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    Afrodude reacted to Dreadknux in FX Pages - a free collection of Pages templates   
    Hi @Sonya*
    Thanks, looking forward to the next update!
    I wanted to try and tweak your toc.js JS code myself to add an "a" anchor before H2 tags, to help with the issue I was having. I used some code from your FX Images JS code to try and wrap an anchor tab around an H2/H3/H4 tag within the page, but it doesn't seem to be working.
    setup: function () { // Find the items we need var self = this; var items = this.scope.find("h2, h3, h4"); items.each( function (i) { $( this ).attr('id', 'toc'+i); $( this ).closest('p').wrap("<a id='#" + $( this ).attr('id') + "'></a>"); }); var output = []; var last = ''; if( !items.length ){ return; } Any ideas?
  2. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Sonya* in FX Pages - a free collection of Pages templates   
    I am going to release a new version this week.
    Generally, you can create your own JS and CSS files and add them to your page instead of those delivered with the app. JS and CSS will be replaced silently during the upgrade, so you are going to lose all your custom changes if you have modified the original FXPages JS and CSS. 
    I will look into it, however, generally I stick to the IPS framework and UI widgets to be sure it works on every theme out there. So I will not heavily modify the standard IPS functionality to avoid a lot of support.
  3. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Dreadknux in FX Pages - a free collection of Pages templates   
    Hi @Sonya*
    Just wanted to add to the first suggestion I posted above (side menu closing on every click on mobile), I have taken a recording to show you what I mean. Also, it appears that drop down menus no longer expand when clicked on mobile either, as you can see. I’ve not modified any of the JS or CSS relating to the menu. Any chance this can be fixed? 

  4. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Adriano Faria in Change Group After Ban Member via Warn System   
    About This File
    This plugin will give admin the ability to choose a group to move the member when a moderator bans this member via Warn System:

    Choose group where members will be moved to  
  5. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to media in Add QA to contact form for guests to help fight spam robots   
    Should be added to guest posts too...
  6. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Sonya* in Create a simple page with Pages that looks like the content of an article?   
    If you "Upgrade to Cloud" in the Creator plan, you are going to lose a lot of functionality, that is included in self-hosted. E. g.
    no Pages databases no custom apps except those placed in Marketplace no API access (e.g. webhooks or REST API) no integrations like SendGrid, Pixabay, Facebook Pixel, Maxmind etc. no Elasticsearch and thus no similar content widget based on it no hosting in the EU This is what I understand from the new pricing plans. So, it is indeed a feature downgrade, if you switch from self-hosted to Creator. You have to go with Creator Pro to get the same functionality you have as self-hosted.
  7. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to opentype in Create a simple page with Pages that looks like the content of an article?   
    I really don’t understand what is going on. 
    For the last several years I had a $30/month package covering the entire software suite. 
    It was discontinued and I looked at a $54 plan, but it introduced new limitations like “no external apps”. 
    Just months later, that plan is gone as well, and it’s at least a $99 plan. But that again removed crucial features. 
    So just to keep the existing site going as it was, I would have needed to go from $30 to $169 now. That’s a price increase of over 560%! That is insane. 
    To be clear: I fully understand that private companies choose their market segment. They don’t owe it to the public to be cheaper, offer free service or anything like that. Not even if other products in the same field are cheaper or free. 
    But a company does owe something to their existing client base, especially with a company like IPS where 100% of the revenue comes from one product and therefore entirely from the existing client base.
    There needs to be some kind of trust that both business partners are in a win-win partnership and that there is a willingness to keep it this way. We are your existing clients. We pay for the product, so it should be built for us and around our needs and at least somewhat around our financial abilities.
    Because, at the moment, I honestly feel like an idiot if my license fees pay for the development of features today, which I will not be able to use tomorrow, because they are reserved for some higher plan for a future big corporation client. I should at least be able to keep using the product I know with roughly the same features and roughly with the same price I knew and accepted when I made the original purchase. Otherwise there is no reason to have any trust in the software provider. And even if I try to stick with the software, how am I supposed to plan for the future of current and new licenses, when price increases of over 500% can happen at any time? It’s easy to say one cares about their customers, but everything that happened since last year regarding plans and pricing betrays any such promises. 
  8. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from David N. in What Elasticsearch version is supported well?   
    8.x doesn't work with IPS.
  9. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to Gauravk in Payment issue - please help urgently.   
    Good luck with that Marc......!
    As IPS support is only meant to doubt other developers, tools, 3rd party plugins for every basic troubleshooting than to themselves. This inherently limits the IPS learning curve more and more by making a blanket rule to suggest switching to the stock theme and disabling all plugins (which happened in my last 3 support topics) - which maybe sometimes related and most of the time it's not related as the nature of the problem is totally different and such blanket rule end up frustrating the users even more who is already suffering from some pressing and urgent issue.
    It's like you visit a doctor for a headache and the receptionist wants your bank statement, passport, marriage certificate, change the font on your Gmail, change the color of your car, and then only he can forward you to the real doctor.
    I found the solution to this issue and it's THE CORE IPS bug - and not any third-party plugin, logo change or color change, or CDN system.
    I simply reach the solution by weighing the nature and intensity of the problem vs the reach of any plugin, theme or Cloudflare.
    You can log in to my ACP and see that guy has finally been able to pay few hours back.
    Gentle reminder.
  10. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to OptimusBain in Hard coded text: "Upgrade to Cloud"   
    And an option to hide it for those that do not want to upgrade to the cloud service.
    I can no long use the global search field on my mobile, not even using my mobile's desktop mode. Why? Because the "Upgrade to cloud" link is using up the space where the SEARCH should be
  11. Like
    Afrodude reacted to teraßyte in (TB) QR Code Share Service [Support Topic]   
    This is the support topic for this application:
  12. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to OptimusBain in How can a member eliminate his account?   
    I see that many members are requesting new features all over the IPS community, but they are heard. 
    IPS is always thinking about the next big thing instead of focusing on the core functionalities and improving the existing features by listening to the client, who are actually the ones using the software. 
  13. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to OptimusBain in How can a member eliminate his account?   
    I don't understand, really. You are telling me that a user cannot delete his account or at least request a deletion? That should be a core feature and not something that has be paid. That doesn't make sense. 
    Users will have an option to disable/delete an account. It's the normal behaviour, like adding a new user or editing it.
    This is not possible at present, only via a plugin created by Adriano Faria.  
  14. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Manuel Molina in How do I set up login page as community homepage for guests?   
    From the block manager there is a widget for that 

  15. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to Vijbot in Upgrade To Cloud Information   
    I don't see this as an "upgrade". Having advertising on the software I've paid several hundreds of dollars for  not including the 6 month renewal fee it is a huge turn off.
    If IPS would like to promote their hosting service that's fine, however a persistent nag whenever I'm on the ACP is egregious. Why not send me an email with an offer? Or perhaps maybe a discount since I've been such a loyal customer for over 11 years?
  16. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to OptimusBain in Upgrade To Cloud Information   
    I agree that IPS wants to advertise its Cloud service. But what about those that use self-hosted communities like me? I don't want to see that link up there because I know I want to use a self-hosted system. I would love an option to hide it because now I cannot use the global search field on my mobile, not even using my mobile's desktop mode. Why? Because the "Upgrade to cloud" link is using up the space where the SEARCH should be 😞 
  17. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to Makoto in Password reset e-mails no longer work after an hour   
    In the latest release of IPS, password reset e-mails seem to expire after 1-hour.
    If a user submits a password reset request and does not respond to the request within that hour, the first problem is the error they receive when clicking on the reset password link,

    It would be much better for this error to tell them that their password reset link has expired, and provide a link to submit a new password reset request.
    However, that brings us to the real problem.
    When users submit another password reset request, nothing actually happens. It sends the same password reset request link to the user. It does not regenerate the password reset request in the database.
    The user gets sent an expired password reset link every time they try and generate a new one.
    This means that if the user does not reset their password correctly on the first attempt, it becomes impossible for them to do it until an administrator goes in and manually clears the entry out from the core_validating table.
  18. Like
    Afrodude got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Track Members   
    I do trust them, but you know I track new ones to see what they are doing in order just to follow up on them. They do have full access to the tool, so they can stop me from tracking them without even notice. What you suggested above is great, but what is best if you can a setting not allow the tracked member who has access to the tool from changing the setting on his account or even not seeing he is tracked maybe.
    Other suggestions:
    Adding "ipsTable_zebra" class to the tables everywhere not just on ACP for better reading.  Restore the comments on reports please. https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/443134-track-members/?do=findComment&comment=2864979 I have not updated to the new version because you removed it. 😞 
    Finally fix the responsive issue on the profile tab for smaller screens because it looks like this from the tablet or smaller laptop screen.

    You great work and time much appreciated, and you know that. 🙂 
  19. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to Square Wheels in Twitter   
    This bug was reported in January.  It looks like next months release still will not include a fix.
    Aside from the standard, we never say when we'll fix things, can I get an estimate on when it will be fixed?  4+ months seems unreasonable.
  20. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Ehren in [Bug] Resent Status Update   
    Thanks @Afrodude - I've added this to our internal bug tracker so we can look into it further 🙂
  21. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to AlexJ in Spam Defense   
    Allow customers to disable spam defense when they don't have active license anymore. It's annoying to see the log spam with 403. I can't change the configuration at present.

  22. Like
    Afrodude reacted to Sonya* in FX Pages - a free collection of Pages templates   
    FX Pages 2.3.0 is released:
    NEW! Templates for videos section
    NEW! Template for image gallery
  23. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from TAMAN in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Use this app 
    It has all applications mentioned above until @TAMAN releases a new update. 
  24. Agree
    Afrodude reacted to Schaken in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    That is what I am doing so far. I just thought since he mentioned those links and they were updated; I was just assuming they were updated with more features or something. I just didn't want to miss anything. I appreciate the assistance. 
  25. Agree
    Afrodude got a reaction from OptimusBain in Pages Database Settings   
    This option located as per category you add on each database individually.

    Restricted Moderator

    Each database you create will be added to the Staff Restricted Moderator tab; however, you must provide access to any restricted staff group to all pages/databases '"Can See All Records", and this option should be shown on each database you add individually.
    This setting is incorrectly located, and it should be relocated or displayed on each database you add.
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