback\modules\admin\settings\_settings->execute()
    admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #4 {main}

    Do you have an idea of what is happening?

    Thank you

    It looks like one of the content router extensions (maybe a third party app) is returning an unexpected value, I can make an update available this week that understands this situation.

  15. On 12/21/2022 at 4:56 PM, AlexWebsites said:

    For some reason, when I have Bouncer enabled, my newsletters will not send from the app below. Happening for a few weeks. Anyone have the same issue?



    On 12/27/2022 at 5:39 AM, AlexWebsites said:

    I was having a /usr/sbin/mysqld spike to over 100% CPU under my server processes. I had to kill it to stop it but it would creep back up. I checked a slow query log and nothing. Disabled bouncer and the issue is gone. Any ideas? MYSQL 8, using Amazon SES

    I haven't had any reports of either things being an issue. Bouncer doesn't really run any complex database queries so I'm not sure why you would be seeing an issue like high CPU usage.

    Please create a ticket here: https://ipb.silvesterwebdesigns.com/support (you will need to register if you haven't already). Make sure you include as much information about the issue as possible and provide an FTP/AdminCP login.

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