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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt


    This is a maintenance release for Invision Community 4.6.
  2. It uses our REST API so will work on any Invision Community.
  3. You could look at Integromat, which is a Zapier competitor that has built in functionality for Invision Community. https://www.integromat.com/en/integrations/invision-community
  4. I have removed the text so it no longer looks odd.
  5. That could be a bug, please submit a ticket and we will take a look.
  6. Invision Community 4.6 brings a brand new achievements system which overhauls the ranks system along with adding the ability to earn points which translates into a higher rank via rules. As part of the clean-up, we removed the custom member title from the author section of the post as there's a limit to how much information we can show comfortably! Of course, some communities used custom member titles and wish to continue using them. Fortunately it's easy enough to get them back. Step 1: Log into the ACP and navigate to Members > Profiles > Profile Fields Step 2: You will see a group called "Retained", inside is a new custom field called "Member Title". This profile field was used in the upgrade to save the custom member title data. Click on the pencil icon to edit. Step 3: Post upgrade, this field is effectively switched off, but it can easily be switched back on. For the "Display format for topics" choose custom and just use: {$content} as the value. This will remove the "Member Title:" prefix. Save the changes. You will now see the member title has been restored. Advanced tip: Only do this if you are comfortable making theme edits! If it all goes wrong, don't panic. There is a revert button to undo your changes! Edit the template bit Forums > topics > postContainer in your active theme and move the block highlighted here up underneath the {{endif}} of the {{$comment->isAnonymous()}} block.
  7. Matt


    This is a maintenance release for Invision Community 4.6.
  8. Invoices are generally meant to be persistent in that they form a financial record. It's not a feature we would add.
  9. We have considered this and we would only make it so the member could request it, but not actually do it. There'd need to be a cooling off period, etc. Easy in the heat of the moment to delete everything and then ask for backups the next day.
  10. It should prevent them from posting. If that isn't the case, submit a support ticket and we will investigate for you.
  11. Absolutely, that makes sense. I guess there is pressure from companies to not allow browsers to do what Apple did with iOS and have a simple way to remove tracking cookies. Annoying for software developers though!
  12. We use the Facebook Pixel, and we use Google analytics, and we occasionally run Google Ad campaigns. I'll add these to our own cookie page. Side note: I do wish browsers would just take care of this. They can detect cookies and can easily determine what the cookie is for.
  13. Happy for you to stick in a ticket my friend. I'll take a look on your install.
  14. Well, friends, what a journey we've been on since we started work on Invision Community 4.6.0. With 11 developers accumulating 934 commits over 3,157 files changing 120,281 lines of code, we're ready to show it to the world. Along with over 260 bug fixes, this new release contains some great new functionality. Let's take a look at what's new. Achievements Achievements, badges, ranks, rules, gamification, whatever you want to call it, this is the most significant feature for Invision Community 4.6.0. This brings a whole new level of earning and showing trust to other members while gently nudging more quality contributions to your community. Zapier integration Do you want new member registrations to magically appear in a Google spreadsheet? Perhaps you want members who opt-in for newsletters to be added to Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign. Cloud and Enterprise customers can do all this and more without writing a single line of code, thanks to Zapier. Web app and push notifications We took the time to round out our PWA (progressive web application) framework for 4.6.0 to include service workers, push notifications and more. I barely understand it, but Rikki takes you through the changes in our blog entry. Anonymous posting For some types of community, where discussion topics are particularly sensitive, community owners want to make sure that members register with their real details but are given the option to post anonymously where appropriate. For example, organisations dealing with abuse or sensitive topics might want the member to feel safe and disinhibited to post info without fear of being identified by the rest of the community. Solved content In Invision Community 4.6.0, we have rounded out our "solved" feature by allowing the feature to be enabled on a regular forum, along with notifications, statistics and more. Show when a team member has replied When you're scanning a list of topics, it's helpful to know when a community team member has replied, as these replies tend to have more authority and are more likely to resolve an issue. 4.6.0 adds a feature to show when a member of the team has replied. Health dashboard As Invision Community is a top of the line community platform with excellent developers and an amazing QA team, it's unlikely ever to go wrong. On the infrequent occasions that you need to identify potential issues within your community, the new health dashboard makes it easier to diagnose problems and request support. Spam improvements Our Enterprise customers run very visible and very busy communities. One of the pain points they had was identifying and limiting the annoyance of spam within the community. We created a new round of improvements based on that feedback to mitigate spam, and these changes are available to all Invision Community owners with 4.6.0. Cloud and Enterprise customers will also benefit from multiple under-the-hood optimisations for our cloud platform, including better caching of resources for faster response times. Let me know in the comments which feature you're looking forward to the most!
  15. Go to the ACP page for Rules (then badges and ranks) and do this. Click in the Import button Choose the following files: For rules: /applications/core/data/achievements/rules.xml For badges: /applications/core/data/achievements/badges.xml For ranks: /applications/core/data/achievements/ranks.xml Then you will have it as per a new install.
  16. You can’t award yourself. We don’t allow self back patting around here.
  17. You can give a member a badge on the front end for their content via the three dot menu at the top right of each post.
  18. 4:58pm on a Friday, and remove a few random upgrader files.
  19. I would stick with it. We don't expect a long beta testing phase so you won't be without a marketplace for too long.
  20. I'd go back to plain text with Markdown. One thing we do want to do is do something extra for Pages. The functions you need for most topics/replies is vastly different to what you will need for pages construction.
  21. Matt


    This new release brings many new features to Invision Community.
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