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  1. Agree
    TDBF reacted to opentype in Nexus: Invoices.   
    Minor corrections:
    viewing alone doesn’t create an invoice, but starting a checkout.  The invoice should be created at the last step of the checkout when the users clicks “place order”. That’s when the purchase becomes legally binding for both sides. It is NOT necessarily the moment of payment, as there can be payment options like “manual wire transfer”. The invoice wouldn’t be delayed in this case. It still belongs to the moment of the purchase. 
  2. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Stuart Silvester in Bug: Pages Database Template Rename Issue.   
    Thank you for your report, I have committed a potential fix for this issue that should be included in a future release.
  3. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from OptimusBain in Hump Day: new live community features   
    So it begins.
    If you remove self hosting, you will lose us as a customer, plain and simple.
    I already have hosting for which I use with other domains and other software. I don't require your cloud services, just your software.
  4. Agree
    TDBF got a reaction from ASIKOO in Ability to Ban/Restrict a member from Their Posts.   
    Would it be possible to add a 'ban/warn' button in the same way you can normally moderate posts.
    Having to constantly go to the users profile and/or remind moderators how to this down is tedious. It would be a lot more straight forward and quicker when dealing with those members who cause you problems.
  5. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Askancy in Hump Day: new live community features   
    So it begins.
    If you remove self hosting, you will lose us as a customer, plain and simple.
    I already have hosting for which I use with other domains and other software. I don't require your cloud services, just your software.
  6. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Matt in Hump Day: new live community features   
    I don’t want to lose you, or anyone as a customer.
  7. Like
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in Filter database and sorting   
    Filter and sorting by functions on database listing templates are weird.
    Create a custom field Yes/No on the database and Allow filtering. Add a filters block to the page. Make your selection in the filter block and click Update Select in SORT BY menu another sorting The filter is still set, but is now no ignored See a video to understand the bug:

  8. Like
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in Scheduled Posts   
    Then good luck and patience while waiting for solution 🙃
  9. Like
    TDBF reacted to opentype in Expired subscriptions must be treated like no subscription   
    The issue: when someone let’s a subscription (product subscription or regular subscription) expire, they will later not be able to buy it again, because the invoice on file prevents a new subscription. But the existing subscription also cannot be renewed because the invoice has expired. This can only be solved by intervention from an admin (manually finding and deleting these invoices), but there might be hundreds of those and it would require a constant monitoring of expired invoices. 
    The solution: The check that prevents a new subscription with an invoice on file should be removed or adjusted. Someone who doesn’t have a subscription anymore, because subscription and invoice have expired, must be treated like anyone who never had a subscription. Both groups should see exactly the same offers because their status in relation to these subscriptions is the same. 
    Why it matters: People run into this problem all the time and it’s not just an inconvenience, it it costing them money, because people who would want to pay cannot pay and probably just give up. Here are just a few examples from the recent days (and I have observed this and commented on it for years): 
    Subscription buttons don't show up. (yesterday)
    Subscriptions Bug (yesterday)
    invoice has expired but member cannot renew (7 days ago)
    The development time to fix this is probably much cheaper than having IPS support deal with this issue for years, constantly identifying the issue and guiding people through the process of the possible work-arounds. So it would be a win-win situation to finally fix this. 😉 
  10. Like
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in For Guests: Clicking on Time Stamp does not take you to that post but rather the thread's first post   
    There is a setting, what should happen if member clicks on the item link in Members -> Members Settings -> Profiles

  11. Agree
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in (Pages) Cast number fields   
    In Pages, we can create a field with a type Number. The field is created as VARCHAR in MySQL. This does not allow us to sort by this field with correct alphanumeric order.
    The sorting by this field results in:
    1 10 2 42 9 You have to cast the values if ordered by this field
    SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY CAST(field_name as SIGNED INTEGER) ASC EDIT: I mean the sorting in record feed block or getItemsWithPermission.
  12. Agree
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in (Pages) Sorting by price and number field   
    I have a Pages database where products are stored. 
    I have defined two fields of type Number: Storage Place and Price. Both fields are required.
    The list of what is not possible with the fields:
    Sorting by these fields in record listing does not make sense as it sorts by characters and not by numbers Required does not make sense, as the fields are always pre-filled with 0  and stored with this value without an error message The database to reproduce the behavior on default Pages templates is attached.
    The values I have entered to test are on the screenshot. This is a result of sorting by Storage Place. Sorting by Price does not change the order. 

    Note: I know a technical background why this does not work. Please see this as a report from an end-user who tries to set up this kind of database in Pages.
  13. Like
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in Hump Day: what's your favorite forum feature?   
    It is always the same. Speaking about what is good is pretty dull. Complaining is so much easier. Let us complain, and you'll see the activity explosion in the thread. 

  14. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from The Old Man in Designer Mode and Pages CSS   
    Can I Second this please.
    I would have thought this would have been part of the export process since Pages templates would use CSS and JavaScript.
  15. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Ryan Ashbrook in Cannot edit Topics created via Pages App.   
    You're likely seeing something else - I can confirm that if a topic is truly linked to a database record, then the software intentionally blocks editing and merging on topics. If you need to edit it, you must edit the record, and when saved, the new contents is synchronized to the topic.
  16. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Jim M in Cannot edit Topics created via Pages App.   
    They are intended to be a direct copy of what is in the database record.  If you would like to see this changed, you're welcome to provide your feedback in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.
  17. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Jim M in Cannot edit Topics created via Pages App.   
    What are you looking to edit exactly? It would be advised to update the Pages Database entry then re-sync the changes. This is intended functionality to not be able to edit directly.
  18. Thanks
    TDBF got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Quizzes   
    Must have been a glitch in the Matrix last night. 🙁 I originally had the quiz category set as min 5 and max 5 answers and then changed it to min 2 and max 5 answers and I would get the not enough answers error. Just tried it again on a different category and works fine.  I'm not sure why it would have done this, if it does it again I will do a bug trace on this.
     I created the quiz, the questions and answers and click on 'Allow play', however no Topic was created. I will test this laster and get back to you.
  19. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Adriano Faria in Quizzes   
    You mean in the grid view on index, right? Just noticed it.
    Can you elaborate? I'm able to add only 2 answers: 1, the right, and 2, the wrong:
    The topic will be created only after you set the quiz as ready to people play. It won't create right after you create a quiz, which has no questions. This will call people's attention to an empty quiz. Is that the case?
  20. Like
    TDBF reacted to Jim M in Designer Mode and Pages CSS   
    I can certainly move this topic to our Feature Suggestion forum if you would like?
  21. Agree
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in Designer Mode and Pages CSS   
    Yes, please.
  22. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Marc Stridgen in Theme Order Bug   
    A new version (4.6.11) has now been released which resolves this issue. Please upgrade to the latest release in order to get this fix.
  23. Like
    TDBF reacted to PatrickRQ in Allow us to create multiple menus as "blocks" and place anywhere we want trough templates   
    It would be nice to see options to create multiple menus using menu manager and save them as separate positions to place where we want under some key.
  24. Agree
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in Bug: Pages Database Template Rename Issue.   
    I can confirm it. I've caught the bug with duplicate template too, deleting one and then loosing both. 
  25. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Sonya* in Bug: Pages Database Template Rename Issue.   
    This issue is both an annoyance and a bug, one affects the other imo.
    Application: CMD/Pages Bug: Renaming a template can cause duplicate of a Database template when it's imported via Themes Designer Mode or when creating another the Database Template with the same name. Not only does this bug break your own naming guidelines, but it can cause duplicates of the same database template which will lead to issues when deleting one of the duplicates within Database Templates window.
    How to reproduce.
    Create a Pages Database Template: Go to Themes ACP and click on the Designer Mode button, Enable Designers' Mode and Click Next and wait until all templates are exported to disk, Now disable Designers Mode and Synchronize the changes leaving the files on server, Return to the Pages Templates window and edit the Database Template previously created, do not edit the name, but just save the template name as is. Enable Designers' Mode and Click Next and wait until all templates are exported to disk, Go to the server where your IPB install is and navigate to /themes/cms/database directory and rename the Database Template you created previously so that it is all lower case, Now disable Designers Mode and Synchronize the changes leaving the files on server, There should now be two version of the Database template that you created. If you remove one of them, both will be deleted. Solution.
    The reason for this happening is two fold.
    When you originally create a database template, there are limitations places of the Database Template Name which are: Please use only a-z and 0-9 without any special characters or spaces. The title must start with a letter or underscore. When you edit a Database Template, the name will be displayed differently, it will be title case and without any underscores and I can save with spaces regardless of the limitations in place: Please use only a-z and 0-9 without any special characters or spaces. The group name must start with a letter or underscore. You can use an underscore, which will show as a space when viewing templates. The issue lies within the function databaseTemplateGroupOptions() (file: cms/modules/admin/pages/templates.php Line: 1004 😞
    form->add( new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Text( 'cms_database_group_name', \IPS\cms\Templates::readableGroupName( \IPS\Request::i()->group ), NULL, array( 'regex' => '/^([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_\.\s]+?)$/i' ), function( $val ) Issues
    Group Name Change: \IPS\cms\Templates::readableGroupName( \IPS\Request::i()->group ) Is the first issue. This changes the group variable from 'my_template_name' to 'My Template Name'.
    On line 1026: This line here:
    $new = str_replace( ' ', '_', $values['cms_database_group_name'] ); Should be changed to
    $new = str_replace( ' ', '_', mb_strtolower($values['cms_database_group_name'])); As you can see from this part of the function, $new is not set to be lower case as it should be which when saving the field to the database and this can cause conflicts with importing later.
    if ( $values = $form->values() ) { $new = str_replace( ' ', '_', $values['cms_database_group_name'] ); if ( $new != \IPS\Request::i()->group ) { \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'cms_templates', array( 'template_group' => $new ), array( 'template_location=? and template_group=?', 'database', \IPS\Request::i()->group ) ); foreach( \IPS\cms\Templates::$databaseDefaults as $field => $template ) { \IPS\Db::i()->update( 'cms_databases', array( 'database_template_' . $field => mb_strtolower( $new ) ), array( 'database_template_' . $field . ' =?', \IPS\Request::i()->group ) ); } unset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->cms_databases ); $this->findAndUpdateTemplates( $new, \IPS\Request::i()->group ); } \IPS\Output::i()->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal( 'app=cms&module=pages&controller=templates' . ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->t_location ) ? '&t_location=' . \IPS\Request::i()->t_location : '' ) ), 'saved' ); } Sorry for the long-winded approach to this issue. 😋
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