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Everything posted by Afrodude

  1. Have you cleared the system cache ? if not go to ACP > Support > On the right side Tools & Diagnostics > Press on Clear system cache and try again on the new them.
  2. You must restore the default theme go to theme menu, and press on the green button + Create New. Pick the Manual Mode > Add a Name then save. I believe this will fix your theme issues.
  3. @Daniel Bugeac it's look like you are using a custom theme, so is it updated to the IPS version you have ?
  4. One of your best work mate, and it's really sad to see it gone.
  5. @The Old Man have you noticed any slowness in your site using redis 6.2.5?
  6. I have not and won't say anything aggressive. Have you tried to change same exact post? because the issue still remain on the same post.
  7. True you are right, and this is what I have been trying to solve in the past two days.
  8. Yes. The only issue that it will show even for members who have zero count.
  9. Issuing warnings will happen always because they are too many members who break the rules especially on a very vast communities. Anyway I only suggest that because I want to have some special badges for staff members. I haven't used this new achievements yet as you, but I am waiting until it gets improvements.
  10. All of them the Group Icon, Badges and Ranks all of them have no WebP extension available in 4.6.5.
  11. @Matt , @Stuart Silvester 4.6.5 Fixed inability to upload WebP images to Group Icons and Ranks/Badges. Or drag and drop your file here Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, svg Where is WebP ?
  12. Nice and cool stuff, and whois going to add swiper slider for free in IPS Marketplace ?
  13. Alright I guess we have to wait then. Another question what else new features you are going to add ?
  14. Hi @TAMAN is this already available with the current theme version ?
  15. What I just told you works just fine. I tested it. Just do exactly what I mentioned above, and you will reach what you looking for 100%.
  16. @Gabriel Torres it's easy to accomplish this by editing your theme template. Find postContainer, and then find this {{if isset( $comment->author_solved_count )}} <li> <a href='{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id={$comment->author()->member_id}&do=solutions" seoTemplate="profile_solutions" seoTitle="$comment->author()->members_seo_name"}' title="{lang="solved_badge_tooltip" pluralize="$comment->author_solved_count"}" data-ipsTooltip class='ipsType_blendLinks'> <i class='fa fa-check-circle'></i> {number="$comment->author_solved_count"} </a> </li> {{endif}} It's going to be in line 101. Delete line 101 = {{if isset( $comment->author_solved_count )}} and line 107 = {{endif}}. Save and enjoy solved counter everywhere in forums.
  17. Cool. I have a question regarding this issue was mentioned here. I don't know if you read it or not. Just wanted to bring it to your attention for the next update.
  18. I like this feature, and I believe IPS won't leave it without upgrades. It very nice to see members are happy receiving those ranks and badges, yet what about staff members. Staff members need to receive some special badges. How about adding some new rules for them, Examples: When a..... Marking a report as complete. Approval Queue Marking their posts as Solution in selected Forums/Clubs/Pages Flag a member as spammer Warn a user Reported a content Etc... It would be great, especially for the communities that their staff members are doing all that voluntarily.
  19. @DawPi Hi. Is it possible to add push notification to "Notify Type".
  20. Yes it will. I am using latest version of Redis 6.2.5, and it works jus fine using IP address and port.
  21. @Stuart Silvester If you may look at this as well because it will be very helpful. Thanks
  22. I saw WebP available everywhere but for Group Icon, Ranks, and Badges etc... in version 4.6. Is there any reason? if not may you guys consider adding it.
  23. Any update on this free plugin mate?
  24. Which I have said that I did what he asked long time ago, and during the waiting for IPS staff to respond I was trying to solve or find what causing this issue with @Adriano Faria help.
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