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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This is the support forum and we can only inform you on what is possible today. If you want to request things for the future, please use the Feedback forum as mentioned. In order to separate types of requests and ensure they are properly reviewed, they need to go in the proper places. I am sorry you do not like that but it is the current steps. You don’t want feature request cluttering up support requests and potentially missing something important like a site being down, right? So organization is important. Please remember that our developers do not work on projects out of thin air. There is quite a significant amount of planning involved to build a software like ours. To voice your suggestions, the Feedback forum is how you get your idea started.
  2. There are no current means to change this without customization. For feature suggestions, please use the Feedback forum
  3. This would indeed require customization. You will want to contact a third party provider for assistance in creating that for you.
  4. The email header image would be scaled to what the actual image is. There is nothing in the software which controls the size, I'm afraid.
  5. You would want to shrink the image outside of our software. That would be the best way to do this.
  6. mod_security is a server security module. You would need to contact your hosting provider if you are unsure how to manage it. This is indeed how you obtain support. Marc and myself are IPS support technicians (hi! 👋 ) . We are indeed attempting to assist you but please be aware that certain things are outside our scope of support, like hosting/server management here.
  7. Think the issue with your queue failing with errors is causing an issue here so let's resolve that first and we can come back to this.
  8. Thanks. I was able to get in now. However, I have transferred this to a ticket as we will need to investigate further what is happening as it looks like you're missing a column. Could you please ensure that all third party items are working appropriately or disable them?
  9. I'm afraid, they are still invalid for your SSO.
  10. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  11. If you click "Run Now" does the task run or do you get an error?
  12. The publish date cannot be a date in the past, I'm afraid.
  13. Please see the email response we sent you a little while ago to your ticket 🙂 .
  14. Seems like a PHP issue or file incomplete issue. Would run the PHP requirements checker here first:
  15. Glad to hear it's working now. There was no intervention on our end. Likely just an intermediate disruption which couldn't connect to the license server at the particular moment you enabled.
  16. Believe there is a misunderstanding still. If there is low traffic, guests would not get served cached pages because they would be the first guest to view it. If Guest A views Page 1 and then 15 (actual) minutes elapses, then Guest B comes to view Page 1 then Guest B would get live data. If the traffic is low as well, odds will certainly be greater that you wouldn’t have new content in that time period either. I would encourage you to build your community and not yet worry about this 🙂 . We have thousands of communities on our Cloud and it has only been brought up less than a handful of times so I would worry about building your community and less about settings ❤️
  17. Keep in mind that it is a maximum of 15 minutes. If guest A goes to page 1 and guest B goes to page 1 two minutes later, guest B gets a cached version but that cached version is only 2 minutes old (hardly doubt much if any new content has appeared). However, if guest A and guest B, never go to the same page, neither will receive cached data.
  18. There is no way to disable the caching. This is intended by design of our infrastructure to deliver content more efficiently and performant to guest users.
  19. If you're seeing this, it is likely that happened to the user but that would be something your hosting provider would need to investigate.
  20. Not sure what you mean by "never got to Intents" was that meant to read as Invision? If it never made it's way back to your community, it could be your firewall blocked Stripe's webhook request or the webhook is invalid. The log should be in Stripe if that's the case. Glad to hear you were able to resolve that! Unfortunately, the only possibilities are: The user was deleted after the email was sent. The user changed their email/display name after email was sent. A backup was restored after email was sent which the user does not exist.
  21. No, that is the standard login handler. Not IPS Connect. IPS Connect is used to connect 2 Invision Community sites as an SSO.
  22. This would have been removed when you upgraded the release which removed it. You would want to check any third party add-ons, themes, etc... which you have installed which may reference it. Additionally, you can ensure that your login providers are not using it in ACP -> System -> Login & Registration -> Methods.
  23. Did they change email address and display name? Did you approve their data deletion request? Ultimately, you have some funky things going on here. The ultimate answer may need to go to your hosting provider to see if there was a database restore by them at any point which would lead to missing data.
  24. Was the user deleted? Was this their post? If so, that would make sense. The user being deleted and their content removed, only a log for the user deletion would exist.
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