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Jordan Miller

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Everything posted by Jordan Miller

  1. Happy Hump Day, team! In September, we're launching our refreshed website. You're going to love it! (Hopefully) it will inspire others to start their community building journey with us. We are working on our new homepage right now, and one thing we're discussing as a team is Invision Community's mission statement. Per Forbes, a great mission statement answers: What do we do? How do we do it? Whom do we do it for? What value are we bringing? If you visit our current homepage, you will see this: Successful Communities Start Here We help businesses and brands of all sizes increase customer loyalty, reduce support costs and drive sales by building a vibrant community. It got me thinking... have you had a chance to think of your own community's mission statement? If so, what is it? How do you tell members or someone visiting for the first time exactly who you are in 1-2 sentences? I'm interested to hear what you all have come up with. If you don't have one, this might be a great idea to make one, share it and get feedback! Alright, now time for the juicy updates and fixes our talented dev team have accomplished in the last seven days: - Fixed an issue running a conversion on PHP 8. - Fixed a minor typo when processing an RSS import. - Fixed an issue where an automatically deleted notice may be shown on a member in AdminCP but the account isn't queued for deletion. - Fixed an issue where a failed file move could delete the filenames of Reactions. - Fixed editor becoming unresponsive when inserting attachments into the editor. - Fixed an issue where the AdminCP member list may be slow to load. - Fixed an issue where search statistics in the ACP can be slow to generate. - Fixed social login buttons not working on the register form when using quick registration. - Fixed an issue where saving changes to an Easy Mode theme might fail due to an error. - Fixed an issue with the REST API where it may be possible for hidden comments to be seen. - Fixed an issue where the health dashboard error log chart may not be accurate. - Fixed an issue where achievement excluded groups still show in the widgets. - Improved performance of hiding/unhiding/deleting topics. - Fixed an issue where Achievements notifications loaded via the REST API may be attributed to a guest. - Fixed an issue where deleting a product filter wouldn't delete all the language strings. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  2. Haha don't stress. There's a lot of things to remember! Pretty useful feature though right? 😁 Thanks @Nathan Explosion
  3. Hey there! Great question. I personally use Group Mention in the Marketplace for something like this. If I really need all my members to see a topic, but I don't want to send it as an email (you still can of course), then I can tag all the Groups and it will send each member in those Groups a notification in the community that they were tagged in the topic - they usually go right away to see what's up. This version is 4.5. But I do believe it's being reviewed for a 4.6 release. 👍 A native option is to make it an 'announcement' (done so in the moderator CP) and link to the topic. The announcement will show up wherever you specify (can be at the top of the page, and shown everywhere if you like). LMK what you think!
  4. 🤯 Can't thank you enough for taking the time to offer all this great feedback! I love this idea because I personally can relate. The community 99% of the time will post information before the official team/staff does. It would be pretty cool to plug the already-existing comments into a news article. Writing this idea down :] 🤲
  5. Love this in particular! Appreciate all the other points as well.
  6. Liking what I'm seeing! The ones that jump out at me first are: more possibilities for interaction with our community in articles - polls, surveys, forms etc. the option to set multiple authors for one article snippet preview at least in ACP SEO items
  7. Happy Hump Day, team! Dayum, is it just me or are the weeks flying by? It's probably because we're hard at work on a lot of exciting projects, including our website refresh (out sooner than later, stay tuned!), improvements to Spam defense, Achievements refinements and more. If you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and shoot us a Tweet. Shout-out to @Jimi Wikman for his post about a tickets system using Pages. Internally, we're brainstorming new ideas for the future of Pages. It's down the road, but we'd like to up our game. The more ideas you all have and share... the better! As always, here's a roundup of the latest updates/fixes/changes we made in the last week. Mad props 👏: - When building applications on Windows, Javascript/Themes imports will use \n line endings. - Fixed an issue where weekly recurring events with no end date could display one day off. - Fixed birthdays not showing on the initial Calendar view when only one calendar is present. - Fixed an issue where the CVC/Address/ZIP checks were unavailable on Stripe payment intents in the AdminCP. - Fixed an issue where following a member can send a notification if you choose to follow anonymously. - Fixed an error when a restricted admin attempted to add moderators. - Fixed an issue where some admin control panel profile blocks could show if the features were disabled. - Fixed an issue where a large file description may not save if it is larger than 64kb. - Fixed an issue where not all forums could show when creating topic and post feed widgets. - Fixed an issue editing hooks IN_DEV when using PHP 8. - Fixed a database error caused by long shipping service names. - Fixed an issue where the CVC/Address/ZIP checks were unavailable on Stripe payment intents in the AdminCP. - Fixed an issue where videos attachments that are not supported by a browser may not be downloadable. - Removed few occurrences from the in 4.6 removed notification sounds setting. - Added a new Published column to track the date for new versions of a file. - Added grouping to approved content push notifications. - Fixed an issue where a view update task may attempt to connect to Redis when Redis is not used. - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to post status updates if the ability to follow a member was disabled. - Removed few occurrences from the in 4.6 removed notification sounds setting. - Fixed an issue where the topic sync background task may get stuck in a loop. - Fixed an issue where rare badges calculated with all members, and not just those permitted to use achievements. - Fixed an issue where the 'follow member' achievement rule didn't calculate milestones correctly. - Fixed an issue where WebP may be shown as an accepted extension when not fully supported by the server. - Fixed a minor typo when processing an RSS import. - Fixed an issue where an automatically deleted notice may be shown on a member in AdminCP but the account isn't queued for deletion. - Fixed an issue where a failed file move could delete the filenames of Reactions. - Fixed editor becoming unresponsive when inserting attachments into the editor. Thank you all for being a part of Invision Community! If you have any questions, comments, feedback etc., particularly about Pages, please drop us a line in the comments; we'd love to hear from you!
  8. Ahh nice suggestion. This is a Hump Day series though! Consider it like Star Wars Episode I, II, III thing, but for community building 😆 Create a new Activity Stream and follow me! You'll see other content I post in addition to Hump Day, but why wouldn't you want to? 😛
  9. I am fairly sure this plugin can accomplish this (excluding ads on specific pages). I use it and it's great. It hasn't been updated for 4.6 yet though.
  10. Curious to hear if you've made any progress! Sending good vibes out there for nLAC. 🙏
  11. Happy Hump Day, team! In case you missed it, we have a bumpin' topic asking for feedback/ideas regarding Achievements - we'd like to implement a few "quick wins" based off of your suggestions, so if you haven't already please check out that topic and submit a reply. It'd be greatly appreciated! We also have a topic on the way regarding Spam Improvements - ideas you think would benefit the platform. Hold off on sharing those in this topic please - for now just think about it - that topic will drop on Friday so get ready Because it's a new month, I wanted to focus this post on goal-setting. I know, I know, it's corny, but setting goals is imperative for community growth. It's hard to know what direction your community is headed in without them. You wouldn't hop in your car without a destination in mind first would you? (Unless you want to drive aimlessly, which is a goal anyway.) What is one goal you'd like to have your community achieve by the end of the year? Drop it in the comments! It'll hold yourself accountable and will be fun to look back on in a few months. It doesn't need to be crazy - keep it simple! Looking forward to seeing them (don't be shy!). As always, here are this week's roundup of changes/fixes/updates: - Fixed an issue where anonymous users may be cached in Who's Online blocks. - Fixed an issue where a reserved keyword is used (specific to MySQL 8.0.17/18) - Fixed an issue where a large file description may not save if it is larger than 64kb. - Made a minor change to ensure the registration page is not cached by a web browser. - Fixed an issue where legacy deleted posts are not removed correctly when upgrading from Invision Community 3.x. - Fixed an issue where the notifications page could throw an exception while trying to return notification data from plugins or not existing notification extensions. - Fixed an issue where the Billing Agreements synchronisation task wouldn't check payments via PayPal Subscriptions API. - Fixed incorrect timezone detection for users in Argentina. - Removed few occurrences from the in 4.6 removed notification sounds setting. - Fixed an issue where weekly recurring events with no end date could display one day off - Removed few occurrences from the in 4.6 removed notification sounds setting. - Fixed an issue where weekly recurring events with no end date could display one day off (Calendar) - Fixed an issue with the SQL toolbox pagination when a table prefix was being used. - Fixed an issue where long group username styles in Xenforo could cause a database error. - When building applications on Windows, Javascript/Themes imports will use \n line endings. - Fixed an issue where weekly recurring events with no end date could display one day off. - Fixed birthdays not showing on the initial Calendar view when only one calendar is present. - Fixed an issue where the CVC/Address/ZIP checks were unavailable on Stripe payment intents in the AdminCP. - Fixed an issue where following a member can send a notification if you choose to follow anonymously. - Fixed an error when a restricted admin attempted to add moderators. - Fixed an issue where some admin control panel profile blocks could show if the features were disabled. - Fixed an issue where a large file description may not save if it is larger than 64kb. Sending you all good vibes! I'll go first btw: I would love for my community to reach 80,000 members. It's at ~76K currently.
  12. Hey guys, Jordan here. I upgraded my own community to 4.6 finally (yassss). I have been looking everywhere, but can't seem to figure out how to change the date/time format from Posted on July 31, 2021 to "today" or 3 hours ago. Instead, it's showing the full date. I took a look at the page below but would love some insight from the community 🙏
  13. to be precise 😅 Hello, team! Another fine Hump Day is upon us. In the time since we last chatted, a lot has gone down. Some pretty great discussions are going on in the Community Manager's Lounge (accessible to members with an active license only 😏). Keep up the good work! It's been super fun to chat with everyone, talk community innovation and see everyones' offices. 😆 ICYMI - Zapier will be made available for all! Don't miss the big news. 🎉 Now, for the tea. We just released! Have you had a chance to upgrade yet?! Here are all the updates we've included: - Fixed downloading files with non-latin character downloaded with corrupt characters in Edge and Chrome. - Fixed an issue when creating a record in the Admin CP and choosing another member as the author would not fire achievements for that author. - Fixed an error attempting to copy a topic to a database that is not on a page. - Fixed the members/follows POST endpoint which would return an error when trying to follow some content. - Fixed an issue where badge images could be uploaded with the same name, thus deleting one could delete many. - Added ability to specify `...&_bypassItemIdCheck=1` inside the request URL parameters to a Content Item controller to override the default behavior of checking if the item exists. - Expired warning points are now differentiated between active warning points in member profiles for improved clarity. - Fixed an issue where Topics would not refresh when selecting Forums in Fluid view. - Fixed malformed JSON-LD markup for archived topics. - Fixed an issue where ranks show on the AdminCP member list when Achievements are disabled. - Fixed an issue where anonymous users may be cached in Who's Online blocks - Added delete & merge logic for the logins log on member deletion and when 2 accounts are merged. - Expired warning points are now differentiated between active warning points in member profiles for improved clarity. - Set a default value for the 'Time user must wait before download starts' group setting while creating a member group. - Added Invision Community converters for Downloads & Gallery. - Fixed some minor issues encountered during an Invision Community conversion. - Added request headers to log for HTTP requests when using `DEBUG_LOG`. - Fixed an issue where parent was required but not marked required when updating a forum via REST API. - Fixed an issue where copying a calendar event with a broken cover image would result in an exception. - Expired warning points are now differentiated between active warning points in member profiles for improved clarity. - Fixed some missing language strings which would result in a failure while creating a review. - Fixed an issue with Elastic Search not being able to index anonymous content. - Fixed a missing variable error while IN_DEV when uploading a new version of a downloads file. - Fixed an issue where anonymous users may be cached in Who's Online blocks. - Fixed an issue where a reserved keyword is used (specific to MySQL 8.0.17/18) - Fixed an issue where a large file description may not save if it is larger than 64kb. - Made a minor change to ensure the registration page is not cached by a web browser. - Fixed an issue where legacy deleted posts are not removed correctly when upgrading from Invision Community 3.x. - Fixed an issue where the notifications page could throw an exception while trying to return notification data from plugins or not existing notification extensions. - Fixed an issue where the Billing Agreements synchronisation task wouldn't check payments via PayPal Subscriptions API. - Fixed incorrect timezone detection for users in Argentina. I know that was a lot to sink your teeth into. Have thoughts? Questions? Feedback? Concerns? Drop us a line in the comments; let's chat!
  14. Going to go through the rest of the list, but this one is great. There's a plugin for it. I use it in my own community 👍 It's for 4.5 but from what I gather it should work for 4.6. Haven't tried it yet though so don't take my word for it 😆
  15. Appreciate you taking the time to write this out. A lot of great points 👍 👌
  16. Hey @newbie LAC, sorry for the multiple comments today 😅 - wondering if this will get some tlc and be updated for 4.6? 😇
  17. Hey team, it's that time of the week again 🤯 I wanted to take this opportunity to highlight a few new topics created by you all that have been a lot of fun to read and think about while I do the dishes. But before we get to that, check out this list of fixes and updates our development team smashed out in the last week alone: - Added a Delete query as an upgrade step to remove old 'best_answer' notifications. - Fixed an issue where Content Item Controllers returned 200 by default when they should return 404 or 403 (not found or forbidden). - Fixed some language evaluation issues when PHP 8 is used. - All buttons in #elUserNav now use the correct text color. - Fixed an issue where it was possible to upgrade incorrectly when renewals were removed, and the new package had upgrade set to pro-rata. - Fixed a race condition that can happen when Stripe sends a web hook request very quickly after charging a customer (renewals & device payments). - Fixed an issue when upgrading to 4.5.0 with duplicate keys when consolidating the referrer tables. - Fixed an issue when creating a record in the Admin CP and choosing another member as the author would not fire achievements for that author -Improved logging for errors returned by Elastic Search. - Fixed an issue where Topics would not refresh when selecting Forums in Fluid view. - Fixed the rank title not displaying correctly in new rank notification emails. - Set a default value for the search flood time when creating a member group. - Set a default value for the 'Time user must wait before download starts' group setting while creating a member group. (Downloads) - Added support for Brightcove video embeds. - Fixed an issue where the Oauth1 Login Handler would use a not existing method to log any upcoming errors. - Fixed broken links in the our picks widget. - Fixed an issue where achievements would show in a hovercard for a member in a group that has achievements disabled. - Fixed downloading files with non-latin character downloaded with corrupt characters in Edge and Chrome. - Fixed an issue wehre copying a topic to a database would result in an IN_DEV CSRF key warning. Now for the community content 🥲 @Dexter_X conjured up a bunch of innovative ideas to enhance and elevate our newly-launched Achievements feature. Which inspired @wegorz23 to dream up their own spin-off. There's also this pretty fun topic showing off our offices made by @Jimi Wikman. If you haven't already, upload a photo there and share your work environment. @Pavel Chernitsky took the time to share thoughts on Invision Community and how we can better things. There's always potential for topics like that to turn sour, so thank you for being constructive and allowing us the opportunity to hear you. And because I was so impressed with Dexter's Achievements contributions, here's one more topic they created that deserves your undivided attention: Thank you for creating topics! It's the lifeblood of our community, and we love to hear from you so we can continue the forward momentum. Which was YOUR favorite topic? Have an idea for a topic but are too timid to post? Take a chance! There's no time for shy 😉 Looking forward to chatting with you in the replies below!
  18. New website refresh coming soooooon (without the New on Clubs 😆) 💀 Lmao
  19. Thanks so much for the kind words! The team smashed this one out of the park. Appreciate this a lot 🫂
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