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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. This was moved to a ticket to further assist you. Please check your email for further correspondence.
  2. You're very welcome. Glad we could be of assistance.
  3. Push notifications come from the PWA part of the software so you would indeed need to install PWA to receive push notifications. If you use Edge, you will want to click the button as outlined below:
  4. I'm afraid, this would be a new feature, not a fix as the system is currently designed not to do this. You can certainly suggest it by going to our official Feature Suggestion forum.
  5. Please disable Two Factor Authentication requirement for our account. As many technicians may assist you, it is not possible for us to use Google Authenticator.
  6. A 500 Internal Server Error is very much like your car's check engine light. It says something is wrong but not what or where. You will want to grab the server error log entry for your issue. If you are unsure how to gather this information, please contact your hosting provider. Please keep in mind if you recently upgraded to PHP 8, you will want to check to ensure you have all required modules installed with PHP: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7046-invision-community-requirements-checker/?do=getNewComment and if you have third party add-ons, one may be incompatible and you can try recovery mode: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/getting-support-r292/#recoverymode
  7. Please contact your hosting provider if you are unsure how to resolve the error. I’m afraid, as it is disrupting the upgrade, we cannot assist further till it is resolved. Unfortunately, it is a server error.
  8. 504 Gateway Timeout will need to be resolved by your hosting provider if you are receiving this when running the upgrader. Something on your server is encountering this and it needs to be resolved before the software can continue.
  9. You would need to go to /admin/upgrade to reach the upgrader.
  10. Unfortunately, I can only let you know what the error is and why you cannot move forward. Why it appeared now is not a software issue though, this is a server error in your configuration which your hosting provider would need to correct and make the path there accessible to PHP to read the session data. You will want to check your custom php.ini or local edits if you have any to ensure the path is correct to what it should be. You can try to go to the upgrader at /admin/upgrade and try again to see if it is a temporary error but if it is still there, this is for your hosting provider to resolve, I’m afraid.
  11. This error is stating that your configuration is not correct and PHP cannot read the session data. We do not provide custom server configurations so you would need to resolve this with your hosting provider. If you used a custom php.ini, you will need to check that the path is correct in it as the one in the error is listing PHP 7.
  12. Unfortunately, testing this myself, in my own instance, this and a lot of events came over. You may wish to check if there are any timeout errors on your server or other issues. Additionally, we did make some changes in regards to things for changing the Calendar application over to Events in 4.7.3 so that may also have helped me import this. If you continue to see this issue on 4.7.3, I would advise checking your server for timeouts, errors, etc... If you see anything software related, please let us know.
  13. While I appreciate what you're saying here, could you please provide an exact event which did not import? It's going to take time to crawl through that file and I'd rather look here apples to apples then guess/check, guess/check.
  14. Are there any dates which are in the future (or have a repeating occurrence in the future) from when you imported it that did not import?
  15. Please ensure the following: You are running Apache to use the .htaccess. Both mod_setenvif and mod_rewrite are enabled. If you are unsure on either of these, please contact your hosting provider or server administrator for assistance.
  16. The only means in the Commerce Support ticket system to receive a notification is via email. If you wish to see other alternatives, please leave your suggestion in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.
  17. You would need to reach out to SendGrid for assistance here. They are experts in their product and can confirm if you have it disabled correctly. It could be there is a lag also in disabling.
  18. This would only work moving forward with new emails sent out. Older emails will still have their click tracking on it so you can't change that.
  19. This would be their link tracking.
  20. If you use SendGrid's link tracking, disable that and test again. Likely, it may be malforming the URLs.
  21. Please contact the author for assistance as it is not compatible with PHP 8. If they are still around, they will need to help you resolve it.
  22. Sorry, this would be the import in a download from the Client Area. The old location on your server would be the URL you mentioned: /forums/uploads/monthly_2022_09/OneHundredReactionsReceived.svg
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