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Jim M

Invision Community Team
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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  2. Please provide us an example URL of a post which was mod queue'd and we can review it.
  3. Do you have any Word Filters or Links & Email Addresses which you have setup to trigger moderation? This can be found in ACP -> System -> Posting. This would apply to all member groups who are not setup to bypass it.
  4. You are using modified templates for this Database. Please change it to be using an unmodified template. The "Listing Template Group" being used is modified.
  5. English is all we provide. You can create a language pack in ACP -> Customization -> Languages. That language will then be unmodified.
  6. Thank you, I was able to get in. Could you please provide an example Database name? I do see you have customized templates in Pages but you also have a lot of Databases so need to narrow it down with an example to say for certain 🙂
  7. Would recommend using an unmodified language pack.
  8. Could you please clarify what version of our software you're converting into and what version of PHP you're running?
  9. Unfortunately, ACP access is still not working.
  10. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  11. Would recommend switching to an unmodified template to see if this is causing you an issue with things appearing that shouldn't.
  12. Thank you. I am a little confused as to why there isn't a magnify glass either as this wasn't a manual add it seems to the subscription. I have moved this to a ticket just to ensure that this user's subscription is on the up and up and will be continued to be processed.
  13. ACP -> Pages -> Databases -> Edit your database -> scroll down to "Templates".
  14. We would need to review the user to see what has transpired here. Could you please add the user's display name or ID here or in the Client Area access detail's notes? Please also ensure your access details are correct/valid 🙂
  15. Did you manually add this user to the subscription?
  16. Glad to hear it's all resolved. Might have been a temporary issue on our end or through the communication to our server.
  17. Authenticating against the GraphQL API is a little different from the REST API. You can see the documentation with information here: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/graphql
  18. ACP -> Members -> Groups -> edit your base member group -> Content tab -> Require approval before content shows?
  19. If I am understanding you correctly, you simply just want to change the permission denied to a custom message? If so, this is core functionality. Edit your topic and there is setting which will allow you to change this message to one of your own.
  20. The Test URL would be able to utilize the Marketplace. However, as it is behind a .htaccess, you would need to temporarily remove that to allow our servers connect to yours to verify the install.
  21. I would suggest disabling all third party applications and plugins then uploading a fresh set of files from our Client Area. Unfortunately, we would not be able to assist or know where things are being loaded from third party plugins.
  22. The client was not on a plan with Live Topics. Neither are yourself, I'm afriad.
  23. You will receive communication via email.
  24. Has this been resolved? I see that the topic there has the topic title - forum title - website title.