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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Dll

  1. Same here @Daniel F - any word on a fix?
  2. It sounds like what you really need to just run a single tcf2 compatible one. Quantcast choice is free and is just a case of copying and pasting the code into your site + a small amount of configuration on their website. https://www.quantcast.com/products/choice-consent-management-platform/ There's also Google's version which is built into AdSense and ad manager.
  3. As the removal of the data a legal right (in the EU / UK), how does that sit with only giving the option to certain members?
  4. You're correct, you can simply use the built in options in AdSense or Google ad manager and you'll be compliant.
  5. The reason is the guest caching, as covered earlier in this thread. As far as I'm aware, there's nothing youv can do, at least in terms of the way you're looking at it. Re-framing it slightly though, maybe you could consider what you can do to encourage more of those guests to register? I'm not a fan of register walls and the like, so I'm not suggesting that sort of thing, but can you do something to make membership more compelling? Can you improve the messaging shown to guests so they're better aware of the benefits of joining? All told, a member is far more valuable to you and your advertiser's than a guest, they're far more likely to revisit, can receive emails, notifications etc. And for creating buzz, why not talk about the number of posts, new members joining, active members, trending topics and so on. I'd have thought those things are more likely to drive engagement than a simple 'look how many people are online' type thing anyway.
  6. I'd have thought you'd want to use something like Google analytics for this sort of thing, rather than relying on an arbitrary guest count.
  7. We saw a very similar thing with guest numbers much lower, but had no negative comments and I've not seen any negative results in terms of posts, active members etc. I think it's probably very much a vanity metric and not something to be too concerned about.
  8. It's because of the caching on the cloud - only the first guest every 10-15 minutes is counted, the rest hit the cache.
  9. Assuming you're in the EU or UK, for ad networks you're going to need to use a tcf compatible cookie prompt, such as quantcast, Google choices etc. Google is actually making it a requirement soon. https://support.google.com/admanager/answer/13554116#zippy=%2Cgoogle-certified-cmps
  10. Not sure I agree, but I hope you're right.
  11. Honestly, at some point the negativity around cloud vs self-hosted is going to damage the Invision brand. It's already making this community a painful place to visit. I don't know the numbers behind it all, but if I were involved in the business, an early cull of the self hosted platform would be a consideration because of the incessant negative sentiment dragging down every positive feature update, blog post, announcement etc in recent times. I mean, can this really carry on for the next 2+ years?
  12. Any more info about this? We'd certainly be interested in taking it.
  13. We've not tested as yet. Not sure if we're going to be using it or not at this point tbh, everyone has kind of got used to it not being available.
  14. In busy threads, occasionally, a post may need to be deleted or edited and doing that quickly can stop problems from spiralling out of control. But, because the page needs to be refreshed or loaded fresh for the moderation to take effect, there's a delay which means that several minutes after a post may have been deleted or hidden, those reading the thread can still see it and respond to it. A great solution for this would be to have a live system where post moderation can be updated on the fly without needing a page load or refresh. With the new live features in terms of viewers and people posting already available, perhaps this could be an addition to that?
  15. Has the buggy x users here display been shipped within the 4.7.8 update? I'm hoping not.
  16. The latest one. Do you have it set to just send a message, not online or email?
  17. Not really many steps to re-produce. Set the author of the message which is sent to a third party, do something with your own post which should trigger a message, and it'll send you one.
  18. If you have this set to send a pm from a different user to the one who took the action, it messages when someone hides or edits their own posts. Any chance this could be changed in an upcoming version?
  19. Maybe I'm missing something here, but a public key is intended to be exposed. It's the private key which shouldn't be. What you should be doing though, is setting restrictions on the key inside your Google account to stop unauthorised use.
  20. To be honest, this hasn't worked in a long time, on the previous release the ignore button didn't show.
  21. No, nothing I'm afraid.
  22. This may not be compatible with the cloud, we just got blank pages across the forum after updating and had to uninstall.
  23. Wow, ok. Maybe we ought to consider switching over then.
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