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    Edjazoli got a reaction from SeNioR- in Issue with repeated Log Entries- CLUB.   
    Hi guys, I've got no idea why this happening, its only triggering the error when Im trying to decline request to my private club.
    Any ideas.??
    mysqli_sql_exception: Duplicate entry '2-439' for key 'PRIMARY' (1062)
    #0 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(659): mysqli_stmt->execute()
    #1 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/system/Db/Db.php(938): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery()
    #2 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/system/Member/Club/Club.php(1156): IPS\_Db->insert()
    #3 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php(652): IPS\Member\_Club->addMember()
    #4 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(90): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\_view->declineRequest()
    #5 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/applications/core/modules/front/clubs/view.php(120): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #6 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\core\modules\front\clubs\_view->execute()
    #7 /home/host448960/domains/xbox-vibes.com/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}
  2. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to teraßyte in FontAwesome on submenu?   
    Try using:
    .ipsNavBar_primary #elNavSecondary_1 a:before  
  3. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Dave D in Mark Topic   
    Hello Runar,
    have you seen anything regarding the Mark Topic features not showing with a custom theme?
    Let me know if there is anything you need to investigate further.
  4. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Jim M in Avoid serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers   
    These are core and part of our Javascript framework. You would not be able to remove these, I'm afraid. These would be required for different reasons within our framework, some might be due to compatibility with older browsers within our browser support stack.
  5. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to Nathan Explosion in RSS feeds look?? Issue??   
  6. Agree
    Edjazoli reacted to Adlago in Preload font   
    Using a preload font in an includeMeta template is a mistake - it increases TBT. Please remove this from the includeMeta template.
  7. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Adlago in Storage settings for CSS and JS   
    And this is achievable, but with more effort...

  8. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Sonya* in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    Wish fulfilled!

  9. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Jim M in "Unload events" after latest update?/   
    This is not something which is wrong with your site but a recommendation the tool you're using here to avoid using unload events in Javascript. The file it is referencing is a core file in our Javascript. I am happy to move this to our feature suggestions if you would like? However, currently, this is intended to be there.
  10. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to HeadStand in FAQ System (IPS v4)   
    A new version has been submitted to the Marketplace and is pending approval. It contains a fix for both of these issues.
  11. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Translate   
    Yes, Google charges for most of their Cloud APIs - their pricing specifically for Translation API is here: https://cloud.google.com/translate/pricing The API used by this application is the 'Basic' API.
    Use the DeepL API instead, and sign up for the free version to start off with - 500,000 characters a month, free.
    In the MP listing, I'm going to expand the already provided information about the APIs used to clearly indicate that there are potential costs involved - providing the existing links is obviously not enough)
  12. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Circo in (NE) Translate   
    Thanks. I went ahead and setup using DeepL for now. 
  13. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Nathan Explosion in (NE) Translate   
    Cool - keep an eye on https://www.deepl.com/pro-account/usage to see how you are doing on the character usage - and remember, I've built in caching on this one so that each item that is translated is done once and then subsequent requests by users are pulled from the database instead.
  14. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to Adriano Faria in Member's Country   
    If you mean in a post authored by a guest, no.
  15. Like
    Edjazoli got a reaction from Fabio Barbiero_549885 in Scheduled Posts   
    We don't want a workaround, we need solution, you not buying Tesla and then working about to solve the issue....and yes I compare Invision Community to Tesla 🤣
  16. Agree
    Edjazoli got a reaction from CheersnGears in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    Joined solution option, bulk reaction for administration,  "topic posting time/choosing date and time for topic to be active ( sometimes we want to write something at night but prefer post is next day etc)
    Integration with resizing engine..eg TinyPng etc....
    Fully translatable Announcements... Im talking about the text input...who's with me!!??

    More control over ads, ability to show adverts after post numbers, currently we can only select after the first post.
  17. Like
    Edjazoli got a reaction from My Sharona in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    Joined solution option, bulk reaction for administration,  "topic posting time/choosing date and time for topic to be active ( sometimes we want to write something at night but prefer post is next day etc)
    Integration with resizing engine..eg TinyPng etc....
    Fully translatable Announcements... Im talking about the text input...who's with me!!??

    More control over ads, ability to show adverts after post numbers, currently we can only select after the first post.
  18. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to kmk in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    More advanced permissions for clubs, let us build mini groups that let them handle public and private contents. 
    1. Example:
    A forum exclusive for clubs moderators or leaders
    A forum exclusive for club members 
    A public forum for members and not members. 
    2. One of the weakness of the forum is all topic need to be assigned a title, that format just not convenient to motivate people to develop conversation with more freely. 
    Why not made Status Update available for clubs? With that we can create a type of public comments for each clubs. Then let us 📍 EXCELLENT comments for a determined time period. (you have a good point comment, I pin it for 10 days because I guest that 10 days we will still talking about it. That same mechanism we can apply for announcements purpose....for populate some public topic purpose... 
    3. Enclose commands buttons in a tool button 🔳 
    Enclose the repeated title and description in an ABOUT button, because each time we go to that page is  for the read content purpose, not read again and again first the same title and same description. Leave it as an pop up modal so who really want to read that ABOUT information go to Click on that button. After that when we open the club (for mobile case) we can see contents from the first view. By now each time open the page we need to scrolling to find (again) page content or topic content that is the focus. 

  19. Agree
    Edjazoli got a reaction from kmk in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    Joined solution option, bulk reaction for administration,  "topic posting time/choosing date and time for topic to be active ( sometimes we want to write something at night but prefer post is next day etc)
    Integration with resizing engine..eg TinyPng etc....
    Fully translatable Announcements... Im talking about the text input...who's with me!!??

    More control over ads, ability to show adverts after post numbers, currently we can only select after the first post.
  20. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to Stuart Silvester in Geolocation- no Scotland and Wales- future update...   
    We use the ISO-3166 standard for country codes - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes
    England, Wales, Northern Ireland & Scotland are part of the United Kingdom and classified as UK in this standard.
    It gets a little more complex when you consider payment gateways, if we were to add these as separate countries (that there are no standardised two letter codes for) payment gateways would reject any payment attempts from these users.
  21. Like
    Edjazoli got a reaction from SJ77 in Scheduled Posts   
    We don't want a workaround, we need solution, you not buying Tesla and then working about to solve the issue....and yes I compare Invision Community to Tesla 🤣
  22. Thanks
    Edjazoli reacted to Adriano Faria in Member's Country   
  23. Like
    Edjazoli reacted to Adriano Faria in Member's Country   
    It will show UK but the member can change his flag in Account Settings if you allow their group to do it 
    This is not a topic location resource. It will show the flag beside the user name (image below), as stated in description, not beside the topic title.

    I don’t use it on my board.
  24. Like
    Edjazoli got a reaction from Matt in Hump Day: A magic wand to create a new feature?   
    Joined solution option, bulk reaction for administration,  "topic posting time/choosing date and time for topic to be active ( sometimes we want to write something at night but prefer post is next day etc)
    Integration with resizing engine..eg TinyPng etc....
    Fully translatable Announcements... Im talking about the text input...who's with me!!??

    More control over ads, ability to show adverts after post numbers, currently we can only select after the first post.
  25. Thanks
    Edjazoli got a reaction from Ricsca in Featured image home page   
    Go to ACP > Customisation >Icons & Logos> Share images 
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