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Everything posted by Dll

  1. As far as I'm aware, if you use 3rd party providers you need to put them in your privacy policy and clearly link to that site wide + particularly when you ask permission. There's no requirement to ask permission separately for each one. I assume you don't specifically and separately ask for permission for your cdn, webhost, existing email provider and so on? As for helpful information or not - I'd say it's a legitimate and expected use of someone's details to email them with registration details and information on the product they've registered to use within a relatively short timeframe of them registering. https://www.itgovernance.eu/blog/en/the-gdpr-legitimate-interest-what-is-it-and-when-does-it-apply#:~:text=What is a legitimate interest,the data subject would expect.
  2. Was about to say something very similar. Sending out useful information about the service a user has signed up to isn't illegal. It may be annoying for some but it's not breaking GDPR (that's a privacy law, not an email one). That said, we don't do it, as I'm not convinced it's effective. As far as I'm concerned, for every person it engages it may well drive another one away as a constant drip of emails is never especially fun if you're not wanting or expecting them.
  3. I'm thinking you'd probably want to raise this with Google?
  4. That's different to the original question and your original post though. The original point was allowing staff to log in as one user but not as another one. That's not related to technical proficiency or the chance of them making a mistake, that's purely related to whether you trust them or not, in my opinion. Particularly bearing in mind that just because a super-mod could log in as an admin, it still wouldn't mean they had full access to the acp, as that's separate, as far as I'm aware.
  5. But, if you look at it as if you're a member of that community - if someone is going to be able to login as me, then I expect that person to be trustworthy. If the owner of the community doesn't trust them to login to their account, why should I trust that person to login to my account?
  6. Thing is, if you're concerned that by logging in as you they could do bad things, I wonder why you'd trust them to login as anyone, or indeed to login to the ACP at all?
  7. I think there are a few paid for apps on iOS which plug into it, not sure about Android. But, I suppose if there were to be a plugin or something available for invision community, I'd be open to trying it.
  8. I was just wondering as I've found the bionic text to be really good previously, but it didn't seem as effective in your post for some reason. It's an interesting prospect for a community but I wonder if those who want to use it will just install the browser extensions, app etc?
  9. Thanks, is there any additional control over where ads show - for instance we may want them to show in a particular forum or topic?
  10. Hi, I'm trying to find out what the additional advertising features are if you add the commerce module to your community. I can't seem to find a lot on the website, so wondering if anyone can let me know the differences, or point me in the right direction? Thanks
  11. The layout shifts near the top of the screen in live topics when there is another user online. The space really needs to be reserved on page load to avoid it impacting CLS scores on core web vitals, I think.
  12. @Jordan Miller - can I ask, did you use the bionic reading app to make your post, or was it a DIY job?
  13. Trying to save you some time here, but regardless of when you installed your third party add-ons, it's best to try it with them switched off to make sure the problem isn't related.
  14. There's an option in superpages to use thumbnails rather than the full size images. Selecting that may help
  15. Maybe try something like buffer - there's a free plan on there. Although it's not automated in the same way as promoted content does it, it's a fairly quick way to publish to social media. https://buffer.com/
  16. I don't think this is a cloudflare issue, it's a server issue behind it.
  17. We really like the fluid combined view option, but unless the respect pinned topics setting is set for the forum index fluid view, it doesn't respect them. As it's quite a different scenario between the 2 options, it would be good to have the option (per forum perhaps) to respect pinned topics for the combined view, even if it's not set for the full fluid view.
  18. I see the problem - we don't have honor pinned topics set for the standard fluid view, and I assume that setting carries over even though it's two quite different things. But, ultimately it's probably not a bug - but it would be nice to be able to set it for the combined fluid view on a per forum basis.
  19. Hi, more a bug report than a support request this. If combined fluid view is switched on in a forum, it currently doesn't display pinned topics at the top, they just appear in the listing the same as any other topic.
  20. Honestly, I can't see there being a setting to save you if a few downloads or uploads kills the site. Think you're going to have to upgrade your hosting.
  21. If you use Google tag manager you can push event/commerce or any sort of data your like through it, to be added to things like Google analytics. https://developers.google.com/tag-platform/tag-manager/web/datalayer
  22. Where does that sort of thing begin and end though. Should they not announce updates to the gallery (for instance) because it may annoy those who don't have it? The communication has been a bit off with this, and it seems like lessons have been learned there. So, maybe just accept that there'll be threads on here which aren't of interest to you, and move on?
  23. Ah, well Jordan's original statement feels a bit disingenuous then. Not great, I have to say.
  24. Has this been confirmed - I think @Jordan Miller said it was for 'select' cloud plans?
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