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Princess Celestia

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  1. Thanks
    Princess Celestia reacted to Nathan Explosion in How to allow all file types in Pages media uploads?   
    There's a surprise in the now released v1.3.0 of the app.
    UPDATE: yeah, the surprise for me is that the surprise triggers an error on save which didn't pop up in testing. I'll sort out and get a v1.3.1 out soon - in the meantime, a workaround is to ensure that the "Allow these additional file types" field has at least one entry in it.
  2. Like
    Princess Celestia reacted to TSP in Standalone web-app, iOS: should give feedback page is loading   
    It seems the only way to get push alerts on iOS is to choose "Standalone" as the display mode in the manifest.
    Problem I see is that if any page in the community takes a bit long too load, it looks to the user as if nothing is happening. In the standard Safari iOS browser you can see the loading indication under the address bar that pops up when you click something, but nothing like that appears in a standalone web-app. 
    Obviously slow loading times should be investigated and resolved, but I feel there should still be some feedback from the UI that loading is in progress, otherwise the user will just try to click multiple times. 
    I'm not sure if there's something that could be added to the manifest to resolve this, or if you could work on something else, but I think you should investigate some UX improvement here.
  3. Haha
    Princess Celestia reacted to Marc Stridgen in Allow Pages databases to not have a "title" field   
    Very clever 🙂 Love it
  4. Thanks
    Princess Celestia reacted to Nathan Explosion in Allow Pages databases to not have a "title" field   
    But it's already possible. Modify the "Title" field as follows:
    Set the default value to be a space (that's important...very important!!!) or anything else of your choice...but it must be something. Edit the permissions of the field - remove the "edit field content" and "add content to field" permission from the groups from whom you wish the title to be hidden. Ta-da!!!

  5. Thanks
    Princess Celestia reacted to Marc Stridgen in Change-of-storage-method is stuck after "finishing" (not really) a move   
    I have created a ticket on this, as if its not even showing the new locations, something isnt correct. Someone will be in contact as soon as possible
  6. Agree
    Princess Celestia reacted to MadMaxMangos in Pages database generate title from field   
    So I am making a pages database that will handle ban appeals from my game severs.
    I want to be able to have the user input their player name and have the title of the record generated so it appears in the database as "Ban Appeal by player name", so they dont have to type a separate title with each report.
    How can i do this? I suspect it has something to do with the topic format option but not really sure what to put into that as i have tried several variations now.
  7. Thanks
    Princess Celestia reacted to Charles in May Release Chat   
    Totally feel where you are coming from but it's only a handful of people panicking over nothing. The vast majority of people pay attention to their own communities, not what is going on here 🙂
    We expect it will calm down when people see that Classic is not going away. Also, as people understand cloud and Classic are different product lines it will be clearer. The next several months of additions will be available on both cloud and Classic lines too.
  8. Agree
    Princess Celestia reacted to Afrodude in [Suggestion] Add Poll to Pages Database   
    To encourage members to engage with news and other purposes admins are using Pages for, it would be wonderful if we could have polls with Pages. I believe it would help many communities to make their members engage in regard to what they utilize Pages Database for because some people they don't like to leave a comment, or they are much active etc... 
  9. Like
    Princess Celestia reacted to opentype in How to sharpen group badges?   
    It’s a custom.css rule to limit the size while uploading a larger image. 
    .cAuthorPane .cAuthorGroupIcon { max-width: 60px; }  
  10. Agree
    Princess Celestia got a reaction from Afrodude in Controllers can be initialized on detatched DOM nodes if another controller uses cleanContentsOf   
    I know they'll be getting removed but v4 will still be supported until at least 2025 or 2026, which should mean bugfixes to existing functionality can still be expected until v4 support actually ends. And at this time, IPS still prominently promote it as a feature of their suite, which suggests they still intend to stand behind it at this time.
    Status updates are an integral part of my community and I don't see us moving to v5 without them. I intend to license or build an add-on that restores them once v5 is out so I have an interest in the feature working well until then.
  11. Like
    Princess Celestia reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Box of Tricks   
    v1.3.0 is currently pending approval.
    Added the following freebies into the box (NE) Hide advertisements from search engines (NE) Additional Pages media types (NE) Remove 'Newsletter' from notification settings This one actually ended up in (NE) User annoyance ages ago.
  12. Like
    Princess Celestia reacted to Emediate in Feature Request: Merge Two (or more) Reports   
    We've often seen a need for merging reports.
    Often they relate to just one thread, but other times it might even be a similar issue, but across different posts and/or threads - and for management it would be easier to handle them (and for moderators to discuss) via a single report.
  13. Like
    Princess Celestia reacted to Square Wheels in New year’s resolution: Make the Marketplace great again   
    This makes me sad.  I remember visiting the Marketplace to see the new and exciting offerings.  Now those are rare.
    I use several mods to make my site what I want.  Regardless of the "community" direction IPS is taking for its high-paying corporate customers, I still use the software almost exclusively as a forum.
  14. Like
    Princess Celestia got a reaction from SeNioR- in Controllers can be initialized on detatched DOM nodes if another controller uses cleanContentsOf   
    Bumping this in the hope of bringing attention to this issue with 4.7.10 coming up. The most annoying way in which it manifests on my community is as in the quoted post:
    Our members and staff alike have been complaining about this for years and it hurts their perception of IPS and of our website. It's one more thing we have to explain to new users all the time, too ("yes, your status comment went through even though it looks frozen"), which hurts first impressions and creates unneeded anxiety about losing the comment they just spent the time writing.
    Several approaches to fixing this have already been identified in this thread's OP. If you knock this out with your next release, it'll help all members of your customers' sites who use status updates.
  15. Agree
    Princess Celestia reacted to Colonel_mortis in Controllers can be initialized on detatched DOM nodes if another controller uses cleanContentsOf   
    The symptom of this for regular status updates is that when you submit the status, it gets stuck on "Saving", despite having submitted successfully:

  16. Agree
    Princess Celestia reacted to Colonel_mortis in Controllers can be initialized on detatched DOM nodes if another controller uses cleanContentsOf   
    If you have something like
    <div data-controller="foo"> <div data-controller="bar"></div> </div> ips.controller.register("foo", { initialize: function() { ips.controller.cleanContentsOf(this.scope); } }); The controller on bar will be initialized on the dead element, and never cleaned up:
    ips.controller.register("bar", { initialize: function() { console.log(document.contains(this.scope[0])); // => false }, destroy: function() { console.log("destroyed"); // never called } }); This happens because ips.controller#_findControllers is called once to get all controllers to load, then the controllers are run one by one. If the foo controller is run first (and I'm not sure if that's guaranteed to be the case), cleanContentsOf will drop the bar element, but it won't run the destructor because the controller hasn't been initialized yet. When all of that logic has finished running, it then runs the bar controller, even though it is no longer applicable.
    Sure, you might say, but nobody would call cleanContentsOf synchronously during init, right? Yes, you do.
    Concretely, the problem this causes me is that the commentFeed of a status update exists twice, one in the document and one detatched. This means addToCommentFeed events end up getting processed by both, the detached one first, and the detached one ends up throwing an exception.
    There are a few different ways this could be fixed:
    Fix the double initialization of profiles. Seems straight forward enough, and that appears to be the only instance of this issue at the moment. Guard ips.controller#initControllerOnElem with node.contains(elem), to ensure that the node is still a child Run the destructor code from cleanContentsOf in a `setImmediate` block, to give the other controllers an opportunity to be initialized before getting cleaned up
  17. Agree
    Princess Celestia reacted to Colonel_mortis in Profiles reload when first opened   
    To reproduce:
    Click https://invisioncommunity.com/profile/536475-colonel_mortis/ (note that this will not occur again if you refresh the page or use the browser back/forwards buttons - you need to actually click the link to trigger it) Observe that the page shows up for a moment, then changes to a loading spinner, before finally loading again a few seconds later. All of the page data was reloaded from the server in the process. This can be fairly jarring, especially for users on slower connections.
    This is because ips.profile.main.js calls History.replaceState from setup. setup is called from initialize after the statechange event handler has already been bound. I'm not sure why you're calling History.replaceState there, but it seems like it should be safe to reorder initialize so you call setup before adding the statechange event handler.
  18. Like
    Princess Celestia got a reaction from Nathan Explosion in How to allow all file types in Pages media uploads?   
    This is fantastic! Thanks for making it. It works!
    The one thing that would make this plugin even better is if it enabled an admin to blanket-allow all extensions in the Media Manager, similar to what's possible with attachments in the core software. We trust our admins with this power. 🙂
  19. Thanks
    Princess Celestia reacted to Nathan Explosion in How to allow all file types in Pages media uploads?   
    See how the attached works for you - single setting, type extension, enter a comma if multiples, save.
    if it works OK, I'll bundle it into this:
    (NE) Additional Pages media types 1.0.0.xml
  20. Agree
    Princess Celestia got a reaction from Martin A. in Gracefully handle the Elasticsearch server being unavailable   
    In a community set up to use Elasticsearch, the Elasticsearch server becoming unavailable for any reason, even temporarily, causes Invision Community to begin throwing unhandled exceptions. It's most obvious on user profiles which turn into public-facing internal server errors when this happens.
    This situation would make sense to handle more gracefully by detecting it and, at minimum, doing at least the following:
    Show an alert to administrators that the Elasticsearch server is inaccessible, similar to the ones that appear when the Redis server or background tasks aren't working correctly. Gracefully degrade user profiles and other areas of the suite that depend on the search engine to display everything they can which doesn't require the search engine (profiles without activity feeds or with empty activity feeds, for example).
  21. Like
    Princess Celestia got a reaction from Kirill Gromov in Live Messenger   
    This is a really nifty app! I love it! Some feedback:
    Messages submitted through this app bypass the "merge concurrent posts" setting. Unclear if this is by design or intentional but it's inconsistent with how the built-in messenger works. Being able to separately set the messenger to "bar mode" on desktop and "bubble mode" on mobile would be appreciated. I like the "bar" style better in desktop mode and "bubble" style more on mobile. An easy way to insert line or paragraph breaks into a message would be fantastic. I recommend using shift+enter for this - that will be consistent with most chat programs.
  22. Agree
    Princess Celestia reacted to Dreadknux in Thinking of returning to Invision   
    I'm happy to share my site as an example, @The Allspark. My forum is here: https://board.sonicstadium.org/ and the news/articles side of my Invision Community is here: https://board.sonicstadium.org/news/
    I wanted to unify my Wordpress (which has been the main platform for my site since 2008) and my Invision Community (which I've had since mid-2000s but treated very much as a separate world to my Wordpress site) in the same way you're looking to do. I started this whole process a couple years ago, and I'm not quite ready to make the full transition yet but as you can see the Pages/CMS app is really flexible with the templates and what you can do with them.
    A few cool things that I was able to do that would have been very difficult to do on Wordpress:
    Automatically post news stories/articles into a specific forum as its own topic, so users that are more familiar with your forums (and don't necessarily look at your articles directly that much) will see your articles and can post replies in those topics... which will then be synced with your articles as comments!
      It works the other way too - I have a 'news' forum where my users can post news they find interesting and, if our news writers haven't covered it already, they can copy the topic to the news database, rewrite as they like, and copy any posts in the existing topic into the news article as comments, and sync the two up for future comments/topic replies.
      I was able to add a "Member" custom field in my news article database, where I can search for users in my community and assign their name to a news story. I use this to manually credit my users who post news stories in my forum before our news writing staff can get to it. I want to look into making this crediting work automatically or even tie Achievements into this, but I think that's something that only IPS can do (or a third-party plugin). You can see this at the bottom of this article here.
      I also have another 'wiki' like database (which is heavily WIP atm) and have been able to take advantage of custom fields, database relationships and templates to allow news stories to be paired with records in the wiki database. You can see it at the bottom of this article here - and if you click through to that database link, I created an 'articles' tab in the wiki database to allow users to see any news that have previously been tagged with this database record too.  I do recommend exploring the CMS app for the Invision platform, because as others have said here once you get stuck into the templates and various customisations, you can really make something impressive. It's arguably as important an app as the core forums itself, for me.
    However, as you're coming from Wordpress like I am, I figure it's worth advising you of some hurdles you may have to overcome, as there are many functions and features that are different between the two and the last thing you want to do is jump both feet into CMS only to get 'buyers remorse' about how good Wordpress was all over again! Experiences are obviously different for every person, but these were some of the teething problems I have faced/am facing with the suite so far...
    The post editor will feel familiar to you if you are used to Invision Board of the past, but that's also its achilles heel as its based on an age-old ckeditor version that doesn't allow for a lot of features/functions that would be obvious in today's content-creating world. You may need to rely on a couple of add-ons for the ckeditor, and that is its own headache as not every plugin ckeditor offers can be installed due to the custom nature of Invision's implementation of the editor.
      Media uploads are not great for content creators. The media uploader in the post editor is adequate for forum use, but if you have a news writing staff that share resources there is no way to easily allow for one accessible media folder that a privileged usergroup has collective access to. AdminCP has a 'Media' section under 'Page Management' within the CMS app, but it's useless for posting content and cannot be accessed through the post editor. I suggest an improvement here.
      One of the big drawbacks to the current editor is the lack of any way to build inline image galleries - or any other content 'blocks' - out of the box. Wordpress is a big obnoxious mess in the CMS side, but you are able to cleanly upload images in bulk to a shared staff media gallery, and insert a number of images into a nice flexbox/gridbox into your post content. At present, if you want to post multiple images in a news story, your only option is to upload them to the Invision post editor media uploader, insert each image (which may be massive) into the space you want, then double-click each image and resize them in a way that they all have the same height values (so as not to look terrible) and then center the entire 'paragraph' of images. Here's an example of this in action - this was a news story featuring lots of images, and it took me WAY too long to manage every single image in this way. I suggest an improvement here.
      While it's a very cool feature, there's a lot of jank with the topic > cms "Copy to Database" function that I hope are fixed/improved in v5. There's currently no way to copy a topic to database and completely rewrite it (so it matches the house style of a news story from your staff) without it replacing the topic OP on sync. I had to create a plugin to stop that sync from happening (so that the community user could feel like their content was still valued and existed, while also allowing staff to leverage the topic as a basis for active comments section).

    If you go down this route of leveraging forums for news creation, like I have, you may find that multiple topics will be created by multiple users (and sometimes your staff may write a story without realising there is an existing topic), meaning you could end up with two or three topics to merge. Usually this isn't a problem, but if one of the topics you're merging happens to be the one auto-created by your news staff when they wrote a news story, it causes all sorts of problems.

    I suggest a number of improvements here. ------
    Overall, I think you'll find that the Invision platform will do what you're looking for really nicely! Especially if you're happy to get into the nitty gritty of template/theme design, you could make something really special. And the ability to connect your articles to your community and help reinvigorate the comments section is well worth the jump.
    Just be aware of some of the QOL issues mentioned above (I'm hoping IPS will make some serious improvements to the above for the upcoming v5!), and prepare yourself for a different experience to Wordpress in terms of content creation. If you manage your expectations, you'll be more than fine.
    Hope this post helps give you some insight! 🙂 
  23. Thanks
    Princess Celestia got a reaction from sudo in All searches come back empty after switching to Open Search   
    Thanks for the response, @Marc Stridgen. To give this topic closure and for others' reference, we set up Open Search 1.3.9 (the latest 1.x version at the time of writing) and it's working as expected so far. Still hoping for 2.x support eventually. 🙂
  24. Like
    Princess Celestia reacted to Dreadknux in Manual Badges - Backdating, Multi-User Awarding, Custom Desc   
    For many years I've been using a customised badge/award plugin to assign badges to my community's users (for things like participating in community events), and with the new Achievements feature I'm considering migrating my old awards over to the built-in system. I have a few small suggestions that would really help out admins that want to lean more on custom badges rather than the Rules-based badge approach.
    1. Custom Descriptions
    It would help a lot if admins were allowed to write unique descriptions for manually-made badges. At the moment there is no such feature and it kind of looks strange when you see manual badges alongside rule-based badges (which do include a description). For example:

    Notice how the top badge doesn't include a description? This could be added via the AdminCP > Achievements > Badges page by adding an extra option in the Edit Badge dialog. I'd like to be able to tell users exactly how they earned a particular badge, and it's a little awkward to have to do that in the Badge Name. Something like the below...

    2. Multi-User Awarding
    As far as I can see, the only way to manually award a user a badge is by searching for their username in AdminCP > Members, clicking 'Manage' within the Badges dialog, and then click 'Add Badge'. It's quite monotonous, if you have many users that you want to award a single badge to manually. There should be an option to award members directly from the 'Badges' section of the ACP. A dropdown can replace the current 'delete' option, or an 'award' option can be positioned next to it. I made a crude mockup of what I mean, below.

    A dialog box could appear upon clicking 'Award to Member' which can allow you to type the usernames of multiple users.

    3. Backdating / Custom Award Dates
    Another really useful enhancement would be the ability to set custom dates when awarding badges manually. Using the example above, you could include an optional date field within the award member dialog (either on the Badges ACP page or when managing badges on a User profile via ACP). As a lot of the badges I've previously awarded users date back as far back as 2014, it would be great to be able to add a 'legacy' badge to a user's profile and identify exactly when they received it, instead of relying on the moment it was specifically added to the user's account.
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