Everything posted by Dll
Hive - showing all content and permissions don't stay saved
Hi, we signed up to hive to test it earlier but it appears it defaults to importing all content (even content guests can't see etc) and in the ACP, if you select which forums etc you would like it to import, those settings don't stay saved. (Eg - save them, come out of the page and go back in, and it's back to defaulting to all content).
A (very) brief look at Invision Community 5
One thing that jumps out is that your choice of music hasn't improved with the new version.
Is there a way to do "content cloaking"?
I'd recommend having a read of this - Google is specific in there that you shouldn't be using cloaking for paywalled content, and that you should be using structured data for it instead. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/flexible-sampling https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/structured-data/paywalled-content
Marketplace Closure
Well yes, fair enough. Although it is a step back in comparison to the marketplace in that respect, I think. And it may make it harder for new developers without any history or reviews. I can understand the change though, hopefully it'll be a success.
Marketplace Closure
Will Invision be vetting those listed in the directory to ensure they are reputable?
<head> and </head> tags
Adsense and google analytics are very separate things.
IC5: Introduction to Listeners
Maybe it would have been a plan to hold off announcing this 1 tool until you were ready to announce the rest, or at least some of them.
ERROR 500 is disabling my website recently
You want the forum software to block requests? That's not really how it works. You need to upgrade your hosting.
Long overdue update
Calling the cloud sales team hotline. Red hot lead right here.
Render-blocking CSS
You should only prefetch files that need to be loaded as a priority, js, CSS or whatever else.
Render-blocking CSS
Because downloading it all is still going to block something else from loading. So by moving all the CSS to be pre-loaded, it's actually going to block things that should and would have downloaded first. Browsers are actually quite good at prioritising these days, so you can do more harm than good by messing with the order and preloading potentially large files that don't actually need to be pre-loaded. In an ideal world the key CSS (eg the CSS needed to render the visible part of the page) would be pre-loaded or hard coded into the html. Just not all of it.
Render-blocking CSS
Preloading all of the css is not a good idea.
Advice re-outdated plugins
SEO Essentials - Support Topic
Same here @Daniel F - any word on a fix?
(Paid) Gdpr cookie popup combination of ips/google tag manager & 2 network scripts
It sounds like what you really need to just run a single tcf2 compatible one. Quantcast choice is free and is just a case of copying and pasting the code into your site + a small amount of configuration on their website. https://www.quantcast.com/products/choice-consent-management-platform/ There's also Google's version which is built into AdSense and ad manager.
[Suggestion] Please add group-based options to enable/disable pii data requests and account deletion
As the removal of the data a legal right (in the EU / UK), how does that sit with only giving the option to certain members?
New Google consent management requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK (for publishers)
Because some aren't at the moment, and now they'll have to.
New Google consent management requirements for serving ads in the EEA and UK (for publishers)
You're correct, you can simply use the built in options in AdSense or Google ad manager and you'll be compliant.
A few questions after upgrading to cloud hosting
The reason is the guest caching, as covered earlier in this thread. As far as I'm aware, there's nothing youv can do, at least in terms of the way you're looking at it. Re-framing it slightly though, maybe you could consider what you can do to encourage more of those guests to register? I'm not a fan of register walls and the like, so I'm not suggesting that sort of thing, but can you do something to make membership more compelling? Can you improve the messaging shown to guests so they're better aware of the benefits of joining? All told, a member is far more valuable to you and your advertiser's than a guest, they're far more likely to revisit, can receive emails, notifications etc. And for creating buzz, why not talk about the number of posts, new members joining, active members, trending topics and so on. I'd have thought those things are more likely to drive engagement than a simple 'look how many people are online' type thing anyway.
A few questions after upgrading to cloud hosting
Said literally no-one, ever.
A few questions after upgrading to cloud hosting
I'd have thought you'd want to use something like Google analytics for this sort of thing, rather than relying on an arbitrary guest count.
A few questions after upgrading to cloud hosting
We saw a very similar thing with guest numbers much lower, but had no negative comments and I've not seen any negative results in terms of posts, active members etc. I think it's probably very much a vanity metric and not something to be too concerned about.
A few questions after upgrading to cloud hosting
It's because of the caching on the cloud - only the first guest every 10-15 minutes is counted, the rest hit the cache.
Strengthening Community Trust with Privacy and PII Data Features
Assuming you're in the EU or UK, for ad networks you're going to need to use a tcf compatible cookie prompt, such as quantcast, Google choices etc. Google is actually making it a requirement soon. https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/13554116#zippy=%2Cgoogle-certified-cmps
May Release Chat
Not sure I agree, but I hope you're right.