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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Sorry to see you are having issues there. With this one, it will need to be looked at by one of our developers for you. I have gone ahead and created a ticket for this, and someone will be in contact as soon as possible.
  2. I have created a ticket for you on this. Its impossible to say without investigation why this may have happened.
  3. If the same member is awarded the same item on 2 occasions, it would indeed get awarded twice. Say for example, 2 separate posts for being helpful. So on the profile it would actually show twice, with 2 links to the items in question. For example, 'Mr Test' here has 2 badges for being helpful
  4. It can only really be cache external to the software if theme updates arent showing after clearing cache. I would suggest contacting your hosting company on that issue
  5. Ive opened up a ticket for you on that, so we can get in and take a look for you to see what is happening.
  6. No problem. Glad its now working for you in any case
  7. Redis would be the only external caching method we have available to set in the ACP now, and is what we use ourselves. We do always say to ensure you are sure you need it, and to ensure that it is actually providing you with a benefit first of all however. Used when it isn't needed can actually be counterproductive.
  8. Just an update. I have sent this up to our tier 2 developers to take a look at this and see whats happening.
  9. There is currently no facility for this within the software, unfortunately. Im not aware of any plugin for this at the present time, but someone else may of course correct me on this
  10. I have seen your ticket on this, and will do some back and forth with you on there to see if we can get to the bottom of what is causing the problem for you
  11. Glad to see you got it installed there. Could you please give me a little more information on how you are adding the page there? What items is it using etc? I created a page using only the page builder, and selected to use a different name. When doing this, it created with that name no problem at all, so want to ensure I catch this bug if possible.
  12. Are you running the latest release there? If you are still seeing issues and on the latest release, please feel free to submit a ticket and we can take a look
  13. That is indeed how it used to work, however its quite a performance impact unfortunately, so this was changed.
  14. Background task issues are not really a one size fits all. I've taken a look at your ticket and escalated that to a higher tier of support so that we can get that looked into for you
  15. That block is cached, so you would not see it update straight away. This is what you are likely seeing here
  16. You would really need to contact your hosting company if you are getting that message back and you are sure the details being entered are correct. That message is being returned from your mysql instance when trying to connect with the details provided
  17. This is actually slightly different to this topic, as this was related to their items on invision, whereas you referring to your own site. Given what you have said about your tax issues however, we will need to get in and take a look at that to see whats happening. I have opened up a ticket for you, so we can look into this further
  18. Looking at the video there, you appear to have some errors on the page, which may well be causing the load issues. Could you please try disabling your ads first of all, and see if they are what is causing the issue. I suspect this may be the case.
  19. Depending on how you wish to list them, you could also use the staff directory for that purpose if needed https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/adding-a-staff-directory-r76/
  20. Glad you found the option there. For anyone else who may be looking for the same, you can find this within the following location in the ACP Members->Notifications->Newsletter (select the edit icon)
  21. Marc


    Just as an added note here, you may find the following guide of use to use
  22. Are you referring to showing this within the listings? If so, this is something you would need customisation for really.
  23. Unfortunately there is no way in which to do this retrospectively. It will only add topics for items which are posted after that is set up in the category
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