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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. In the system itself, emails are unique. So any custom developed SSO should do this anyway, and anything in built such as OAuth login, will ask the user to log in with their account if its detecting to already exist. After which the 2 will be linked
  2. You would need to contact your hosting provider about the error there. "MySQL server has gone away" means the database is not responding to request from the software
  3. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  4. We would need an example where you are having an issue on your site, if this is the case.
  5. You need to check your server error logs. A -200 error means something on your server is preventing this. It may be a memory limit, a max upload limit in php, or any number of things.
  6. I'm not sure I said that there are show stoppers for not using container images. What I said is its not how our cloud platform works. In fact a cloud site is actually implemented quite differently to that of a traditionally hosted platform Its worth noting, that when looking at feedback and suggestions, there has to be a value add for us to make such changes. In the case of this, it would be quite a large change to our current methods of deployment, for quite little payback. This isnt to say that a decision has been made not to (that would not be mine to make). I'm just saying its not quite as simple as saying "This hasn't been implemented because there are showstopping issues that stop us from doing so". Most suggestions are perfectly doable, its just most dont make sense to do within the scope and vision of our platform.
  7. If its sometimes rotating, its highly likely its the image not having the info to rotate, rather than your site, to be honest. We would need some examples in order to take a look and advise
  8. Does this mean there is ironically a solution?
  9. What Nathan is saying there, is you need to look at the backup of your filesystem, not the backup of your database
  10. I feel quoting a topic relating to DDOS protection, in a topic relating to spam protection, is quite disingenuous. The comment made by Charles was a direct response to cloud accounts having WAF protection automatically. This is still the case, and will always be the case, and is not related to spam protection entirely. And as I said previously, hCaptcha has been proven to be more effective. Whether or not you choose to use that, is of course entirely your choice. I understand that you may find that users do not like captchas on your site, but they also may not like to validate their email and just click through. If you remove that, it will also add to the issue. Its a question of balance. If you wish to check if someone is a real user, you have to have methods in place to do so. Captchas are one of those methods. Feel free to add specific suggestions to our feedback area for items you wish to see added to the platform. These items for example, were added as a direct result of feedback from a number of channels https://invisioncommunity.com/news/invision-community/new-spam-prevention-features-r1284/
  11. You have posted a few times on this at present. Are you seeing this in every area on your site on both Android and iOS? Is nothing ever being rotated?
  12. There is currently an open bug report on this. I know it was worked on at some point, but unfortunately the fix is more complex than anticipated. I will chase this up for you.
  13. You would require customisation in order to achieve this on your theme, or alternatively, you could translate it to say something else if you wanted to make it somewhat more obvious. Yes, you would need to set those profile steps as mandatory when you set them up. As they arent, they are optional and can be skipped
  14. Seems Im seeing this also. Have you checked to ensure you dont have a favicon icon in the root folder of your site?
  15. It the browsers that cache them is what I mean. Thats why you are seeing old ones
  16. They are agressively cached by the browser itself unfortunately. As they are showing up on the others, it isnt anything you are doing wrong particularly.
  17. Ive just taken a look at this for you, and escalated your ticket to our developers to take a closer look at.
  18. I have spoken to a colleague, and you can create a user with a password in AWS for this
  19. Check if you are using compact table types too (you shouldnt be)
  20. It does indeed. But again, if its the correct answer, its the correct answer.
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