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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. You would need to create a ticket in your client area. We can then arrange a backup for you
  2. Please could you check your server error logs to see if anything is showing up there?
  3. There would be no way in which to do what you are looking for there, and to be honest its difficult to see how this could exist. Moderators on the system are set up to be able to moderate areas, not moderate people, so from the point of view of the platform there isnt actually such a list. I understand you may be using it in such a manner, but this would actually be members who have access to an area that moderator has moderation access to.
  4. You would need 3rd party development in order to send all that data to email. We can provide you with mysql backups of your site along with files, but to convert posts to email would be development work
  5. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  6. There would be no way in which to switch these off, as these are a security measure. I have taken a look at your site there, and the reason this will be happening so often is that people know what to attempt login with, as you have login set to display names. You should set login using email instead, as there is then no known information in which to try. If you go to System->Settings->Login & Registration, you can edit the 'General' login there and change it to email only. If you have the converter login (you will only have this if you have converted from another platform) then change it there also
  7. Glad to hear you have this resolved. If you ever need to use recovery mode in the future, you would actually create that file with the contents mentioned. This was why you couldnt find the file there. Thought I would let you know as it can be quite handy at times 🙂
  8. Please let me know on which page you have this placed. I can then take a look for you
  9. Do you have a beta running anywhere? Just trying to see if this is coming from the beta or from 4.7.1. I suspect its actually coming from the beta, but need to be sure
  10. This has now been actioned for you. Please check your email for further details on how to pay your renewal
  11. If you are still having the same issue of course, please let us know what what devices
  12. No captcha will ever be 100%. While it may appear that everything is getting through, this will certainly not be the case (feel free to switch it off, and you will see the comparison pretty quickly). We certainly wish we could come up with a solution which would stop all spam on a permanent basis. Unfortunately, these days, many of these spam bots are sophisticated and just circumvent any measures put in place. And this is when they are bots at all, as often they are actually people posting. The reality is, the only way to stop guest spam posting completely, is to remove guests from posting completely. I wish I had better news for you on that. I've found them to be annoying myself at times.
  13. The alert system itself can be found in your modCP You can get directly to the alert part of our mod CP guide here https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/staff-and-moderation/the-moderator-cp-r83/#alerts
  14. As per above, this is a known issue at present. We are looking into it and will have this resolved as soon as possible
  15. I am not able to replicate this issue on the latest beta. Please let us know if you still have this issue after 4.7.2, please let us know and we would need to investigate further on your instance
  16. There is no way in which to customise which are shown or what labels they have. They will have the label of the application in which is being used. You could of course change the name of pages itself if you wanted to. You would edit the language string for that. It would then change the word pages everywhere. Items that a user has access to would be shown. So if a user has no access to that section, the item wouldnt show up
  17. No problem. Of course if you have any questions, please let us know
  18. Any template that is manually edited by yourself will not have been amended in any way by the upgrade procedure. Therefore the templates mentioned, you should check. Take a look at this, which gives you a better idea of how to check these by comparison
  19. Revert just reverts that individual template you are on at the time.
  20. Sorry, that should have read "Revert that template" rather than that theme
  21. I feel you may have misunderstood what I said above. You need the issue to be reverted, and then "I" can reopen that ticket. I understand you are having issues with emails, however your other email address was added to that, and you should add that as an alternative contact. I cannot escalate your ticket and get you a resolution if you cannot recieve the emails Of course this is up to yourself. We cannot however resolve the issue unless we have the issue to resolve
  22. If you have edited a template, just for that (presumably globalTemplate) then you would just revert that theme, and reapply the code
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