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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Patches go to all our clients. They are in ACP > Support.
  2. We sent our reply and solution for you to fix this via email on the 12th. Please check your spam folder.
  3. I’m afraid, you would need to upgrade to PHP 8 in order to use the latest release. PHP 7 is no longer supported by PHP themselves so this is a good push to rip the band aid off and get it done too 🙂
  4. Correct. Unarchiving a topic manually is a different process so can only be done once and you cannot archive it again.
  5. Please see the following tool which will check your server's compatibility with PHP 8 and if you are missing anything which is required: Once you have the above set, please ensure that you have disabled all third party applications and plugins then switched to an unmodified theme. While you stated you switched to the "default" theme, many people in the past have actually made edits to a theme called "default" so I would like to triple check that this has remained unmodified and there are no inherited templates from other custom themes influencing it. Creating a new theme, as instructed earlier in this topic, will satisfy that request 🙂 .
  6. Certain pages will not have a sidebar due to how they are configured and what may also be in the application. Currently, this is working as designed. However, you're more than welcome to leave your suggestion to change this in our Feature Suggestion forum.
  7. Once you use any menu item, it is not present to be used again. You would need to use the "External Link" option to do what you want to here. If you would like to see changes to this in the future, please leave your suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum.
  8. Is there anything on your system which you use an API or otherwise to post on your community? That would be a way around it as it isn't going directly through our software. Our Spam Defense tool works on spammers, not their content. The idea is to stop them at registration, not when they are posting. One spammer could have 50 clients and could have several variants to post so stopping one message would just lead to them posting another but flagging the user as a spammer will then send this back to our system where if enough individuals do or we see a trend on our numerous points at registration, they will not be able to register on our clients' communities. The system is not 100% perfect though and this is due to the nature of spamming and the internet. There are bot and human spammers. It is as profitable for them to figure out our systems as it is profitable for you and us to prevent them. Spamming goes in phases as well, we always see an uptick around the holidays and new year (you can imagine why). The more you report to the system, the more it learns. If you haven't already, I would also recommend reviewing the Question And Answers feature for Spam Prevention in ACP -> Members -> Spam Prevention. A good Q&A question on registration is one that is immediately known by your audience but is hard to Google. It takes some time to come up with one but you will see a drastic decrease in spammers registering with the right questions. You also want to rotate these questions in and out, don't leave them up for a long period because as I said, there are human spammers whose sole jobs are to figure these out and post them on a huge spammers database once they do. With all that said, if you have any suggestions for the Spam Defense system, please post these in our Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation.
  9. As mentioned by Randy, the way that FURLs work is that the number in the URL really tells the software what forum, topic, etc... you are viewing. Anything after that is a string that is incorrect then gets redirected to the correct URL. If one thing is indexed, the 301 will tell Google it moved permanently and it should index the new URL. While that may not happen instantly, it will happen.
  10. Unarchiving is ran as a background task in order to not bring down your community/server. This would continue either way. It may be more efficient on the latest release just because 4.4 is quite some time ago 🙂 . I would upgrade then unarchive, personally. Though, it shouldn't really matter.
  11. Do they or their browser clear cookies after they are done? If the cookie for the device is not present, they would get the email each time they login and it isn't present.
  12. Keep in mind that an archived topic also can't be replied to. If the bulk of your traffic and activity come from select topics, it sounds like this is just your server lacking to keep up with performance your activity needs. Next time this happens, you may wish to have your hosting provider review what is happening on the server-side. This way that will give you a better understanding of what is happening. Another thing to look into if you receive a lot of guest views is some sort of caching via a CDN like CloudFront, CloudFlare, etc... which can cache non-logged in users and display that to take load off your server. All of this is really outside our scope as a software vendor but if there are any questions, I would advise creating your own topic.
  13. To confirm, the Word Filters were added prior to this post being made? Unfortunately, I am not seeing how this was made as with an administrator account and regular user, I am unable to reproduce this. Just to clarify here, are you referring to "Flag user as Spammer"? If so, this is on the user, not the post content. If you are referring to the report option on the post, this just flags it to your moderator team 😉 .
  14. Sorry, the purpose of archiving topics is to remove them from frequently used functions, like the search, which slow them down. The only way to access these topics would be through the forum list or direct URL.
  15. As you currently do not have Pages to create a custom block or use the WYSIWYG block, this would currently require a customization to put a Contact Us link in the sidebar.
  16. Please be advised I have tagged this to a developer who will be able to provide further insights to your question here.
  17. Thank you for pointing that out. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  18. What is the member doing when encountering it? This typically happens when someone encounters a bunch of errors or makes too many requests in a certain amount of time. However, more info is needed to tell what is happening
  19. ACP > Support, under database there should be an option to convert to UTF8mb4
  20. You can clear cache by using the Support option in ACP > System > Support.
  21. This is called the "Topic Summary" you can adjust settings or disable it in ACP -> Community -> Forums -> Settings
  22. This is like comparing apples to oranges, upgrading from version 3.x to 4 and 47.5 to 4.7.6. Manually upgrading is exactly the same as the auto upgrader but you’re moving the files instead of the software. Upgrading from 3.x is a huge upgrade, this is a minor upgrade so not as many changes going on.
  23. I’m afraid, you would need to contact your server administrator for assistance as you would need to alter your MySQL configuration to disable strict mode. Server administration is outside our scope of support.
  24. The upgrader will handle that. You upload the files then run the upgrader at /admin/upgrade
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