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Posts posted by JustinHawk

  1. 59 minutes ago, Charles said:

    anyone has questions about your specific scenario, please reach out to us via email.

    Have sent via contact us, not aware of email. Hope that's fine. 


    59 minutes ago, Charles said:

    However, you are getting a whole lot more and it's also waaaaaay simpler for you and us both to just have one cost rather than all the mixing and matching we did before.

    Its suitable for those who probably have 1 single license (mostly) but for those who have multiple, for simple testing purposes it not suitable. 

    Note: Cannot use -Testinstall as it requires to block public access where as I need to measure impact around google/bing.


    16 hours ago, JustinHawk said:

    But most of people like me cannot make switch as third party devs goes awol and their designs unsupported, add-ons broken. So would IPS take some decisions on making moves over this? It doesn't work if thirdy party devs fails to meet the requirements, unless one day we won't have any third party and all inhouse 🤔

    @Charles will these license terms affect third party devs? I was blocked on version 4.4 once Velion went awol and left me with a broken design. So why would I renew? As upgrade mostly breaks the designs.. That's mainly my experience, cannot say for someone else. 


  2. 4 hours ago, G17 Media said:

    The conversion page mentions new terms, could you link to them on that page or here? I can't seem to find them.

    By accepting the new license terms you will gain access to the entire Invision Community Classic edition suite under the license agreement and service terms of that package. Your renewal cost will change to $199 per year or $19 per month and your next renewal date will change to March 30th, 2024.

    You cannot revert your license to our old terms and pricing. You understand that our Cloud platform and Classic edition are different products and therefore not all features and levels of support available in the Cloud platform are available in the Classic edition. You can switch from Classic to cloud platform at any time by contacting us.

    Licenses that expire without payment will immediately lose access to support, upgrades, spam prevention, geo location, and more. Reinstating a license will require catching up on any missed monthly payments or pay a full year renewal. Licenses not renewed after 24 months will be expired permanently and cannot be renewed, but you may purchase a new license for full price.


    Note: Cost and dates will vary as per your license. You can find more details by clicking on the link in client area, it won't change license terms and will show you confirmation window where all details are mentioned.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Charles said:

    That is right and we recognize that's a change but we had to make this change. One huge area of abuse on the old way was people not renewing for 3 years, paying $50, and then getting 3 years worth of new software.

    Cost of doing business I guess. But most of people like me cannot make switch as third party devs goes awol and their designs unsupported, add-ons broken. So would IPS take some decisions on making moves over this? It doesn't work if thirdy party devs fails to meet the requirements, unless one day we won't have any third party and all inhouse 🤔


    8 minutes ago, Charles said:

    The monthly option is a payment plan for the yearly. You can of course switch to yearly at any time.

    Is this going to be different in case of yearly or same monthly rules apply? i.e. need to pay for missed year as well?


    Frankly, as of now my overall cost for renewal for 3 licenses is abt 170-180$ I think,so about $360/yr, but if I make a switch that directly raises that to abt $600/yr. I ain't seeing any profits to me here + I keep an extra license just for my own development and testing activities with real users, so I get actual feedback for my major projects, so that license I may or may not renew for long period of time.

  4. Licenses that expire without payment will immediately lose access to support, upgrades, spam prevention, geo location, and more. Reinstating a license will require catching up on any missed monthly payments or pay a full year renewal. Licenses not renewed after 24 months will be expired permanently and cannot be renewed, but you may purchase a new license for full price.


    Would like some better clarification on Reinstating a license terms, so we pay for all missed payment if selected monthly like a loan/emi payments? 

  5. 24 minutes ago, Pushpendra Singh Chauhan said:

    Actually, First I tried the language localization of IPS, in phrases and html/php pages this is working fine. But in db pages, if I use {lang="cust_service"} in the source this does not work as the editor changes this to {lang="cust_service"}

    Why not just then simply create three different fields in pages for input and use those as for language translation and then modify template of pages to show as per user selected language.

    And if you want the translation to be done via some api that you can do via extending the pages app and save those values in that fields. Or use IPS API and do translation at local, post and save in new fields.

    This way you can easily have your data in api as well as you can also make changes in template to display as per right language.

    53 minutes ago, Pushpendra Singh Chauhan said:

    Expense is ok

    If expense is not an issue drop me dm, I will help.


    Ignore typos sent via mobile.

  6. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    I understand that, but that doesn’t exist, so I provided alternative options. 

    For example: this is the before-and-after for a record feed block with SuperGrid:


    No worries, i was able to copy the template provided by this addon into block and reuse it by modifying it a little, now it looks very nice 🙂

  7. 1 hour ago, opentype said:

    You could check out SuperGrid and SuperBlocks for block templates for Pages records. Both options will include the record image in the blocks. 

    No I mean I want the sidebar for featured articles to have same design as provided by this addon to similar one. Not sure how supergrid can help, I had purchased that earlier but not used that template.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Adnan Khan said:

    My website link is crazyforum.no 

    I need help with google adsense. I've tried to times but they say i don't follow their guidelines. Someone told me if i want to have adsense on my website, i need to have blogs. 

    So my question is. Is it possible to have google adsense without blogs and only forum? Is it a theme i need to buy? How can i get adsense working on my website? 


    Question: which guideline to be exact? 

  9. Just now, Callum MacGregor said:

    It seems like every time I need to update an app, I have to buy it at full price again, despite having done that multiple times? If I buy an app it should be mine, this subscription model is just capitalist madness. Same goes for an IPS update: it seems like every major IPS update breaks every app I own, then I have to rebuy all the apps again in order to get the fixed version. As it stands, I am just not updating my IPS installation any more because of this exact situation. 

    Who made the decision to employ this model, and what is my motivation to upgrade if every time I do I have to spend a bunch of money on getting a fixed app?


    Check here > https://invisioncommunity.com/clients/purchases/

    Via here you can manage your purchased items and renew the ones you need.

    As far as I understand most apps has renewal fees half the initial cost. Can you share an app url that you have purchased multiple times? 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Christophe said:

    Had a baby and the last 2 years have been tough. Now I need to revamp my forums but I also need to be able to post topic or comments outside of the forums into a wp or a php page. Is there a paid tool I can buy to do this or does IPS have a plug in now that provides integration outside of the site to display topics so that when people click the links they are sent back to the forum?

    Thanks in advance

    Use API to get topics and display in php? 


  11. 1 minute ago, virap1 said:

    @JustinHawk, did you find a way to make this work?

    Thank you very much.

    Two ways actually. 

    1. Using selenium, to upload image. 

    2. Modified the API file and added a code to update function that accept base64 version of image with filename. Code example would be in Gallery API file. Would have shared but currently on mobile. 

  12. 16 hours ago, JustinHawk said:



    On 6/1/2021 at 3:49 PM, Stuart Silvester said:

    It doesn't look like we specifically handle images/uploads via the REST API for this endpoint. I have logged an internal bug report for this.

    @Stuart Silvester was this fixed? I am trying to do tha same for record_image, but this isn't working. 

  13. I am trying to set record image via Pages API using following variable.

    fields[record_record][filename] = 'Raw Content'


    But none of variable is working, but if i create custom field and post data to that it is working.

    fields[4][filename] = 'Raw Content'

    Let me know if i am doing something wrong.

  14. Case Scenario: We have field in pages name ID which is marked as unique in nature i.e. two same database entries cannot have same value.

    Expected Behavior: When Posting data via API with same unique ID instead of throwing an error its inserting the data in both cases with same unique field value.

    Note: This works perfectly when creating an entry via frontend.


  15. On 3/16/2023 at 1:12 AM, Charles said:

    We are focusing on things that will impact the widest varieties of communities. I know it can be confusing when something you use is not available and something you do not use is made available. We simply have to look at the widest impact we can make with our resources and client needs 😀

    If it's going to impact widest varities of communities why it's limited to cloud only? And not added in self-hosted version as well? 

    Their are many full fledge LMS system that can easily run on self-hosted environment, so why can't your one do the same, even if it's half the product of a full fledge system. 😕

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