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  • Released 07/22/2021
  • Current release: No
  • Beta release: No
  • Soft release: No

This is a maintenance release for Invision Community 4.6.


  • Added ability to specify ...&_bypassItemIdCheck=1 inside the request URL parameters to a Content Item controller to override the default behavior of checking if the item exists.
  • Fixed some AdminCP upgrade issues when PHP 8 is used.
  • Fixed an issue where Marketplace onboarding may be blocked when upgrading from 4.4 or older.
  • Fixed a javascript error that meant registration failed on sites using Invisible ReCaptcha.
  • Fixed missing profile field content missing on content submissions.
  • Fixed an issue where next/previous arrows would not show up when viewing multiple Images.
  • Fixed an issue where achievement badges are not always given.
  • Added the option to choose between the recipient and reaction giver when setting the milestone.
  • Fixed MFA/2FA issue where there was no close button for the 2fa modal
  • Fixed an issue preventing Marketplace installs of your own Marketplace resources.
  • Fixed an issue where Content Item Controllers returned 200 by default when they should return 404 or 403 (not found or forbidden).
  • Fixed some language evaluation issues when PHP 8 is used.
  • All buttons in #elUserNav now use the correct text color.
  • Fixed an issue where members were able to delete their own status updates without permission.
  • Fixed an issue where the Authy icon may not show on the login screen.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to promote guest content.
  • Fixed an issue where the oAuth login handler setting "Ask the user to provide a display name" can be ignored.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add meta data to items authored by guests.
  • Fixed an issue where \IPS\Node\Statistics can fail due to a missing column name prefix.
  • Fixed an issue where Admin log in can fail with a '"2S119/1' error.
  • Fixed a potential timeout when mass deleting guest content.
  • Fixed a PHP8 issue where promoting to Twitter fails
  • Fixed an issue in which the limit argument passed to contentImages() methods of various Content Item controllers wasn't respected
  • Fixed few missing language strings on the ACP - member profile page.
  • Fixed an issue where points for 'SessionStartDaily' achievement extension could be awarded even when a milestone had been hit
  • Fixed an issue where achievement rules for adding a comment would not trigger the milestone correctly when specifying nodes.
  • Fixed an issue where rank information would show with guest posts.
  • Fixed an issue with outgoing emails using native php mail function.
  • Added a Delete query as an upgrade step to remove old 'best_answer' notifications.
  • Fixed an issue where the cleanup task may show an error and fail to run.
  • Fixed a potential memory exhaustion error when generating the sitemap.


  • Improved how the forums statistics widget calculates number of posts on large communities.
  • Fixed an issue where rich text results may show an error for image only answers.


  • Fixed an issue where search stops working with a Pages database in specific situations.


  • Fixed an issue where transactions show a broken profile photo for a deleted member.
  • Fixed a rare issue where a payment via PayPal may not show the subscription option, or use subscriptions where forced.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to change a Subscription when there was an active PayPal Subscription.
  • Fixed an issue where an incomplete account may not prompt for missing data after using login handler via checkout.
  • Fixed an issue approving a PayPal Subscription transaction when it was put on hold by fraud rules.
  • Fixed an issue where the gift voucher navtab or page could result in an error under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a broken link while managing Shipping Rates.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to upgrade incorrectly when renewals were removed, and the new package had upgrade set to pro-rata.
  • Fixed a race condition that can happen when Stripe sends a web hook request very quickly after charging a customer (renewals & device payments).
  • Removed "Print Invoice" option when Guests don't have access to the Billing and Purchases module.