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Everything posted by Dll

  1. The fluid view definitely doesn't appear to be as efficient as the other view options. I don't know if this is a relatively recent issue or has always been that way.
  2. I think this is related to a patch which hadn't been applied on our cloud install. So, can be ignored.
  3. Hi, we're currently testing a migration back to self-hosted and are running into a strange issue where we're getting warnings that the following files have been modified. We've re-downloaded them and confirmed what's on the server matches the downloads, but the warning persists. Any ideas? applications/cms/api/records.php applications/cms/extensions/core/FileStorage/Records.php system/Content/Item.php system/MFA/GoogleAuthenticator/Handler.php
  4. Those are related to the ads on your website, not Invision.
  5. *Unless you're a big AI company (allegedly) 🤐
  6. This wouldn't make sense and would probably be unhelpful in search as those posts attributed to a default single author would actually have been written by multiple people. I think having no author details is the best thing to do with it.
  7. Is the person in the UK logged in? If not, they'll be getting a cached view, which on the Invision cloud is 10-15 minutes, which would explain the delay?
  8. You could take a free trial to have a look? https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/free-trial/
  9. Are there any plans to build on this? The initial implementation is fine as a start point, but at the moment it's hard to do anything about it, if there are a reasonable number of members in the list. It would be good to have a way to contact them all in bulk - maybe with an alert. Or if that's not possible, to be able to put them into a particular usergroup in bulk, so that then they could be contacted through the alerts system. Right now, you have to go through each one individually if you want to do anything proactive, which is quite painful.
  10. You can block ai scrapers to stop that happening. https://www.iubenda.com/en/help/137640-block-openai-bard-crawlers
  11. Ask them if they have an ad blocker, and if so to try with it switched off.
  12. Have you checked your server (not invison) logs at these times?
  13. We're seeing the same things in the EU data centre. It's so frequent at the moment, and very frustrating, particularly as support replies essentially amount to 'it's not happening now, so I can't investigate'. We'll be heading back to self-hosted if it continues, sadly.
  14. Dll replied to Aiba's post in a topic in Classic self-hosted technical help
    It's the SMTP server side.
  15. I'd really recommend cloudflare. If your host is relying on manually putting IP addresses into a firewall to block things like this, then that's always going to be a struggle.
  16. @Daniel F's seo essentials addon is very handy for this sort of thing. https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/6-seo-essentials/
  17. Make sure you link to it from your forum pages as well; that ought to encourage google to crawl it.
  18. Google will prioritise which parts of a site to crawl more frequently. I'd assume your forum is more active than your pages articles, so it's crawling for fresh content on a regular basis.
  19. It can also be cloudflare which blocks this - if you have it, whitelist your own IP.
  20. Start.pl is a perl script, that'll be unrelated to anything on invision community I think, as that's all PHP based. Do you use Perl for other things on that server?
  21. That's not spam prevention though is it? It sounds like the sort of thing you'd use a firewall for. Plus, with VPN's and the fact people travel a lot, do you really want to block someone just for not being in the country you may expect them to be in?
  22. You've moved out of the eighties, so it's a start.
  23. Thanks Jim, I can see the settings you changed have stuck in there since Friday, which is weird. I wanted to test changing everything back to 'all', but it's throwing this error for me currently: TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given (0) #0 /var/www/html/107712/applications/core/extensions/core/CommunityEnhancements/Hive.php(218): array_keys('1,184') #1 /var/www/html/107712/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/enhancements.php(93): IPS\core\extensions\core\CommunityEnhancements\_Hive->edit() #2 /var/www/html/107712/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_enhancements->edit() #3 /var/www/html/107712/applications/core/modules/admin/applications/enhancements.php(44): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /var/www/html/107712/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\admin\applications\_enhancements->execute() #5 /var/www/html/107712/admin/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #6 {main}
  24. Anything you like to be honest
  25. Ok, thanks regarding permissions that's good to know. We've not been using the beta at all.