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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Its not clear what it is you are looking at there. Could you provide linked examples? Feel free to add these to the notes area of your client area if you wish not to share here
  2. Could you please clarify what you mean here?
  3. he basis of SSO is essentially that your customers only have to sign in at one location. Generally this would be your website. We would redirect registration requests to your website, and login clicks to your website, should they want to log in from the community side of things. So that once they are logged in, they are logged into everything. Giving your customers a unified experience. Any specific requirements such as group changing for access, as you mention above, you would discuss those requirements with our sales team. Bear in mind, the key here is "Custom". So nobody can really tell you exactly how yours works, as by definition its custom.
  4. Unfortunately there is no way in which to do this. Your address is the address on your site. There is no way around this at present
  5. Could you please provide me with a link to both, so I can take a look and see why one would be different than the other?
  6. I would suggest checking in your server error logs to see what the actual error is first of all, as this may give a clue as to where the issue is. Failing that, we would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  7. Has the queued task completed? Please take a look at the background tasks on your dashboard
  8. Please upload a fresh set of files from yoru client area, then run the upgrade from /admin/upgrade . This should resolve the issue for you
  9. The issue with duplicates we can see and will look into. The issue with broken images is unfortunately the operating system, as mentioned. You would need to update the operating system to correct that issue. Guilty as charged you're honour
  10. No problem. Of course if you see issues arise elsewhere, let us know
  11. If its hitting limits you believe are not set, you would really need to contact your hosting company. Thats not something in which the software itself could break
  12. Please update your site to the latest release of the software. There have been bug fixes with emojis
  13. Ad blockers can cause all manner of issues unfortunately. While they are great for blocking what you want them to, they will also catch things you dont want them to
  14. Looks like this may not have made it, and its in the next release. Sorry about that
  15. That is indeed a broken image, but doesnt look like it was attached on that post. I suspect its been linked from an attachment elsewhere and that post has since been deleted (along with the attachment)
  16. The answer however would still be the same there. If you have an internal server error, you need to check your server error logs and get what that error contains
  17. The players and what they can play are determined by the device in which they are being played. Unfortunately it seems they are simply not able to be played by the embedded player on that device
  18. Sorry to see you were having issues there. I have now completed this for you, and you should be good to go.
  19. You need to ensure you are sending a user agent, or it would indeed be blocked there
  20. Sorry to hear you were frustrated by your interaction with us here at IPS. Please allow me to explain the methods in which were followed here. First with the PM situation. We would always update via the topic where possible. There are times where we may well respond, and log off. Therefore colleagues would be able to continue the support where we left off for the day. Ordinarily you would be informed we cannot provide support via the PM area, and you would need to post again in the topic. My colleague appears to have assisted via the PM system there somewhat instead, from what you have said. So indeed has actually gone the extra mile to assist you. Sorry if that has caused confusion of course. With regard the issue in question, as there are so many different configurations in a self hosted environment, its not always clear what we are dealing with unless we can actually see it. The issue could well have been anything from folder permissions, file permissions, mod_security blocking, file/folder ownership on the system, Cloudflare problems, lack of the file being overwritten, an issue with the upgrader itself not picking up the correct files, caching of PHP files by the server and a myriad of other problems. Of course, you know your server environment, so know what is present. Unfortunately we don't, and therefore the 'simple check' isn't always something possible, and the correct answer really would have been to check your permissions, and if you are still having problems, to contact your hosting company for assistance. My colleague took a look for you instead, rather than you going back and forth with your hosting company, in order to see if we could get you back online quicker. On a self hosted environment, there is only so much we can do to assist, unfortunately. While we will look in at times to see if we can assist, when it's a permissions issue. That's generally something you would go through with your hosting company. We do pride ourselves on going the extra mile at times for our customers, and of felt we had done so in checking the issues with your upload and permission issues there. Once again can only really apologise if you feel we haven't done so on this occasion. In any event, I'm glad to see your site is back up and running.
  21. As mentioned by my colleague, there was an index.html file that shouldnt have been there, that was causing the issue
  22. When that is disabled, please rebuild the search index from System->Settings->Search
  23. You have an issue with a 3rd party item there. The column in question is actually not one of ours.
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