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Hump Day: what's your favorite forum feature?

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Happy Hump Day! 

Our forum app is a fan fav. There are so many advantages to running a forum versus using social media exclusively (more on that to come). 

What would you say is your favorite existing feature of the forum app? 

Me personally? I love the fluid view mode. 😍 It allows me to quickly see what topics I want to consume first, then dive in deeper if I want more. Super handy! 

Screen Shot 2022-03-23 at 12.57.17 PM.png

Curious to know which one's your fav?

If you have any idea to enhance the forums app with a new feature, please feel free to drop it in @Matt's topic. 


And while I've got you, check out this lengthly list of updates and fixes from the team within the last week. It's legit 🤯 . Very impressive!


- Fixed an issue where paying with account credit can leave a pending amount less than minimum amount processable via Stripe.
- Fixed an issue where the activity stream widget would show the wrong event date as result.
- The rank progress in the mobile navigation panel will no longer overlap navigation links.
- Updated Spectrum, a color picker library to the latest release version.
- Fixed an issue where DailyMotion short URLs would not embed.
- Fixed an issue where grace periods were not correctly added when manually invoicing from the admin control panel.
- Fixed an issue where "All / None" links were shown under the Followed Content section of notification options incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where toggling the use forum for comments database setting could alter approval status.
- Fixed an issue where long names can overlap the ... button in comments on small devices.
- Fixed an issue where the block submission word filter missed words or phrases with quotes and other HTML entities in them.
- Fixed the fallback download link for Quicktime videos which Chrome will not display as a video.
- Fixed an issue where IP address tools would display all comments for every database.
- Fixed an issue where the ACP Profile - Points page could get broken because of achievements rules from deleted applications.
- The business name input field is now shown globally instead only for EU countries.
- Fixed an issue where Google rich results may not show the correct vote counts for answers.
- Fixed an issue where the initial renewal term text may not update during checkout.
- Updated CKEditor to 4.18.0.
- Fixed an issue where forum specific themes would throw an exception once deleted.
- Fixed an issue where the REST API self-health check would suppress any errors caused when a friendly URL was used without the proper htaccess file.
- Fixed invalid JSON-LD product data when stock levels are based on custom field selections.
- Fixed an issue where the `onProfileUpdate` Member Sync extensions wouldn' tbe called as expected.
- The social icons are now correctly shown on mobiles when the "Social Link Position" theme setting is set to "Header Background".
- Updated jQuery UI components to 1.13.1.
- Updated jQuery.nestedSortable.js to 2.1a.
- Fixed an issue where daily subscriptions for streams with an author set may not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue in the stream subscriptions, where the stream ignored the date from the last email, so it fetched all the content instead of only the recent one which was created after the last sent email.
- Fixed a performance issue with the stream subscriptions task.
- Fix spam service filling up system logs if a license has expired.


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