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  1. Like
    TDBF reacted to Marc Stridgen in Upgrade failing on Test Server   
    Ah, that being the case, it will be that upgrade information was added by that application at some point. Glad to hear you managed to get the issue resolved
  2. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from DSystem in Upgrade failing on Test Server   
    Hi Marc,
    Just to keep you updated regarding this issue, I removed the database table updrade_temp and started the upgrade process again, and the upgrade worked without a hitch.
    Thank you for your time 🙂
  3. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Lindy in Commerce app: Requirement for guest checkout   
    Unfortunately, not every suggestion or request will reach the product, or at least within the timeframe requested. Data and privacy protection is something we take very seriously and as a provider to customers worldwide, we receive a significant amount of requests to assist customers in achieving local regulatory compliance. While we respect the DSK's position, Commerce was not designed or built to accommodate guest transactions with no corresponding account and incorporating the changes necessary to comply with this regulation would be a measurable effort with very little gain/ROI.
    It's not something we have necessarily dismissed indefinitely, it is simply not on the radar in the foreseeable future for the reason cited above -- there's low demand and considerable development involved in making the platform do things that are counterintuitive to its chief goals, and thus, lacking the technical provisions for same. 
  4. Agree
    TDBF reacted to opentype in Delete Mass Pending Invoices   
    It’s a quick “fix”, but a proper guest checkout should come anyway to comply with EU regulations. 
  5. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from smhxunvr in Website Footer (Support Topic)   
  6. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Daniel F in IDE Code Completion   
    One of the biggest benefits from IPS is also one of the most annoying things..
    The Proxy Classes and full IDE support!
    I have related a small script which generates a file with class aliases.
    This can be installed global on the system via composer
    composer global require danielfatkic/ipsaliases and then just call  
    vendor/bin/generatealiases . inside your IPS dev instance, or you can also pass the full path to an IPS installation, which will generate a file called aliases.php

  7. Agree
    TDBF got a reaction from Lindor in Nexus: Subscriptions Expired Issue   
    Many of my members have been complaining that they cannot purchase another subscription when they have an expired waiting for renew.
    I have set up different subscription types, however, when one of those subscriptions end, all the other ones are no longer available. If I delete the Inactive Subscription, the other options are available.
    I have also had many cases of members not being able to renew their subscription in the past. However, I haven't been able to recreate the problem.

  8. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from Day_ in CSS question...or disappointment   
    Altering CSS styles isn't going to increase your website speed, not to the point where it actually matters or is noticeable.
    I tend to find metric sites like the ones mentioned do nothing more than send you down a massive rabbit hole. You get to the point where you become obsessed with getting the prefect score and nothing else matters.
    I find the score they are asking you to hit is ludicrous, especially when Google doesn't even follow their own standards. Google Ads is the biggest offender to my so-called 'perfect score'.
    What will increase your speed is proper optimizations. These are generally more associated with bad PHP coding, slow database queries, poor caching methods, element blocking and lots of hooks and applications.
    Does your server have enough resources such as CPU, Memory etc, and is it configured correctly and optimized? Have you dealt with bad bots, script kiddies and scrappers who are hitting your server, sucking up more resources further sucking up your resources!
    A lot of people tend to throw everything and the kitchen sink on their front page, and wonder why it is slow compared to other websites.
    Trust me, CSS styles are at the bottom of my list when it comes to optimization. If you honestly think that using margin: 5px 10px; over margin: 5px 10px 5px 10px is going to make any difference to your FTTB, then you have gone down that rabbit hole, my friend.
    As I've always said, when Google give a crap about their own coding standards, I will give a crap about mine's, especially when it comes to their metric scores.
    While I don't agree with this decision, I do understand it, as there is no need to edit the core CSS styles when you can just override via the custom file.
  9. Agree
    TDBF reacted to Randy Calvert in CSS question...or disappointment   
    I've not said you should not improve the user experience at all.  What I'm saying to be abundantly clear...
    Spend the MAJORITY of your time on good content.  Spend SOME time making your site perform better.  
    Again...  content is king
    Too many people here focus on the pennies instead of the dollars.  
  10. Thanks
    TDBF got a reaction from Daniel F in Bug: Manually entering Admin CP Menu and Reorder issue.   
    Just in case, when I say manually, I mean clicking on the 'Add Menu Item' button, rather than editing the acpmenu.json directly. 🙂
  11. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Daniel F in Bug: Manually entering Admin CP Menu and Reorder issue.   
    Thanks, I have created a bug report for this.
  12. Like
    TDBF reacted to opentype in Commerce app: Requirement for guest checkout   
    And while you are at it, here is another one effective immediately (actually since July 1st, 2022), which can be seen as related, as it also needs to be accessible for guests:
    New cancellation process for subscriptions required
    A new law specifies in detail how online contracts like Invision Community subscriptions can be cancelled when services are offered to people in Germany. The current implementation is not sufficient at all. 
    The law text (in German): https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/bgb/__312k.html
    Good English article about it: https://www.nitrobox.com/en/cancellation-button-bgb-312k-explained/
    The article above provides a blueprint of how the cancellation must be performed. As explained in the article, the law is extremely precise in what is required. Specific buttons which easily accessible, specific fields in the form, a confirmation with print-out capability, an automatic confirmation and ALL of it accessible to guests as well. 
  13. Like
    TDBF reacted to opentype in Commerce app: Requirement for guest checkout   
  14. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from SeNioR- in Remove/Delete Fraudulent Pending Invoices   
    I just got hit with this today as well.
    Seriously having to do this one by one is sooooooooooo 1990's and there should be an option to do this especially with items such as this.
    Can you guys please add multi delete or cancel option to admin please!?!
    Also, looks like this was done via a script, so I have had to turn off Guest Payments and create a Fraud Rule to prevent future card testing.
    @Jarrod Davis
    I feel your pain, I have over 500 pages worth of this to cancel then delete.
  15. Like
    TDBF reacted to Sonya* in Pages - customize the topic created   
    You have almost no control over the appearance of the topic created via Page. Even as an admin, there is no edit option. E. g. you cannot remove the backlink, even if there are no permissions for the database. The template above will only be considered while you make a new record. If you change the template and try to rebuild the topics afterward, all your customization will go.
  16. Agree
    TDBF got a reaction from ASIKOO in Ability to Ban/Restrict a member from Their Posts.   
    Would it be possible to add a 'ban/warn' button in the same way you can normally moderate posts.
    Having to constantly go to the users profile and/or remind moderators how to this down is tedious. It would be a lot more straight forward and quicker when dealing with those members who cause you problems.
  17. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Rick Vasquez in Nexus: Subscriptions Expired Issue   
    Don't know if you solved this, but I do this by using recurring products instead of subscriptions. You can have 2, but make sure you align the renewal dates otherwise it becomes a fight over promotions that apply to each group. 
  18. Thanks
    TDBF reacted to Jim M in Nexus: Subscriptions Expired Issue   
    It will not change that a user can only have one subscription at a time but will improve the experience for up/downgrading a subscription during that expired process.
  19. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from SeNioR- in Bug: Pages Database Template Rename Issue.   
    Create Database Template:

    Edit Database Template:

    After Exporting CMS templates to disk:

    Field name's when saved to database table.

    Well, there's about an hour I won't get back 🤣
    Hopefully this will be a bit helpful.
  20. Agree
    TDBF reacted to Ocean West in Nexus: Invoices.   
    In addition I get copies of invoice / renewal emails,
    The presentation is terrible for site owner because you are receiving email addressed TO someone else.
    I would prefer to get a notification that X party was sent their invoice/renewal email click here if you want to see what it looks like I shouldn't ever have email in my INBOX sent TO someone else. 
  21. Agree
    TDBF got a reaction from Bethanyrayne in Nexus: Invoices.   
    Can you please only add invoices to actual purchased items rather than when some views an item.
    I have 10 pages of inactive items, of which nearly 99% of invoices are due to people viewing items and not purchasing anything.
    If you are not going to change this behaviour, can you at least give some of us the ability to turn off issuing invoices unless a payment is made?
    Sorry to go on about this, but it seems like I have been asking about this for a good few years now.
  22. Agree
    TDBF reacted to OptimusBain in Nexus: Invoices.   
    I second this. It's been requested many times,together with PDF invoices, etc, but Commerce hasn't had any additions for some time.
  23. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from OptimusBain in Nexus: Invoices.   
    Can you please only add invoices to actual purchased items rather than when some views an item.
    I have 10 pages of inactive items, of which nearly 99% of invoices are due to people viewing items and not purchasing anything.
    If you are not going to change this behaviour, can you at least give some of us the ability to turn off issuing invoices unless a payment is made?
    Sorry to go on about this, but it seems like I have been asking about this for a good few years now.
  24. Like
    TDBF got a reaction from SUBRTX in Nexus: Invoices.   
    Can you please only add invoices to actual purchased items rather than when some views an item.
    I have 10 pages of inactive items, of which nearly 99% of invoices are due to people viewing items and not purchasing anything.
    If you are not going to change this behaviour, can you at least give some of us the ability to turn off issuing invoices unless a payment is made?
    Sorry to go on about this, but it seems like I have been asking about this for a good few years now.
  25. Haha
    TDBF reacted to 13. in CKEditor 4 end of life - alternative editor consideration   
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