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David N.

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by David N.

  1. On my Mac, I get a notification that I received a new message:

    Could contain: Text, Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone

    After I click that notification, I'm taken to the Inbox but no message is selected, so I see this: 

    Could contain: File, Webpage, Person, Face, Head

    So at first I'm a bit confused as it looks like the message I was just notified about isn't there? Then I realize that I have to click the highlighted discussion in the column on the left, and then I also have to scroll all the way to the bottom of that discussion to read the last message. 

    Shouldn't the message that corresponds to the alert (there's actually only 1 new message) be selected and visible after I click the notification? 

  2. Just now, Jim M said:

    That would be expected as you're not logged in and the guest cache would impact you. If you want to read notifications though, you would be best to login as you may receive notifications that guest wouldn't be able to take action on and have other expected issues with that.

    It's not really an issue for me, now that I know, I could just stay logged in on my phone. It's an issue for my members though, as I can't imagine explaining that behavior to all of them. When they receive an email notification and click the button labeled "Go to this Post" and they don't see a post, they think something's wrong. 

  3. I've experienced this a couple of times on my iPad and also on my iPhone. A comment is added as a reply to a topic, and I can see that comment appear as being posted "6 minutes" ago on the topic list (the comment was actually posted 15 minutes ago). Yet when I click the "6 min" link it takes me to the first post of the topic and I can't see that last comment. I can access the last comment as expected from Chrome on my Mac. 

    Another time on my iPhone I received an email notification that a reply had been posted to a topic, I clicked the link and could not see the reply. The reply appeared as expected on my Mac. 

    After a while (15 or 20 minutes) I end up being able to see the comment on the iOS device. 

  4. Thank you @Randy Calvert - I've looked at those and others in the Marketplace but I haven't found something i like. IMO They don't look as clean as the two examples I shared. It's too bad Invision doesn't offer a decent default theme especially since they have really nice ones for this site and for the "Our Picks" page.

    Is there no way to somehow adapt the theme file used to display "Our Picks" to the Articles in Pages? 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    That is really the only way in which to fix them

    Got it. 

    Any idea why even with all plug-ins disabled, when I copy paste the same YouTube link to my forum it adds allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=" — which isn't added to @Nathan Explosion's forum?

  6. 9 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    You do have at least one item there which is manipulating post content (trim empty lines) so if you do see it happening in the future, I would certainly disable that 

    Actually "Trim Empty Lines" is just a CSS add-on that hides empty <p> tags, it doesn't manipulate the post content.

    Ok so I'll just fix the broken threads I can find manually... but this is a bummer. 

  7. 44 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I would suggest testing this with no 3rd party items enabled, as something there is breaking your content on submitting

    I have tested it and I can post videos as expected with or without 3rd party items enabled. The issue was with these two older topics (who knows if there aren't others). 

    I haven't added new or removed old 3rd party plug-ins. I have only a minimum setup with 4 simple plug-ins: 

    Enhanced Joined Date Enabled15.0.0 Marketplace  
    By All Astronauts

    Trim Empty Lines in Posts Enabled1.0.3 Marketplace  
    By Ahmed Zayed

    Remove Pages from Search Enabled1.0.0 Marketplace  
    By Adriano Faria

    Default Quick Search Option Enabled1.0.0 Marketplace  
    By Ahmed Zayed


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