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Everything posted by Dll

  1. There's a chance it was rejected.
  2. Mostly by not getting hung up on page speed score tests and worrying more about user experience, I expect.
  3. I'd be very wary of using any third party addon where the developer keeps 'promising' an update over a couple of months but doesn't deliver. Even if it does get made compatible for 4.5 at some point, where will you be if the same occurs if there's a major bug or issue later on down the line.
  4. It needs to be better integrated into the community. I'd like to see an option where a user can choose to post an image to the gallery at the same time as they upload it into a post.
  5. The net result of this is that people switch off their email notifications so as not to get the notifications they don't want. Bundling together replies, mentions and reactions is a real backward step, and is going to actually end up reducing people's engagement over time. I assume that's not what you had planned @Matt - please look into changing it and allowing people more control, other than stopping their notifications entirely.
  6. Not quite. Most large businesses use beta tests to test. That doesn't mean they necessarily use them live, but will test new software on development servers.
  7. This sounds like what you're looking for
  8. If you need a period of testing, then the beta releases are a good place to start, surely? Assuming when you say testing, you mean creating a test forum, copying the database etc. The argument about not wanting to update is a dangerous one - where do draw the line? Do you want to keep a version of php on your server with security exploits, do you want to keep a version of forum software running which may not be getting security updates and so on? When it comes to your iphone, it's your choice and affects only you should there be some sort of security issue or things not working as expected. When you're running a web server, it's a bigger responsibility since you're looking after all of your users too. I'm guessing if you publicised the fact that due to the fact you've not got round to what could be vital upgrades, you may be using out of date software (and not just invision, potentially) which could have security implications, your members may not be especially happy? For instance, here's the list of security vulnerabilities in PHP 7.2 https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list/vendor_id-74/product_id-128/version_id-235668/PHP-PHP-7.2.0.html So again, I don't see the banner as the issue here, and frankly nor should you.
  9. To be fair, you've had a long time to test - the beta process went on for months, and the full release has been available for over a month now too. So, if you've not got round to it yet then that's still the issue, rather than an admin banner being visible.
  10. We're getting complaints from users that although they want notifications for things like replies and mentions, they don't want or need them for reactions to posts. It would be useful to be able to give them that option.
  11. It's not about accepting your reason or not, it's about your attitude towards both me and your other paying customers that I have an issue with at this point. So, this isn't disrespectful to both me and your other customers? Or this? Remembering, all I asked for was an update on a 3 month old bug. Had you just come on and said, 'sorry I forgot, I'll look into this as soon as I have time', then fine. But instead you were instantly defensive and dismissive of the bug. Anyway, I can't be bothered with this any longer and I assume you have literally 1000 other posts and pm's to reply to, so maybe it's time to move on as this ship has sailed.
  12. I'm not interested in your personal life, all I've ever been interested in is getting some support in this support thread and getting the bug fixed. I wasn't looking for you to act like a petulant kid, and and I certainly wasn't looking for an argument. I've also not requested a refund, and am not interested in getting one since I bought it some time ago, have made use of it and to be honest life is too short to be worrying about that. But, what I will do is uninstall the application, as I'm really not prepared to be disrespected and spoken to as if I'm being unreasonable in asking for info on a bug which was reported 3 months ago. I'll also not consider purchasing or recommending any of your other applications. The good news is that I won't be posting in here or any of your other support threads again either. So that's one less annoying/demanding paying customer you have to worry about. As a final thing, perhaps try this if you're struggling to keep up, it's quite useful. https://www.any.do/to-do-list/
  13. Nice one. Great to hear you have so much respect for your paying customers. We're all busy, we're all forgetful at times, but most of us manage to show some humility when we mess up too.
  14. Why are you so defensive? I've not asked for a refund (although I could quickly change my mind if you carry on acting like a 10 year old who's had his toys taken away). I don't see anyone demanding personal replies, or asking for anything over the top. I've read the thread, and all I see is a bug that was reported 3 months ago, which you said would be sorted within days, but it wasn't. Then I see a few posts across 3 months where people are asking to be updated on it. Not so much to ask is it? Especially since you're active virtually every day on here.
  15. Replies not working is a fairly significant issue when it comes to a messaging system, I'm sure you'd agree. Turning off messages or replies is still stopping the messaging functionality from working, no matter how you dress it up - one way conversations tend to be a bit pointless, just look at this thread for the last 3 months as an example! It's not about how much it costs, or how it was developed or whatever else. It's something you sell which you set the price for btw, so even if you didn't get round to sorting the issue in the 3 months you've known about it, the least you can do is reply in the thread when people are asking questions about it. It's not like you haven't been online and posting in other threads, and I assume you saw the notifications when you were tagged or quoted after the initial report in July - there have been messages from people in August, September and this month. So yeah, a mistake is fine and most people, me included, accept that bugs happen, but there was no need for you to compound it by not responding in your support thread across that 3 months too.
  16. It's a major bug, as it stops the personal messaging aspect of the sticky messages from being useful since no-one receives the replies they're sent. Yes, that part of it can be switched off in the ACP, but since that's simply removing the functionality entirely, it's not exactly a reasonable workaround. It was also the lack of response in here about it, since you said it would be looked at within a couple of days when it was first reported at the start of July (over 3 months ago by the way) which made me think you weren't going to be updating any longer. Not great for a paid for addon to be honest.
  17. So, is this project now abandoned @TheJackal84?
  18. When the image type is set to auto, it still loads what would be the larger images on desktop in full size on mobile. Is it possible to always display just the thumbnails on mobile screens?
  19. Hi @TheJackal84 - any luck with a fix for the sending to guest bug above please?
  20. You really need to think more about real users rather than just online test results.
  21. Many of those tools were built pre-http/2. Read the links I posted (and there are numerous more on the net), most people think that http/2 negates the need for a cookieless domain. It doesn't hurt much to use one though, if you already are. On top of this, the manifest file is best on the root domain of the site as it can cause CORS issues if not. For a developer, it's easy to work around and put a policy in place for, but I can see why Invision would keep it on the root domain since it ensures it'll work out of the box.
  22. Http/2 actually means that using a cookieless domain isn't worth the pay off any more. Previously, the concern was the additional bandwidth and therefore loss of speed by including a few kb of cookies in each request. But now with http/2 the additional overhead of making a new connection, the lookup, the ssl handshake etc is actually slower than having everything requested off of the same domain, even if that means each request includes cookies - particularly since http/2 compresses them. https://blog.theodo.com/2019/09/cookieless-domain-http2-world/ https://www.hostnexus.com/blog/http2-site-optimization/ So, the optimal way to do it would appear to be to drop the cookieless domain entirely.
  23. Ok lol, to the point! Thanks for the quick reply anyway.
  24. Hi @Adriano Faria, is there any chance of adding the option to stop the banned member from being able to post into the thread but to allow them to view it still? Thanks.
  25. That doesn't really make sense to me. You've implemented browser notifications before all browsers could make use of them, as an example. Web development and design has always been a game of trying to support features in the latest browsers whilst keeping some backward compatibility with things like IE. So, why is this situation any different?
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