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Jim M

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Posts posted by Jim M

  1. 15 minutes ago, Duken said:

    Yes i did, no email in the spam folder. 

    No known mail issues at my side. Still recieving other mails.

    Last ticket was long ago but with the ticket system. What now? 

    Sent one last test email to you to see if for some reason there is an issue with Marc's name in the from field 😄 . If you do not receive it, you may wish to double check with your email provider that it is not getting blocked. If they outright do not receive the message, we can then escalate it here to further see what is happening.

  2. 5 hours ago, AtariAge said:

    Thanks for the response. I asked him for a video and he sent me one that shows him logging in and the forum immediately redirecting him to the Twitter authorization screen.  I also asked him if he signed up using Twitter and he says he has not.

    To confirm, they are filling out the log in form with their details on your community and hitting the "Sign In" button on the form? They aren't hitting the Twitter button by accident, whether that is via a click, hitting enter, or some other button?

    If yes, they are hitting the "Sign In" button, do you have a Profile Competition step which suggests adding a Twitter login? I know you said they are being immediately redirected but just wanted to check that they didn't click it before?

  3. You can restrict a member group from sending messages entirely but not to a certain member group(s). If these users are not participating, you could always restrict your base member group for a period of approved content items or time then promote the group to another group which does not restrict messaging.

    Otherwise, this would currently require a third party integration to perform this. However, I am not currently aware of one in the Marketplace.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Jason Brown_41238 said:

    @Mark H thanks for your reply.  I'm assuming if I travel down this road and remove it from the theme it will remove it from all forums and post? and not just from specific ones?

    It would replace the specific date in that spot for all forum posts but as @opentype states:

    12 minutes ago, opentype said:

    The dates appear in so many places and you would have to code in conditions at every place. I don’t think it’s worth it. It will be really messy and hard to maintain. 

    There is an app on the Marketplace to update post dates: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8684-change-post-date/

    Personally, I don’t see a problem with the way it already is. Hiding the dates could cause more harm than good because it can cause suspicion. 


    There are countless dates throughout our software so to completely remove all dates here, would require a lot of editing of themes. Another drawback, that would be worth mentioning, is that if an upgrade of our software touches one of those templates in the theme which were modified, you would need to manually update those templates. One of those things which need to weigh the pros/cons of a decision.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

    Ugh, I see it in your test post, but here's what I see in any other post.


    are you the topic starter? otherwise, you'll need a moderator permission if you wish to mark as solution.  The group you're in has restricted moderator permissions. If this is your administrator group, I'd advise not restricting those.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Square Wheels said:

    Odd, log in as me.  The Cafe is the best place as that's where most posts are made.  

    Others didn't report it.  I noticed it at home on my laptop, and here at work on my desktop.

    Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce that with your account either. I was able to create a topic with your user, make a post with our user, and login as your user again and see mark as solution:



  7. Was this a manual upgrade? Typically, that error would present itself when a file is outdated or missing. You may wish to go to your Client Area and download a full set of files then extract these to your computer, then upload the contents of the "ips_****" folder to your server, overwriting what is there. Then please go to /admin/upgrade in your browser and attempt to run the upgrader.

  8. Looking at both your communities, you have both Display Name and Email Address login available. Could you please go to ACP -> System -> Login & Registration -> Methods -> edit each of your login providers that have form input (such as Standard, Converter, etc...) and ensure that both Display Name and Email Address are enabled?

    The most common cause of what you're stating is that administrators have 2 login providers enabled that use the login form but the standard login provider only has Display Name or Email Address rather than both. Then on the other provider, it has both. Then in an example, user A comes along and tries to login with their email address but the standard login provider only allows Display Name, thus, a login error occurs. 

    If that does not help, please let us know which site in particular is the issue and verify the credentials on file are accurate. We can then look further.

  9. This should still be present. With that said, regular members would not be able to see this on users with the  anonymous status set.

    If you are having issues seeing this in the hover card and you have the moderator permission to do so, you may wish to try this on an unmodified theme.

  10. 12 minutes ago, AtariAge said:

    Unfortunately, the above values don't match at all what is in ACP -> Files -> Storage Settings -> Configuration.


    And the storage settings look correct as well:



    What I'm seeing is the pages still contain tons of references to AtariAge.com (for instance, it's trying to load all the CSS from that server instead of my test server which is running on another domain), even though I cannot find that domain anywhere in any settings.  I also searched through the settings in the database to see if there were any references there, but they could be hiding in other tables for all I know.

    This is not an issue with the production sites. I'm trying to setup a test site so I can do test upgrades from 4.4.10 to 4.6.6, which is going to be a fair bit of work before I can upgrade the live site (have a custom theme that needs to be redone, several commercial third-party skins that have to be updated, and a slew of plugins/apps, many of which have not been updated from 4.4.x to 4.6.x as they were custom work), and of course I need to make sure the actual upgrade scripts work (as I've had issues with them failing in the past!) 

    If you'd like to look at the test site, I'd be glad to give you the URL to that and any other information you may need.  I really would like to get this issue resolved, as it's preventing me from doing any further work on the upgrade.


    I would advise editing those configurations so you can see the custom URL. From that screen, you still cannot see it but the uploads configuration is in use. 

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