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  1. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to AlexWright in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    Hi @TAMAN!
    When using the Different Articles styles, the Display Templates are broken:

    SELECT core_follow.* FROM `core_follow` WHERE follow_app='cms' AND follow_area='records2' AND follow_rel_id=207 LIMIT 0,25 IPS\Db\Exception: Total count attempted on a query not ran with SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS (-100) #0 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/sources/Theme/Theme.php(610) : eval()'d code(1957): IPS\Db\_Select->count(true) #1 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/modules/front/database/record.php(310): IPS\Theme\class_cms_database_s1_one_column->record(Object(IPS\cms\Records2), '\n<div data-cont...', NULL, NULL) #2 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\cms\modules\front\database\_record->manage() #3 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #4 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/sources/Databases/Dispatcher.php(347): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #5 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/widgets/Database.php(128): IPS\cms\Databases\_Dispatcher->run() #6 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(1281): IPS\cms\widgets\_Database->render() #7 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/sources/Pages/Page.php(2210): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->getWidgets() #8 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(112): IPS\cms\Pages\_Page->output() #9 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(43): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->view() #10 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(96): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->manage() #11 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/applications/cms/modules/front/pages/page.php(33): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #12 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(152): IPS\cms\modules\front\pages\_page->execute() #13 /home/artistsbeware/artistsbeware.info/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #14 {main} This is fixed by reverting to the default "Display" template for now, but we were using the s1 One Column template. We have the new version of the plugin installed, and the templates included in the new version of the themes used.
  2. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from sbr in Dreadnought Theme [ support topic ]   
    i will check it out later.
    thanks for pointing it out 😉 
  3. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from JustHatched in Pages Clan Wars [ support topic ]   
    VERSION -1.0.1: Support for IPS 4.4.x How to update?
    You only need to delete the old template and then re-Upload it again.
    If you dont know how then please view the Update section in the documentation file 🙂 
  4. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from JustHatched in Pages Clan Wars [ support topic ]   
    I will update the files today 🙂 
  5. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from PasXal in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    VERSION -4.2.6: Support for IPS 4.4.x  
    How to update?
    Use ( Upload a new Version )

  6. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Kim Werker in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    VERSION -4.2.6: Support for IPS 4.4.x  
    How to update?
    Use ( Upload a new Version )

  7. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from JustHatched in Gradient Theme [ support topic ]   
    VERSION -1.2.4: Support for IPS 4.4.x  
    How to update?
    Use ( Upload a new Version )
  8. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Sovereign Grace Singles in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    ckeditor icons needed to be updated for ips 4.4 and i have fixed it on the current version in marketplace.
    If you still have issues with the theme, Please send me a message and explain the issue a little bit more, also maybe a login info to check your website.  (Admin login is not required) 
  9. Like
    TAMAN reacted to PasXal in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Thanks for the answer 🙂
    I would have expected it to take longer, thanks for your fast and always good work! 
    @Joel R
    I know it will take longer and don't expect all mods for 4.4 to be directly available, so I'll wait to upgrade my forum. 🙂  
  10. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Kim Werker in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    All the themes are ready i just need to upload them in marketplace when i have time 🙂 
    a couple hours maybe ^^
  11. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Joel R in Magnum Theme [ support topic ]   
    Most mod authors may need a couple of days since 440 just officially became available as of this morning.  
  12. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from kmk in News Ticker [ support topic ]   
    .ta_NT #ta_webticker > li:before { content: "\f111"; /* Fontawesome icon Unicode */ color: #222222; /* Color */ } The Dot is a fontawesome icon https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery🙂 
  13. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from kmk in News Ticker [ support topic ]   
    <li><a href="https://xxxxxxxx"><i class="fas fa-external-link"></i> xx购书清单</a></li>  
    As for the font colors, You can change it in the settings, if it doesnt work then you must probably have some custom css somewhere that causes this, or paste me a link to check
  14. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Noble~ in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    This theme will be updated in marketplace when Gold version of ips 4.4 available.
    otherwise, If you have updated to IPS 4.4 BETA, then send me a message to give you the upgraded version 🙂 
  15. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Sovereign Grace Singles in Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]   
    This theme will be updated in marketplace when Gold version of ips 4.4 available.
    otherwise, If you have updated to IPS 4.4 BETA, then send me a message to give you the upgraded version 🙂 
  16. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Vegan Gaymer in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    @Vegan Gaymer Check your private messages 🙂 
    Also, I will update this theme in marketplace the same day when ips 4.4 gold version releases, so keep your eyes on the theme in marketplace
  17. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Vegan Gaymer in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    I just updated to ips 4.4 an yea this template is deleted in the new version, so just be patient, in a few minutes i will update the theme and send you the upgraded version with a message 😉 
  18. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Vegan Gaymer in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    I dont think so. Because I haven't made any changes in that template. 
    Only two templates are modified in most of my themes so basically the theme should function without any problems on ips 4.4.
    Anyway, To fix this issue you need to open lkeyWarning Template and revert it back to default. 
    like this

    Again, you shouldn't really have to update your website yet 🙂 ips 4.4 might take a month for the stable version to be released. and even then you might need to check if your apps, plugins are ready.
    I suggest you to disable development version updates in your Live site. 🙂 
  19. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Vegan Gaymer in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Did you upgrade to ips 4.4 beta 1?
    I will update the theme in marketplace with gold version of ips 4.4 only, i dont support beta version 😕
    But I will do a quick update for ips 4.4 by tomorrow these times and send you the upgraded version with a message
  20. Like
    TAMAN reacted to JustHatched in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Running the Support Tool will usually fix that
  21. Like
    TAMAN got a reaction from Daniel Simoes in Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]   
    Did you upgrade to ips 4.4 beta 1?
    I will update the theme in marketplace with gold version of ips 4.4 only, i dont support beta version 😕
    But I will do a quick update for ips 4.4 by tomorrow these times and send you the upgraded version with a message
  22. Haha
    TAMAN got a reaction from Daniel F in Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]   
    Yea i was sure i had read it somewhere! 😛 
  23. Thanks
    TAMAN reacted to Daniel F in Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]   
    Exactly 🙂 
  24. Like
    TAMAN reacted to Kenneth6 in Gradient Theme [ support topic ]   
    After a long night, found it ! Sorry for the inconvenience 😛
  25. Thanks
    TAMAN got a reaction from Aramaech in Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]   
    Does not happen here, the errors has anything related to this plugin. 
    if you have created custom blocks then please delete it or check your codes in the custom block. 
    Yes you can paste javascript in the custom blocks. 🙂
    This plugin uses the default ips widget features you cant have widgets in specific topics or topics list i believe 
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