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Release Notes v5

Invision Community 5 Bug Tracker





Everything posted by Marc

  1. Did you change the conf_global.php file as stated, and does it still show this in the support area?
  2. If you go to System->Settings->Login & Registration, you can change where that button points to, by changing the 'Allow new registrations?' setting to point to an external site
  3. Alternatively, you can add an alternative contact within your client area, with a different email, and contact us using this
  4. For others, this requires the country prefix, so ensure this is added. I have however opened a bug report to see if we can validate this better
  5. Thank you. Just responded and we can take it from there
  6. The former would then be what would be needed
  7. Do the above, and once you have found the problem item, you will need to contact the author to correct this, or remove the item
  8. This is still awaiting a developer taking a look
  9. You would need to change this within the stream settings for whatever stream you are looking at. If you take a look at the following guide, you will see how do amend these to your liking
  10. As mentioned above, I need both the item of content and the person who is getting those
  11. As mentioned, please upload all of them. If you are missing one, the chances are you will be missing others
  12. Please feel free to post up within the feedback area what you would like to see in that area
  13. Do you have anything showing up within the support area of your ACP as needing addressing? I would advise on checking this first of all.
  14. You would want to use profile completion, and set a profile completion section up as required instead. So instead of forcing it on registration, you would instead be forcing it on login if its not populated. They cant do anything else at all without filling in that field
  15. There isnt really enough information for me to advise on this. I would need to know who they are being sent to, and an example of what has been notified for example.
  16. Are you using any external caching on your server at all?
  17. There isnt anything to do this specifically, but you could do some creative use of commerce as mentioned. There isnt really any way around it without some form of manual intervention though. In all honesty, I would enforce the management of this on the owners of the organisation to remove people from there, in the same manner as they would remove them from anything else within their organisation
  18. Please could you clarify what you mean here? I ask as search itself would not look at items since last visit, but would actually look for things on your site as a whole. Are you referring to a stream perhaps?
  19. You can actually log in as any member, so technically you could. You would just need to log in as them, and then change their followed items accordingly on the front end, as you would if you were logged in yourself
  20. A live topic, is just the live topic itself. The video is from a feed of your choosing, and the 'live topic' elements surround it. That may be a YouTube link, or indeed something like Zoom. In fact we use Zoom ourselves when we do out own live topics. In terms of cloud, we can transfer your site in its entirety, and we can indeed transfer over your brand removal if you have purchased that. The self-hosted license itself you wouldn't actually need on cloud, so it would just been your branding removal. If moving to cloud is something you are interested in getting started with, let us know and I can create you a ticket to get you on your way with that.
  21. There isnt a way in which to change this action. Search will always be by what the system deems to be the most relevant to the search criteria entered
  22. The account on file does not have full unrestricted admin access. Please ensure this is set up. We cannot assist without this
  23. This is a suggestion for change you are making. "If" this is added in a future release, you would see this within the release notes. There is no guarantee suggestions will be added of course.
  24. It is however an addition regardless of how its seen. It currently doesnt exist, and could do with adding 🙂 I completely understand why you want it, Im just adding it in the correct place for it to be seen 🙂
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