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Everything posted by Afrodude

  1. It's best to submit a ticket in order to fix this issue with next release otherwise you would wait another 3 weeks.
  2. Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy 4 resources found 2 of them are WebP logos. https://web.dev/uses-long-cache-ttl/?utm_source=lighthouse&utm_medium=unknown
  3. Nothing is strange with IPS.
  4. You will have to do them manually. Covert them and reupload them again. Yes you can.
  5. @DawPi your file was removed, and Marketplace file back to old plugin version. Which I have mentioned above about this behavior from marketplace.
  6. It's fine some wired stuff happen with IPS, and it's not going to be the last time.
  7. @The Old Man have you opened a ticket with IPS staff about it yet?
  8. Adding buttons still works fine here, and nothing has gone without pressing on the restore default configuration. IPS
  9. @sadams101 if you are using the default theme just create a new one instead editing the old one. ACP > Themes > Press the one green button "+ Create New" > Then pick "Manual Mode". Now give the theme a name , add a logo etc.. edit what you like and save.
  10. It's alright this is IPS we used to that timing. 🙃
  11. There is something not right with Marketplace many devs have updated new versions, yet it shows on Marketplace the old one. In ACP it says there is an new version.
  12. In this case then we are running into another issue.
  13. @ahc within two weeks @DawPiwill release an application instead of plugin, so he will rewrite this to become a better application. He is one of the good Dev around here, so lets just give him enough time to work this.
  14. Well the Redis is a cache for the database, and if the database queries aren't running for other pages. How you are expecting Redis to work fine ? I am sure after you guys release the fix it will fix this issue. I might be mistaken, but we will wait this upcoming release.
  15. it wasn't easy find trust me I have made many things to find this issue. Hopefully @Stuart Silvester will release a patch to fix the issue because it causing many other issues.
  16. If it doesn't cause any issue, it means it's working. @kRSB you add information it's compatible with IPB 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, yet you forgot to mark it Compatibility for 4.6.
  17. Yes table prefix. This is what causing the issue, and I have already reported it as I mentioned above. Hopefully IPS fixing this issue soon.
  18. Are using a prefix for your database ? If yes, I have found a bug related to this, and it's the one causing this with Redis no matter what version. IPS staff said that it will be fixed with the up coming release which I hope they do it before.
  19. Go to your client area > manage this purchase > Then download Invision Community from there. Open it on your PC, and if the file still missing open a ticket. Other wise upload the file using your FTP and try to upgrade again.
  20. Also, since you are going to make an application, is it possible to add groups to select which groups that we wish to receive nonfiction.
  21. You should add it manually form ACP > Settings > Posting > General Unless you have (No restriction) enabled.
  22. I see. then your best option is to submit a ticket to IPS staff to look into it.
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