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Invision Community Team
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  1. Haha
    Marc reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    How's your Thursday going?

  2. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from BankFodder in Extremely slow page refresh since last upgrade   
    Id start by simply disabling all of them from the support page. 
  3. Agree
    Marc got a reaction from BankFodder in Extremely slow page refresh since last upgrade   
    You will need to contact your hosting provider on the performance issues here. I can see you have quite a lot going on within the home page there, however even opening some simpler pages are taking quite some time to open
  4. Like
    Marc reacted to evcom in Maximum three online users shown   
    Thanks Jim. I am still investigating and could not resolve it yet. Matomo Analytics shows all users that are coming in, no specific drop observed. So users can access the site. However, this is interestingly not reflected on the "Who is online" widget. So Invision does not seem to track visitors anymore. I have some PHP8 incompatible customizations on my site. So I will disable them to see if that resolve the issue. 
  5. Haha
    Marc reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    It is no longer flawless. 
  6. Haha
    Marc reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Well, it appears that after 4 minutes, it's entirely flawless so we may as well just release final?
  7. Like
    Marc got a reaction from sadams101 in Possible Issue After Recent Patch   
    This issue was resolved in our latest release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve this, and if you see any further issues, please let us know.
  8. Haha
  9. Haha
  10. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Mike G. in 4.7.16 beta 1 Activate club categories trigger an error in database settings   
    This issue was resolved in our latest release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve this, and if you see any further issues, please let us know.
  11. Haha
  12. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Mike G. in Add clubs support Saved Actions   
    This issue was resolved in our latest release of the platform. Please upgrade to resolve this, and if you see any further issues, please let us know.
  13. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
  14. Like
    Marc got a reaction from Jordan Miller in Invision Community 5: Dark mode, accessibility, performance and mobiles!   
    Its actually being tested at present 🙂 
  15. Like
  16. Haha
  17. Like
    Marc reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    As we find ourselves with our toes over the precipice of June; signalling the half way point of the year, I thought it's a good time for an update.

    Apologies southern hemisphere.
    Invision Community 5 has been in alpha testing for a while, and a small group have found a good number of bugs, and offered their thoughts and suggestions, some of which we've implemented. During this time we've wrapped up the new editor, a boat load of UI improvements and more.
    We are now ready for the next stage, which is to give our alpha testers their own Cloud v5 to test with. This opens up testing for the Admin CP, and all areas without using developer mode. v5 has a lot of changes to how CSS, JS and resources are managed. They are now built when we build the apps, and should never need rebuilding. We also store compiled templates now, so lots of slow eval() calls are no longer needed. In brief testing locally, it has made the entire platform super-fast.
    We are choosing to use a Cloud v5 to test with, rather than a traditional download for two reasons. The first is that using our hosting platform means we don't have to chase down issues with PHP, MySQL and unix versions which can be time consuming in the early stages. The second is that we're still writing the new build code, so we can't actually produce a versioned zip just yet. 😂
    But fear not, downloadable versions will be coming at some point.
    We're aiming to have this alpha demo system ready next week, so if you want to help alpha test, drop a comment below. I want to keep the first round (1-2 weeks) fairly small or it becomes overwhelming sifting through the feedback and bugs but please do register your interest.
    In terms of functionality, we're wrapping up the tagging changes; I'd expect a blog on that next week. The final parts of the Pages app are coming together. We even tested an upgrade of this site to v5 to see how the Pages built pages looked, and much to all of our relief, it looks great with just a few CSS classes needing updating.
    It's been a long journey - and a little longer than we'd first hoped but we're getting closer to betas when the fun really starts.
    We're really proud of v5 and we hope you like what we've created.
  18. Like
  19. Thanks
    Marc got a reaction from MediaDiGi in Can't CONVERT from IPS 4.7.16 to same ver   
    Glad to hear you have everything sorted 🙂 
  20. Like
    Marc reacted to Dll in How to to find duplicate IP addresses amongst members.   
    Bear in mind that with so many people using VPN's, and the fact most broadband and mobile internet providers are using shared and not fixed IP's, just because someone has the same IP as someone else, it doesn't mean they're definitely linked in any way. 
  21. Like
    Marc reacted to Randy Calvert in Slow instance   
    Are you running mySQL 8 or mySQL 5?  If you are running mySQL 8, see the following post from Matt and see if that plugin makes any difference.  
  22. Like
    Marc got a reaction from SeNioR- in Slow instance   
    I would advise on contacting your hosting provider for assistance with this. The index file is the root to all pages on your site, so that wouldnt nessesarily be an indication its not mysql. 
  23. Like
    Marc reacted to teraßyte in Want to Upgrade forum script from IP.Board 3.4.9 to the latest version!   
    As Marc said, that's the correct place to upload the files inside the folder ips_xxxxx.
    There are quite a lot of files that will be useless after the upgrade there, but you can worry about deleting them later. While I always suggest cleaning up the old files, you should confirm that the upgraded suite works as expected first.
  24. Like
    Marc reacted to opentype in Pages in Clubs, observations so far   
    I just found it after testing every setting possible. 
    It’s the “Allow Searching” setting in the database settings. When that is turned on, new club Pages records appear in feeds. If it turned off, they all disappear. 
  25. Like
    Marc reacted to Jean VUILLAUME in GDPR Consent   
    thank you for your answer. Tried the cache cleaning but not helped. I can see the code in the source code. Contacted the CMP editor support. 
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